


  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    Like others said, your caloric intake is pretty low. Given that you're probably very sedentary given your condition, I would stick with 20% below your BMR (you can figure it out at

    I also suggest better portioned meals. Make breakfast and lunch a bit bigger, and add three snacks through your day so that you're always revving your metabolism and not starving.

    If you can eat yogurt, or in cereal milk, or don't mind the gel-like texture... add chia seeds to liquids. They really decrease your appetite.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    drink loads of water that usually helps me and try to find some low cal snacks that have some chocolate in them like special k chocolate drizzle bars = 90 cals and they hit the chocolate sweet tooth!
    I agree drink water!!
  • amculver1
    amculver1 Posts: 36 Member
  • tfryrear
    tfryrear Posts: 3 Member
    Calorie Formula

    Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula:

    655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:

    •If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent

    •If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent

    •If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent

    •If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR x 50 percent

    •If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent

    Add this number to your BMR.

    The result of this formula will be the number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weight. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result.

    As you lose weight, you can re-calculate the formula to assess your new BMR.

    Subtracting 700 cals from your daily intake will be a reduction of 3500 cal per week which equals a one pound weight loss.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    only thing that helps me is cardio when i want junk
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    When I was on 1,200 calorie per day regimen, and I had days like these.. I would eat a spoonful of peanut butter with chocolate chips. Roughly 170 calories, and it killed all my cravings and made me happy.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    I notice that you just joined. If you are just starting out on your journey, it is going to take a little time to adjust. The first week was really hard for me hunger-wise, but after that it was fine. Pickles helped me get through the first week! Just try to fill up on water and lower calorie things (fruits/veggies). There's a learning curve in figuring out the right things to eat to keep yourself full. Even if you go over your calories the first week, it is likely that you are still eating way less than before starting on this journey. Do what you can, but don't starve yourself. Next week will be better!
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    When I was on 1,200 calorie per day regimen, and I had days like these.. I would eat a spoonful of peanut butter with chocolate chips. Roughly 170 calories, and it killed all my cravings and made me happy.

    I admire your will power. I had to replace my peanut butter with PB2/Just Great Stuff because peanut butter is my enemy. I can't have just one spoonful. And just some chocolate chips? Really... you are amazing!! :smile:
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    When I was on 1,200 calorie per day regimen, and I had days like these.. I would eat a spoonful of peanut butter with chocolate chips. Roughly 170 calories, and it killed all my cravings and made me happy.

    I admire your will power. I had to replace my peanut butter with PB2/Just Great Stuff because peanut butter is my enemy. I can't have just one spoonful. And just some chocolate chips? Really... you are amazing!! :smile:

    Hahaha it took a lot of willpower to start calorie counting at all... I was in denial for a long time. "That 30 minutes of cardio cancels out that pizza, cannoli and beer...."

    So when I started, I went balls to the wall. I'm maintaining and strength training now, and I eat around 2,100/day.
  • suzmagana
    suzmagana Posts: 15 Member
    Almost every time I have a bad craving, when I look at my food intake for the day I ate too many simple carbs and not enough protein. Looking at your food log today, it looks like you might have done the same.

    (I am sitting a work today with a bunch of brownies in the breakroom!!! grrr...)

    Maybe a small scoop of peanut butter with a couple chocolate chips?

    edit: haha! I missed that this had already been said :)
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    I notice that you just joined. If you are just starting out on your journey, it is going to take a little time to adjust. The first week was really hard for me hunger-wise, but after that it was fine. Pickles helped me get through the first week! Just try to fill up on water and lower calorie things (fruits/veggies). There's a learning curve in figuring out the right things to eat to keep yourself full. Even if you go over your calories the first week, it is likely that you are still eating way less than before starting on this journey. Do what you can, but don't starve yourself. Next week will be better!

    Thanks. I lost a significant 5/6 yrs ago but after having 2 kids back to back with the second one being 29 weeks of full bedrest. I have been doing an average of 80 oz of water a day for over 6 weeks. Right now I am more or less eating as I normally would just to get a baseline to go off of. Normally I don't have these hunger issues but today, hoooo boy is it bad. Just ate another salad and the Lite raspberry walnut vinegrette took care of the sweet craving.
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    Like others said, drink water, COLD water. If you can sit down and play a game with your kids, watch a movie, do some work, anything to keep you occupied...I find sometimes that when I get busy the hunger goes away.

    If your still hungry, eat something healthy - if your craving sweets its probably because you need sugar so fruit is a good choice. It may make you go over your calorie goals slightly for the day but if your truly hungry its probably worth it, you can always do better tomorrow but your never going to stick to a way of eating that has you starving and miserable by the end of the day.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Your protein intake is EXTREMELY LOW. Upping your protein will help you feel full for longer.

    Also, up your calorie goal so you have room for a serving of ice cream or whatever. Broccoli is a healthy snack and all but are you seriously going to be able to keep this up snacking on broccoli? Make some room for a little treat once a day if you need/want it. If you drive yourself nuts by completely denying yourself things you are setting yourself up for failure.

    I'm not telling you to eat a pint of Breyer's but seriously you can have a half cup of ice cream a day and still lose weight.
  • oliveguy
    oliveguy Posts: 1 Member
    Hang in there!! Drown yourself with 8 more cups of water. What program ya doin?
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I am having the same kind of night. I want to eat the entire house.. everything sweet. I have been good the past few days but today has been difficult. Pound that water, girl.. diet soda helps sometimes as well.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Hang in there!! Drown yourself with 8 more cups of water. What program ya doin?

    I am not doing any program. I was successful with WW once, and kept it off, but just can't get motivated to figure out all the points anymore. I stick with the foods I knew well from back then but I am finding it was a very high sodium diet. I am going to just try and watch calories, sodium, fiber etc. Gave in and had another salad of romaine and broccoli. The lite raspberry walnut vinegrette took care of sugar craving.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Your protein intake is EXTREMELY LOW. Upping your protein will help you feel full for longer.

    Also, up your calorie goal so you have room for a serving of ice cream or whatever. Broccoli is a healthy snack and all but are you seriously going to be able to keep this up snacking on broccoli? Make some room for a little treat once a day if you need/want it. If you drive yourself nuts by completely denying yourself things you are setting yourself up for failure.

    I'm not telling you to eat a pint of Breyer's but seriously you can have a half cup of ice cream a day and still lose weight.

    You are right. I lost weight using jr. mints and choc covered raisins as my sugar treats. I just made sure I premeasured serving sizes. That was on WW though. Right now I am stuck with what is already in the house which is part of why I am eating "normal" for a week to get a baseline. Then when I get a new food budget I can shop for the things I want to change.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    A person never lost weight eating things cooked in a factory. If you can't cook for yourself, then you're probably going to stay where you're at. It takes 15 minutes to fry an egg, peal a banana, wash baby carrots, pour a glass of milk or "milk", and eat a handful of raw almonds.

    Your sugar should come from fruit (good sugar) not candy (bad sugar).