September Cycling Challenge



  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm in, just got a bike yesterday and not ridden for a long time, so think I'll set my goal at 150 miles for this month. My legs need time to recover!
    But have already started,

    1st sept - 7miles
    2nd Sept - 6 miles
  • sharonf1983
    sharonf1983 Posts: 41 Member
    count me in. I've just got a bike for the first time in years
  • im in.. ill see what i can get too..
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    OK I'm in this month. I have been reading for the last few months, but i haven't joined in. First step is to start a goal. 300 miles is about right for me, so that will be the goal.
  • I'm in! I also run, but I will be biking to school at least 2 days a week. 136 miles this month from biking to and from school for the month, plus 64 miles of "free" rides. Goal for the month=200 miles.

    Sunday, September 2 nd, 17 miles
  • Goal 600miles

    September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes
    September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes

    Total For Month : 100.5 miles

    Calories (not that it matters I do not eat them) are based on the rough formula of 30 calories per mile ridden. It may be more or less on any particulary day so I let it just average out in the end
  • This is my first post, but I had to reply to this one!!!!!
    Yesterday, 9/1/12, I also did my first ever 25 mile ride. My husband is an avid rider (he logged 604 miles last month), and always bugs me to push myself.
    Since March I have lost 40 lbs through a combination of cardio at the gym, and counting calories, but for some reason couldn't do more than 5-10 miles on the bike. He finally talked me into a trail ride (as opposed to hilly road rides we had been doing) and I am hooked!!!

    I am going to take this challenge for September, and push for 200 miles. I know that isn't a lot for many here, but that for me will be unbelievable!

    Tonight we are going to try an easy mountain bike trail at the local State park. This will be a totally new experience, so I am hoping for a few miles in, but not expecting much.

    How do people here compare road riding, and mountain bike trail riding?

    For September......
    9/1 - 25.7 miles.
  • 9/1/12. 25.7
    9/2/12 3.7 miles on mountain bike
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
    I'm in.....My goal is 100 miles this month..If I do more than that,Ill be happy

    Today September 2
    14..3 miles
  • 23 on 9/2

  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Another 10 miles this morning, not bad for a noobie!

  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    How do people here compare road riding, and mountain bike trail riding?

    Coder - I know I find mountain biking harder and slower but I count all of the miles the same.

    Pamela - looks 10 is a new high? Awesome!
  • Did 16.78 this morning and it was delightful. Who knows, I may go out for more later.
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    Sept 3rd: 21.81 miles

  • 9/3. 26 mile recovery ride in HR Zone 2

  • 10yearplan
    10yearplan Posts: 4 Member
    Please allow me to share my story... hopefully it will give you all motivation NOT to quit riding!

    In July of 2011 our family walked into a local bike shop with the intention of getting 4 new bikes (we did this because our daughters had outgrown their bikes and decided to make it a family affair since for over 18 years, my husband and I "talked" about getting bikes). That day changed my life! I weighed about 250 lbs that day, sadly that was not my top weight. We started out riding as a family and quickly our teenage daughters lost interest. My husband and I continued to ride nearly every weekend weather permitting. I managed to lose about 18 lbs between then and December, just by riding on weekends. In December I joined a gym and picked up the pace. I continued to ride on the weekends when I could due to weather. When spring rolled around, we were back out on the trails nearly every weekend. By then I was down another 20 lbs or so. Then I had an ah-ha moment! I realized I needed to challenge myself... so with complete fear and a little bit of crazy, I challenged myself BIG TIME!!! I registered for a Century Ride! Using an on-line training guide, I have been building up to the 100 mile ride with yesterday's ride being 51.25 miles. We started out just over a year ago barely being able to finish a 6 mile ride and yesterday I rode 51.25 miles! The Century Ride is October 6th... so I have a long way to go, but every day I make a conscious decision to work towards my goal. And to sweeten the pot, I've also challenged myself to lose 13 more lbs by then... because then I will have lost 100 lbs. How amazing will it be to exchange 100 lbs or 100 miles??

    Please don't give up on the riding, just do what you can do 4 miles or 100, it sure beats sitting on the couch!
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Somewhat n00b question here. I ride on and off-road in a local park and hardly ever the same route so I've not been tracking distance.
    How do people track mileage? MapMyRun/Ride on smartphones? Are there other, better gizmos?
  • 10yearplan
    10yearplan Posts: 4 Member
    I track my miles with a very inexpensive bike computer. They range greatly in price and you can get them wireless or wired. If all you are looking to do is track miles and give you an idea of time and mph, you can get one for around $30 or so.

    Then you can plug that info into something like MapMyRide for more details.

    There are also heart rate monitors that will track your distance, calories burned and all kinds of other info, but they are much more expensive.