Has it clicked in your head yet?

I am sure I'm not alone in this, dieting, losing weight, gaining, losing, and usually feeling like it will never come off for good. Trying this way of eating or that way, wondering if the diet was unsuccessful or my lack of effort was the problem. In the past all I cared about was losing the weight. No matter what it was I've tried it, and most likely damaging my body in so many ways. I hit my highest weight of 305, went on nutrisystem, lost 60 lbs, went off and fell off, went back up to 275, lost 35 from diet and exercise and then stress and life got the best of me and at the end of last year fell off again and went back up to 270. After feeling like a complete failure yet again, i reconnected with a friend from high school who happens to b a trainer now and he changed my life in more ways then he probably knows. For the first time I had help and learned how to ask for it. I held myself accountable to him and did as he told me to, but still struggled to believe that my accomplishments were enough. Who were they not enough for? ME. I have been dieting all my life and everytime i had success, somewhere in the back of my head was that thought that it will be short lived and i would never get to my goal. I would never have the life i want because i am not strong enough to conquer this. I went in everytime w the thought of failure and never realized what a huge problem this was. And then my trainer sat me down and told me the simplest concept but probably the hardest thing to do - learn to love yourself and realize you are worthy of a happy healthy life. And then it CLICKED. I am the one getting in my way. My fear of the unknown and being successful is getting in my way. It wasnt my lack of knowledge of dieting because at the point i was 40lbs down and feeling better then i ever have. I found a way of eating that i can do for a lifetime and so much knowledge on whats best for me. All along its never been the diet, or the exercise, it has always been my mind. I AM the one who sabotages myself, I AM the one who thinks i am not good enough. I AM the one constantly getting in my way.

As i keep going on this journey the mind has made progress. I know now i am worth this. I am worth being happy and being successful in the things that i want. I am the one that has the strength to know that even if something isnt good for me and i can still lose weight, i now choose not to eat it because i know it will keep where i have always been in the past. I now have a different relationship with food. It is something i look to for fuel and nutrition and not something as a pleasure. I have learned to cook healthy and nutritious and learned that healthy food is awesome and not a nightmare. Do i still struggle at times? Of course, i am but only a human. But they are becoming way fewer and far between and all those bad foods that were treats and comforts are now becoming a reminder of the unhappy girl i used to be. I dont need them in my life and they are not doing anything good for me. All these things take time to realize and the longer i am on this journey the more knowledge i will gain. All of this because it finally CLICKED. I have the strength and knowledge to do this the right way and to go the distance and get it done this time. I am finally starting to love myslf for who i am and all the amazingthings i have accomplished so far.

So i ask you all if your still with me, when did it click for you or if it hasnt, what do you see as your hurdle to climb to get there? Does your mind play a huge factor in your journey? I would love to hear others experiences when they finally stopped dieting and finally learned that this is for life, that this is the path that will finally bring you to happiness.

I love to hear from you all :)


  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    so how do you post on a message board as the starting person? I want to help people get motivated too but don't know enough about the site
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    WOW have you been looking in my mirror? This is exactly how I feel...the yoyo of life...and I have to learn to love myself and have joy in my small accomplishments.
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    It sounds like you are further down this road than me. I sometimes feel there is this self-destructive part of me that does not want to succeed. I just don't yet feel I have entirely managed to get it out of my system.

    Thank you for your post.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Weight loss is 90% mental and 50% hard work and dedication.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    WOW have you been looking in my mirror? This is exactly how I feel...the yoyo of life...and I have to learn to love myself and have joy in my small accomplishments.

    Go to Community,
    Click on the Main Forum Topic you want to start a new thread in
    Then click on the green button on the top right,...I believe it says something like new topic
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    so how do you post on a message board as the starting person? I want to help people get motivated too but don't know enough about the site

    Go to the community tab at the top of the page, pick a thread and click on new topic and start typing.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    so how do you post on a message board as the starting person? I want to help people get motivated too but don't know enough about the site

    When you go into a topic like motivation and support, there should b a green button at the top right that says post topic or something like that and just write away :)
  • GAsoulstar
    GAsoulstar Posts: 84 Member
    I commend you for being honest with yourself and understanding that it is lifetime journey that you are on. We are going to have good and bad days, but in life we have to learn to pick ourselves up and more forward. I always tell myself that this is a daily process....being mentally focus helps us become physical focus. Move forward and work harder each day is the only thing we can do.
  • Mistila
    You have made a huge step, I am told and told and told to accept yourself but I can't get it it doesn't click!!!???
  • Irish_eyes75
    I also did Nutrisystem a few years ago and lost 50lbs using their guidelines but cooking my own food (i couldn't last more than a month microwaving all my meals - I love to cook too much)

    I went from 244 to 195 then I moved back to my hometown expecting to be much happier "home" but it was a major crash and burn for several reasons and over the last couple of years I shot up to 260.
    I don't know why exactly it "clicked" for me but a little over a month ago it felt like the fog had lifted so to speak and I had just had it with myself. I decided now was the time to knock it off and stop waiting around for life to become what I want it to be and to go out and make it what I want it to be.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    It sounds like you are further down this road than me. I sometimes feel there is this self-destructive part of me that does not want to succeed. I just don't yet feel I have entirely managed to get it out of my system.

    Thank you for your post.

    Ah the self sabotage! I still struggle with it but i think the first step is acknowledging you are doing it. So often we fail and blame it on the diet or not the right workouts, it is always something other then ourselves. This one is probably the toughest to break, and my only advice is just keep pushing forward. If you fall off get back on and keep going. The only way to beat it is to prove yourself wrong. Everyone is goingto falter at times and have bad days, weeks, months, but you only fail if you atop trying. There is no time frame for this, there is no competition. This is your journey and you jeed to get every bit of the experience to not only lose weight but change your life. If the mind doesnt change, the body never will. Thats why i feel so many people gain back because the mind is still working. There is a reason people that are successful and keep the weight off for good. It isnt because they have more willpower. It is because they finally realized no one can do this but me. No one can give me a happy life but me.

    Keep on your journey and fight the difficult times, you will get there eventually, and i wish you the best of luck on all your goals and commend you for the success so far. Just starting the journey is a huge accomplishment in and of itself :)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    That's great that you found someone to give you that edge and help you along!

    I have been a yo-yo dieter since I was a young adult. I have tried many diets in the past...WW, Jenny Craig, prescription diet pills, starvation, etc. I have been thin, I have been fat. I have been less fat...I have been more fat. I was SO used to being that way that I was beginning to think it was a useless cause to try and get myself thin once and for all. I can say, for sure, that coming HERE was a huge factor in my current success. Having a support system.....the people AND the tools.....is something I never really had before, as well as a program that didn't set me up for failure.

    Its not like I had an AHA moment. I just realize now that I CAN do this. I think the fact that I have seen steady progress over the summer and I spent so much of that time concentrating on my weight that my attitude has become more of a natural habit now than something I really have to work at. I get up every morning and I KNOW what I have to do...I don't have to do much thinking about it. And since this is not a point A to point B journey, but a forever thing, getting into a behavioral habit was a necessity.

    I still have a long way to go but I am not too far from halfway to my goal. And I love the person on the outside I am becoming.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    You have made a huge step, I am told and told and told to accept yourself but I can't get it it doesn't click!!!???

    i feel you so much because i know how hard it is, and like i said im not perfect, i still slip up, but i am now able to stop myself before things get to far and i put back on a bunch of weight. This is the first time in my life i havent slid back and i have been struggling the past few weeks and have just maintained. Do i hare the fact that i feel i have wasted weeks with no progress? For sure, but i no longer beat myself up for it. I try and work with the mental things and push past them and get my focus back. If i dont i will forever be stuck this unhappy girl, and that is definitely where i dont want to be.

    Dont give up, keep coming here for support and staying engage, having all these wonderful people on here will help you to realize you do have the support to get this done and they will be here whether you have success or you falter. Even if u may struggle, as long as you keep getting back up and trying is amazing. And you are worth it :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I also did Nutrisystem a few years ago and lost 50lbs using their guidelines but cooking my own food (i couldn't last more than a month microwaving all my meals - I love to cook too much)

    I went from 244 to 195 then I moved back to my hometown expecting to be much happier "home" but it was a major crash and burn for several reasons and over the last couple of years I shot up to 260.
    I don't know why exactly it "clicked" for me but a little over a month ago it felt like the fog had lifted so to speak and I had just had it with myself. I decided now was the time to knock it off and stop waiting around for life to become what I want it to be and to go out and make it what I want it to be.

    That is so awesome and i bet you feel great too! Keep staying strong and i wish you much happiness and success on your journey! Thank you so much for sharing :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think sometimes I fear what it'll be like when/if I get to my goal, and I can't actually picture being thin in my head. Although I was thin once, and even then I thought I was fat, so I guess I will always see a fat girl in the mirror.

    I have also been up and down in weight. I was really overweight as a teenager (sadly genetics, becuase I didn't overeat, and I did exercise) but lost weight when I went to university, and then when i started working after. By age 24 I was 5 clothes sizes (we do sizes in 2s in the UK, so like 8, 10, 12 etc) smaller than when I started university at age 18.

    Then I met my now husband at 25, and moved in with him at 26 then did my teacher training which was pretty stressful. The weight started to creep back on, and when I got engaged on my 30th birthday I was bigger again (although not as big as when I was 18). So I lost 45lbs for my wedding, and looked good (I was a US size 8/10), but then I was pregnant a month later (planned) and despite going to the gym until 34 weeks pregnant I still put on weight. So after i had my son I started exercising again, and I lost it all. When he was 1 I got pregnant again, and all the weight came back on and more!

    Now my daughter is 15 months and I am smaller than when I got married, so probably a US size 8/10 again, but in different proportions. My hips are a lot smaller now, but my boobs are still bigger. My aim is to be a US size 6/8 (which I used to be), but I want to be toned and fit.

    Although I can squeeze myself into those size 8 trousers, I want them to be loose!

    I think the weight loss/exercise things has definitely clicked though as I make good choices without even thinking about it, and I miss exercise if I don't do it. It helps having young children because you have to be active, and I am also very conscious of what they eat, because we all eat the same meals.
  • caitdev
    Thanks for the hopeful messages. I'm not there yet, but as I read the messages on this site, I am beginning to believe that I can get there.:smile:
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Love this! I am not nearly that far yet mentally :/ Hope to be there soon though!
  • Mandeez77
    Mandeez77 Posts: 4 Member
    My clicking moment was just a month ago. I was talking with a friend about how just a few years back I had lost 60 lbs. Adding it up, it was TEN years ago. I felt so stupid that I had been doing nothing but talking about getting into shape. It was embarrassing. I've lost 8 lbs this month doing Insanity: Asylum. I've completely changed the way I eat and feel amazing. Enough talk!! :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I think sometimes I fear what it'll be like when/if I get to my goal, and I can't actually picture being thin in my head. Although I was thin once, and even then I thought I was fat, so I guess I will always see a fat girl in the mirror.

    I have also been up and down in weight. I was really overweight as a teenager (sadly genetics, becuase I didn't overeat, and I did exercise) but lost weight when I went to university, and then when i started working after. By age 24 I was 5 clothes sizes (we do sizes in 2s in the UK, so like 8, 10, 12 etc) smaller than when I started university at age 18.

    Then I met my now husband at 25, and moved in with him at 26 then did my teacher training which was pretty stressful. The weight started to creep back on, and when I got engaged on my 30th birthday I was bigger again (although not as big as when I was 18). So I lost 45lbs for my wedding, and looked good (I was a US size 8/10), but then I was pregnant a month later (planned) and despite going to the gym until 34 weeks pregnant I still put on weight. So after i had my son I started exercising again, and I lost it all. When he was 1 I got pregnant again, and all the weight came back on and more!

    Now my daughter is 15 months and I am smaller than when I got married, so probably a US size 8/10 again, but in different proportions. My hips are a lot smaller now, but my boobs are still bigger. My aim is to be a US size 6/8 (which I used to be), but I want to be toned and fit.

    Although I can squeeze myself into those size 8 trousers, I want them to be loose!

    I think the weight loss/exercise things has definitely clicked though as I make good choices without even thinking about it, and I miss exercise if I don't do it. It helps having young children because you have to be active, and I am also very conscious of what they eat, because we all eat the same meals.

    dawnie i have those same fears too! Is my life really going to be what i expected when i finally reach my goal? In alot of ways i am sure it wont be lol but it probably will be in alot of ways i probably never thought of. And i know the only way for me to have my happy ending is to finally realize how great i really am and if i set my mind to something i can accomplish it! I may not do it the first time or the second but if i dont give up then i will get there!

    Thank you so much for your post and sharing w me :)

    I hope your having a great weekend!
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    My clicking moment was just a month ago. I was talking with a friend about how just a few years back I had lost 60 lbs. Adding it up, it was TEN years ago. I felt so stupid that I had been doing nothing but talking about getting into shape. It was embarrassing. I've lost 8 lbs this month doing Insanity: Asylum. I've completely changed the way I eat and feel amazing. Enough talk!! :)

    That is amazing, you should be so proud! And good luck with the insanity i heard its a tough one but awesome!! Keep staying strong :)