Husband wants me to wear sexier clothes but I just can't



  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    If you wont do it, someone else will.... #foodforthought

  • bellavita0125
    bellavita0125 Posts: 116 Member
    I second that, "if you won't do it, someone else will."

    a big t-shirt doesn't hide anything. if anything, they make people look bigger than they are and very shapeless. Wear something that flatters your figure and I'm sure you will feel 10x better. I don't think your husband is telling you to go out half naked. It seems like he just wants you to dress in clothes that accentuate your figure. There are clothes for every body type, same with lingerie

    *edited for spelling error
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    He should never make you feel like you have to do something you're not comfortable doing.

    The key to almost every relationship issue is communication.

    Let him know exactly how you feel. Let him know that you're working hard at being healthier, and that when you're comfortable you'll think about dressing up for him, on occasion.

    If you do this and he still pressures you, you may have a problem. If he wants to change how you dress/look overall, you may have a problem.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    First he should support you and understand and if he don't then it's on him. So not to man bash, I think you've got bigger problems. Why would he want you to get lingerie if he doesn't like big women? You should ask him that. And I agree with the other poster if you don't he may look for someone who will.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    For me, it's all about self-esteem, and it's a vicious circle. If I take the time to do my hair, nails, makeup, and wear clothes I feel good in, I tend to make better choices about eating and working out...when I'm feeling shlumpy and wearing sweats and my hair is a mess, I don't feel as good about myself or as energized.

    Maybe you could start slow? A new haircut, or splurge and get your nails done? (Or pamper yourself and do them at home.) Maybe a new outfit that you feel good in, or maybe just some pretty underwear, not necessarily sexy. Maybe some new workout clothes or a new exercise DVD or sneakers.

    Spoil yourself a're worth it!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    he WANTS to see you in it, which tells me it cant be all that bad...unless youre actually a cat (i tried to see other pics, but ur aact is private, lol) theres alot of teddies that look great of bigger girls and give some good coverage over the belly, but still make ur T &A look extra fantastic! he already must know ur uncomfortable with it, so hes not expecting you do do a strip tease or anything like that! just put it on and be bashful about it! thats sexy too! i found that the more i forced myself to do things like this, and wear sexier clothes, the more inclined i was to make change. its like fake it till u make it! and i works. think HOT!
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Why? In privacy of your bedroom, not around house. He obviously cares about you and he doesn't care about your weight. I would understand wearing bathing suit or something in public. Hubby is different!! Leave small light on and put on nighty!! Surprise him he'll love it! I'm overweight, self conscious, but strut in front of him. Don't really know why? He loves it! Go for it!
  • 1oreocookie
    1oreocookie Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my gosh sounds like I could have written this. I wish you the best. You can do it. I get up every day an struggle with being a big girl. But, we are taking the steps to be healthy.. Skinny comes last. Sexy is only a feeling. And any size can be sexy..
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    For me, I feel sexiest when I'm confident. It sounds like what you are saying is that you don't feel very confident right now. Explain that to your hubby and maybe offer some suggestions for how you make you feel more confident, ergo more sexy (ideas could be complimenting you, avoiding criticizing your looks, doing something special or freaky that you've enjoyed together in the past, or even asking him to explain his needs in a way that don't blame you).
  • aperezz9
    If you husband can't accept and love you the way you are then he doesn't deseve you at all. Wear what you're comfortable wearing and don't change yourself for the amusment of someone else.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    If you wont do it, someone else will.... #foodforthought

    I'm actually kind of disgusted by this response. No woman should be pressured into doing things she's uncomfortable with for fear that her partner won't be faithful. That's just wrong on so many levels.

    OP, if he's truly disappointed in you for not losing weight, then I agree with irish_eyes... too damn bad for him. Your partner should love you for you and love you at ANY size. Our bodies change as we age. No matter what we do, we're never going to maintain our bodies for the rest of our lives. He needs to learn to love you body at every size, and so do you!

    Now, if you are interested in getting more in touch with your sensual side, I highly recommend taking some sort of fitness class, like pole fitness, belly dancing, chair dancing, stripper aerobics etc. Sensual fitness classes are really popular right now, so I bet you can find a class near you. I've always been uncomfortable with my body in a sexual way too, but taking some pole classes really helped make me more comfortable with it, and embrace it as a beautiful and sexy body. But I do NOT advocate doing this solely so you can dress up for your husband. Do it because you want to learn to love your body and get into touch with your sensual side.
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    He should never make you feel like you have to do something you're not comfortable doing.

    The key to almost every relationship issue is communication.

    Let him know exactly how you feel. Let him know that you're working hard at being healthier, and that when you're comfortable you'll think about dressing up for him, on occasion.

    If you do this and he still pressures you, you may have a problem. If he wants to change how you dress/look overall, you may have a problem.

    It has nothing to do with being comfortable with yourself. If your husband or whatever he is loves u he will never make you feel uncomfortable. He would never sit there and tell you all the things hes telling you and you being a woman shouldn't put up with it.
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    Just keep working out, watch what you eat, and find a better place with yourself. Once everything comes together, then go buy some sexy clothes. You have to feel sexy in order for him to find you sexy. You can do it. =)
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    my boyfriend looks at me me the same way in sexy clothing as he does when im in sweats, no make up, and pimples. <3 this has continued even after 4 years together and two in the same house. he is the reason i have come to accept and love my body just how it is. i was a weak individual before. conforming to peer presure and the idea of the ideal body instilled on us throught the media. bassically i had bulimia and obsesivly exercised myself into a hospital for half a year. now im proud enough of it to strut around matter what i say, you will not understand how much this means to me. to be able to accept me and love me. i never thought i would be here in my life, and im happy to have someone who supports me and loves me for my inside not my outside. do you know what it feels like to look like crap, then see someone gazing at you with 'sexy eyes' anyways? like you're the only person in the world that matters. and that's how it should be. im not a 50 house wife. im not waiting at the door in a pretty skirt with a cocktail. im getting help making dinner and doing chores, i'm 100% respectful and open to his feelings as he is to mine, and if anyone commanded me to do anything- id be outa there in a second because i respect myself.

    if your hubs cant respect you for who you are and is trying to change you, you may want to decided whats more important to YOU. once again, this journey is about you.

    Having respect for yourself is a whole package of mind/body or mental/physical or thoughts/actions or words/deeds and hard to measure or separate.

    If you believe in concepts such as honor, integrity, and justice then carry those concepts into your everyday life you will have respect for yourself as well as others.

    "Without self-respect there can be no genuine success. Success won at the cost of self-respect is not success ? for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own self-respect." - B. C. Forbes
  • SweetJoanne
    SweetJoanne Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I am trying to hard to loose weight and like you have an injury so it is harder, I am trying very much. I have always liked to dress nice for my man and have no matter what size I have been worn sexy lingerie. It is for me. I like to feel good in it, and I take pride in trying to look nice no matter what the size. Try it I think you will feel better if you do it for him and yourself. He obviously thinks you are sexy show him you feel it too
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    try a sexy silk short nightshirt in a pretty print or red. It could be a compromise that works for you both
  • niftyfifty47
    niftyfifty47 Posts: 87 Member
    Is your husband perfect? How dare any man treat any woman with such disrespect. If you love someone it's not about how they look. As for the comments about him finding it somewhere else if you don't bow to his demands.....well I despair to think that there are women in the 21st century thinking like Victorians. You do what you can to please YOU and remember beauty comes from withing. Sounds to me like your husband is totally undermining your self esteem. Tell him to wear the sexy underwear himself!!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Do whatever makes you comfortable.
    If he doesn't like it, too damn bad and that's the way I look at it.
    If he's going to be this upset over something as simple as not wanting to wear some sexy lingerie because you just don't feel sexy, there could be a problem. Tell him to take a hike.
    However, do keep in mind, that in order for him to do things for you, you have to do things for him.
    How about trying to meet in the middle?
    He wants sexy lingerie, fine. Tell him you want to lose ten pounds or so, and then you'll do it, but until then you'll find something else he'll enjoy equally so.

    SOOOOOOO TRUE!! I didn't feel sexy so didn't wear sexy things day or night. I covered up in tunic style tops, over sized shirts and tshirts to bed etc. Sure I'll would wear something sexy but only with the lights off. As I lost the weight I felt more comfortable and wore nicer more revealing things. I"m still not to my goal weight but I'm in a size 10 now and loving how I look and so is my husband. Now I want to wear sexy things and even undress in front of him, walk around naked and don't make him close his eyes anymore when I'm getting changed. Oh yeah I used to tell him to close his eyes or put the pillow over his face so he couldn't see me naked. I didn't even want to see myself let alone have him see me! Now I strut around like no ones business.

    Tell your DH what goes around comes around. If he wants to see you in sexy clothes then he can help you feel better about how you look and feel and then you'll gladly strut around for him in something sexy. In the mean time shop in a big girl store like lane bryant and get some nice nighties there. They are sexy without being too revealing. Sometimes its all about getting a good fit that makes the difference.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Get yourself that sexy lingerie!!!!...if it makes you uncomfortable dressing up for your own husband roleplay and pretend you're someone else, someone who isn't uncomfortable. It's kind of unfair to your husband if you don't at least make an effort with your appearance x Who knows you might find yourself loving your new sexy you...Believe me, once you own sexy underwear you won't want to ever wear the less-sexy stuff again! I literally do not own any 'functional' underwear!!!
  • amgill81
    I have sooooo been in your position. I had weight loss surgery and lost over 100lbs. I still have 40 to go, but it took a very long time to feel sexy. The man I was with commented about my weight a lot, and it did nothing but make me feel terrible and eat more. Knowing you are being judged does not make you want to dress in lingerie. My advice for you is to dress up more in your clothing, hair and makeup. this will inspire you to keep working at your goal. Add me as a friend, I think we could relate on some things.