30DS Starting 9/3/12 Who is in???

I am stating 30DS tomorrow!!! Last time I did the Shred with Jillian Michael's (in June) I did it for 21 days and then went camping and never finished.. In the 21 days I noticed a HUGE difference in my body, lost about 10 pounds, and a lot of inches.... You can get the video for about $10 or FREE on youtube... If anyone wants to join in with me for support that would be Great!!! Thanks so much, and I look forward to getting shred:)


  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    Count me in!! Adding you as a friend :)
  • sherri33s
    sherri33s Posts: 104 Member
    i am in with you
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    Make sure to measure yourself as you may notice more inches lost rather than pounds lost:) Also, there are 3 levels... I am doing each level for 10 days, if you dont feel like you are ready to move on after the level is over, you can do on longer, but you don't want to under estimate you body!!! Push yourself for great results!!!
  • pumpthejam2015
    pumpthejam2015 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in. I'm on day 5 already, but I'll stick it up an extra bit! Can't hurt right!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I was starting anyway!!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm down!! I'm already about 3 days in...but I can do 3 days longer. I just need to be pushed to do it EVERY DAY!! I do it about every other day. I'm so down though. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • jazzedorange
    jazzedorange Posts: 184 Member
    I re-started yesterday!!!! I have to take a break tonight on day 2 cause of a migraine but feel free to add me :)
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    I just finished level one yesterday and did day 1 of level 2. I really like level 2 better but I hated jumping jacks, haha...Good Luck! I really does work! I can tell a difference already and am enjoying such a big change in abilities after just 10 days!
  • I want in! I was considering it anyway.
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm in. I started it months ago and never finished. Hopefully this time I will!
  • Meneorama
    Meneorama Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I have just ordered and ir will arrive on a week. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • I'm so in. I've never heard of this, so thanks for the heads-up. I've been looking for something to do apart from running anyway, and I hopefully this will help me elude the plateau I'm currently on. I'm excited now :)
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    I started it yesterday. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend. I have a feeling i will need the motivation/kick in the *kitten*.
  • TeeNico1191
    TeeNico1191 Posts: 15 Member
    I actually started doing in today! I did it this afternoon and chose to do it again this evening due to calorie overage!! I train with my son at the gym 3x a wk but decided to do JM 30DS on my off days!! so count me in!
  • justinajulie
    justinajulie Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry, I am new to all this; what is 30DS? It sounds like a great way to loose these last really difficult 10 pounds!
  • Gatominx
    Gatominx Posts: 61 Member
    Just started again on Sept 1st after a couple months (summer!!) of lots of bad foods, wine, and not much exercise! Lookin forward to feeling healthy and energized again!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Tomorrow will be my day 3, but I plan to go the full 30 days =)
  • peasgarden
    peasgarden Posts: 148 Member
  • Heather23NZ
    Heather23NZ Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in!
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    Count me in! I also did this in June but have gotten off track with other important events and vacation. I wanted to start Ripped in 30 and now I don't know where I put that DVD.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, just please leave me a note as to how we "met." :drinker: