Is it possible to lose 6lbs in a week?



  • Hey you can lose 21 grams just from dying, I wouldn't recommend it though, highly overrated.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I do it..but after my periods. Doesn't mean I lost fat. Just water. A few days before my period starts I might go up 4-6 end of week... lbs gone.

    I know when I bloat during that oh so special week it won't last..doesn't mean I like walking around with a bloated belly. I try to counter act it by drinking double the h20 I usually do. Seems to do the trick. I don't do anything crazy. Eat the same. Exercise the same...even though I might be a bit crabbier in the gym..I just drink more water.
  • Yes. If she weighs herself when she's full of crap and then when she's not, it's possible to be down six pounds.

  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Well, if she's really losing 6lb per week, you'd soon see the difference in the way she looks. She wouldn't need to announce it.

    More likely, her weight vacillates up and down throughout the week, depending on what she's eaten, where in her menstrual cycle she is, and what time of day it is, etc. I can lose 6lb in a week - and gain it again - depending on when I weigh myself. It doesn't mean anything in itself - that's why I only record my weight every few weeks. It's only significant when it's a consistent difference over time.
  • She offends me regularly, but I honestly don't think she means it. She's a good person though, so I just don't know.

    Explain to me why you would want a friend like this? I'd rather me completely alone
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    She is taking fertility pills to have a baby. Her husband is in a wheelchair and is paralyzed from the chest or waist down so they are doing artificial insemination and she said last week she said her specialist wants her to take them day 3-7 of her menstral cycle. She posted that over a week ago, so that proves she was on her period last week, so you guys are right. Then she tells me a few weeks ago she lost 3lbs, the next week she lost 5lbs and now she's up to 6lbs....Pfft.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    She offends me regularly, but I honestly don't think she means it. She's a good person though, so I just don't know.

    Explain to me why you would want a friend like this? I'd rather me completely alone
    Like I will talk about how my daughter sometimes throws fits in the store (she's only 2) and we do discipline her or we leave. She goes, my kids will never throw temper tantrums...just telling me what her kids,,,,she don't even have any yet ARE and ARE NOT going to do. No junk food in the house even though her husband eats A LOT. They will learn by example....They will not be allowed to watch tv for very long (pft)...Just stuff like she can see in the future already lol She is in a dream world.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    I have a friend like that too... it's probably from all the bullsh*t they're expelling....

    Wahahahaha! I also know someone like that & I'm waiting for the day when the weight all comes back & then some, because they lost it the wrong way! :bigsmile:
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    if she offends you so regularly then why do you have her as a friend?? A real friend wouldnt be like that to you, maybe you should part ways
    Is it possible to lose 6lbs in a week when you don't even exercise and actually eat? I have a friend who brags about losing weight without trying. She doesn't eat that healthy because I see her posting about eating pies and taking candy into the movie theaters. She knows I am dieting and working out so I think she brags on purpose. Some stuff I think she's full of crap about. Her husband eats A LOT, they go out to eat all the time and he joins eating competitions when he can. She claims there is NO sugar in the house :/ She offends me regularly, but I honestly don't think she means it. She's a good person though, so I just don't know.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I have a friend like that too... it's probably from all the bullsh*t they're expelling....

    Wahahahaha! I also know someone like that & I'm waiting for the day when the weight all comes back & then some, because they lost it the wrong way! :bigsmile:
    Was it drugs? Surgery? Anorexia?
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I lost 20 lbs in one day...but I had a baby so not your typical weight loss routine.
  • TeeNico1191
    TeeNico1191 Posts: 15 Member
  • TeeNico1191
    TeeNico1191 Posts: 15 Member
    Doesn't it feel good to CELEBRATE!!!? Celebration keeps me moving forward and grows determination in me!
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Just for fun start tracking her weight. Keep a chart out of her weight and how much she claims to lose. That way you celebrate her victories also.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Just for fun start tracking her weight. Keep a chart out of her weight and how much she claims to lose. That way you celebrate her victories also.

    Maybe an even better idea is to forget about her and focus on yourself. Not sure why this woman's comments are so important to you. Why do you allow it to bother you so much?

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    She offends me regularly, but I honestly don't think she means it. She's a good person though, so I just don't know.

    Explain to me why you would want a friend like this? I'd rather me completely alone
    Like I will talk about how my daughter sometimes throws fits in the store (she's only 2) and we do discipline her or we leave. She goes, my kids will never throw temper tantrums...just telling me what her kids,,,,she don't even have any yet ARE and ARE NOT going to do. No junk food in the house even though her husband eats A LOT. They will learn by example....They will not be allowed to watch tv for very long (pft)...Just stuff like she can see in the future already lol She is in a dream world.

    Just sit back with some popcorn and wait for the reality check and wake up call.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    Just for fun start tracking her weight. Keep a chart out of her weight and how much she claims to lose. That way you celebrate her victories also.
    I would do something like that. Heehee. I should document it and in time when she says she has lost like 30-40lbs I want to say," OMG! CONGRATS! Show me the new photos!"..I am immature like that sometimes . I haven't seen her since last Sept at my son's baby shower.
  • ................and you are friends with her because??????????
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I lost 20 lbs in one day...but I had a baby so not your typical weight loss routine.
    lol I did too. Well he alone was 11lbs and 3 oz and I had Polyhydramnios with 2x as much amniotic fluid as a regular pregnant woman so I was stretched to the MAX. He was suctioned in my body so bad that it took 2 OB surgeons to get him out. My doctor told me her back hurt the next day (c-section obviously).
  • Star719
    Star719 Posts: 6 Member
    Well I did once in 2 days, but I was very sick.