Husband wants me to wear sexier clothes but I just can't



  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    Awww....don't sweat it babe. His girlfriend will. Don't put undue pressure on yourself.
  • Leahcutie
    Hi. I understand how you feel. I would suggest a compromise. There are silk pj's that button down and have long sleeves with silk shorts. That way, you aren't showing so much skin, but the fabric is super sexy. That's what I wear. Mine are from Victoria's Secret, but I know lots of places make that style. Maybe buy a fun color and unbutton the top a little. Hopefully your husband will realize you are making an effort, but he also needs to understand your feelings too. Good luck!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    So much of fighting to become the healthiest, best version of yourself comes from loving YOU. I want the best for the people I love. I now include myself in that group. I didn't before.

    This is a fake it until you make moment girlie. Get out of your comfort zone. To hell with what those negative thoughts say. To hell with being uncomfortable in front of your husband. It's time to claim a new life for yourself. Go here:,55,ft,true.htm

    Pick something out and rock it. I promise your husbands reaction to you will begin to displace the negativity. Baby steps. No more hiding, no more being invisible. You're worth more than that. Use this as the moment that you begin to reclaim your value, strength and beauty. :heart:
  • IrenieL
    IrenieL Posts: 42 Member
    If you husband can't accept and love you the way you are then he doesn't deseve you at all. Wear what you're comfortable wearing and don't change yourself for the amusment of someone else.

    I totally agree
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm sorry, I disagree with everyone here.

    If you don't do it, he'll go somewhere else? REALLY?
    Is he a total *kitten*?

    We all go through phases in life, different stages, different times....if every time we were in a slump we thought....well, if i don't get out of this and FAST, he's going to find a happier person with less drama. REALLY? Whatever happened to through thick and thin, until death do us part.

    Nobody should make ANYONE feel guilty and as if he will leave because it's something THEY didn't do.

    IF a man leaves over something like this, or finds it elsewhere....point blank, he's a total DOUCHE. When you love someone, you go through the ups and the DOWNS with don't move on to someone else who isn't going through a down at that particular moment.

    Yeah, all of THIS.

    If he's going to leave you because you won't wear sexier things for him, he's a douche and you need to divorce him. You should never feel pressured into doing something you are UNCOMFORTABLE with. Especially just to "please your man". Yuck.

    Oh sure, DIVORCE him just because he wants you to wear sexier clothes... That's rational. People wonder why there is so much divorce.... :/ *rolls eyes*
  • If you wont do it, someone else will.... #foodforthought


    Yeah, all the women agreeing with this must be really insecure and with TOTAL douche bags, and probably have a whole set of issues themselves. I see divorce in their near future. Sorry, I know how badly it sucks to be insecure, but to be with a total douche is your own doing. We no longer live in the age of living to please our men.

    I dye my hair green (Go Pack!) my boyfriend HATES when I dye my hair pretty colors. He teases me a little about it, but nothing mean. I know that he truly does hate it though. I do it to make ME happy. He can take his little opinions elsewhere because I do what I do for ME and if he can't handle that, then he can go somewhere else. If he wanted a woman with silky, long brown hair like I used to have, he could go find her. Know why he doesn't? Because hair is superficial. Did he stop putting out the instant I came back to bed with green hair? NOPE. Not at all.

    He also had a problem with my piercings. I kept them anyway. Did he stop putting out for that? NOPE.

    Did he EVER stop loving me for any of the above? NOPE. Surely not. He realizes that I am my own woman and I'll make the decisions on my appearance. I'm confident that he's not going to go out and find someone else who has all the assets he desires. I am the center of his adoration, green hair and all.

    Really, saying a man will leave a woman for not wearing sexy clothes is as superficial as any of the things I've placed above on this list.

    OP, if you aren't comfortable, don't wear them. If you feel secure in your relationship, then he should understand and not push you into doing something you don't want to do. I stopped wearing sexy clothes when I gained all my weight. They simply didn't fit anymore. Three entire drawers of them, actually. Did my man stop loving me? NOPE. If he's a real MAN and he LOVES you, then he's not going to find someone else. If he does, then you totally deserve better than that.

    I truly feel sorry for all these women who hold the quoted section to be a truth. And the men that agree with that, well, you're douche bags as well and will hopefully find a good woman and let her go over something stupid and then regret it the rest of your life.

    I think long term relationships are somehow out of these "If you don't do it someone else will" crowd's comprehension. At least a GOOD one.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    and what's with the "if you don';t do it he'll go elsewhere" Wow that is so offensive, its like blackmail
    I'd suggest counseling for both of you. You shouldn't hate your body so much. He shouldn't constantly remind you of your weight.
  • vernessie
    First off congratulation to you for the amount of weight loss you have achieved. You first have to think about you and how you feel. Talk it over with your husband and get him to compromise by being supportive with you in this step you are taking and take "baby steps" to find that "sexy" side of yourself. You do not have to go full blown ourtrageous with sexy attire just take on a feminine look with maybe a new hair style, feminine tops, and like other mentinoned post sexy but not skimpy lingerie. Search online and you will be surprised that their are truly beatuiful heavy woman . Just rememeber we are all created different and we all are not blessed with a super model figure - LOVE THE BODY you have and take care of it and most of all BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF.:smile:
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    If you can find old episodes of How To Look Good Naked online or on cable, I recommend you watch as many as you can. There were BBC and American versions of the show. The BBC series is the better of the two, IMO, but they both can be really eye-opening and self-esteem-building for women of all shapes and sizes.
  • stanleyc0110
    I am sorry, but you are making this all about your husband. It is not him. It is all about you. I do my body building, weigh control, and exercise for ME! Not for anyone else. You need to decide why you are doing MFP and weight for someone else?? Or, is it for YOU?? You need to make this all about you.....not anyone else.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Honestly, there's just so much self-loathing in your post that I can't tell whether you are accurately reporting about your husband, or projecting your own self-hatred onto him. Right now, it seems you are stuck in a cycle of not feeling sexy -> not doing anything sexy -> feeling even less sexy -> doing even fewer sexy things. So, I'm going to second the advice of the person who said to do something to pamper yourself physically, as well as the advice of the person who suggested counseling.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Why not indulge him, this time. Go ahead and get some lingerie. There can be some nice things for larger women. Even if you feel a bit uncomfortable, plan a night where you wear it. Make it about him. Most husbands will find their wife sexy and hot even if the body isn't yet ideal. It can actually make you feel more attractive to see his reactions to you.

    And then why not use this as an incentive for those days when you just don't want to stick to the plan. Kind of like "is this donut worth postponing how much he'll love seeing the new me."
  • genefabes
    focus and focus hard on being the best version of yourself, FOR yourself, and the rest falls into place. sexin' it up won't kill ya though! :)
  • ericapaulfrey
    ericapaulfrey Posts: 4 Member
    Honestly, maybe you should be the one to go somewhere else. Sometimes the best thing to make you feel sexy and to motivate you to want to do more for yourself is to get out there and find someone who appreciates you. Not only will this boost your self esteem, motivate you to want to do more for yourself, but it will also make your husband realize that he has someone special that deserves to be treated well and made to feel beautiful. Trust me, there are guys out there that find every kind of woman beautiful. And I'm not necessarily saying go have an affair. But there are plenty of chat rooms online where you can flirt and it's fun and can really be a real confidence booster. Plus if your husband wants to spice things up a bit, chat rooms are great places to practice dirty talk, talk about sexual fantasies and realize that every woman is some man's ideal woman. But if this were me, the last thing I would want to do is reward him with sexy lingerie for being a jerk and telling you he's not into your body.
  • camsamdad
    camsamdad Posts: 53 Member
    Do whatever makes you comfortable.
    If he doesn't like it, too damn bad and that's the way I look at it.
    If he's going to be this upset over something as simple as not wanting to wear some sexy lingerie because you just don't feel sexy, there could be a problem. Tell him to take a hike.
    However, do keep in mind, that in order for him to do things for you, you have to do things for him.
    How about trying to meet in the middle?
    He wants sexy lingerie, fine. Tell him you want to lose ten pounds or so, and then you'll do it, but until then you'll find something else he'll enjoy equally so.
    well said when I first read this I thought the same thing. if he wants you to wear something sexy tell him youwant him to wear something sexy too.. Now with that being said I do get tired of my wife wearing sleep pants with just any t-shirt. I would be willing to wear something special for her if she asked.
  • DaintyAngelDreams
    You are talking about two extremes.... wear skimpy barely there clothes or wear big baggy tshirts? Thier is a middle point... wear fitted clothers that compliment your shape! You don't have to be showing loads of flesh to be 'dressed up'

    Also maybe your husband feels a little insecure... maybe he thinks the reason you don't do yourself up is because you aren't interested in him that much anymore? Just talk to him about it all, ask him that he be a little more empathetic. You could go shopping with him and get him to point out what he thinks would look good on you?
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Listen, at least he's asking you to wear the sexy clothes and not somebody else. That alone has to count for something. He's not asking you to parade around outside in something see-through but rather in the comfort of your own bedroom, alone with your loving husband. I understand you're way out of your comfort zone but maybe try seeing it from his perspective??? Hope that helps.

    ETA: Sexy is a feeling not looking a certain way, if that makes sense. I was never really overweight just frumpy and never felt sexy. It took me a long time to be comfortable with my body. Baby steps...
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I'm sorry, I disagree with everyone here.

    If you don't do it, he'll go somewhere else? REALLY?
    Is he a total *kitten*?

    We all go through phases in life, different stages, different times....if every time we were in a slump we thought....well, if i don't get out of this and FAST, he's going to find a happier person with less drama. REALLY? Whatever happened to through thick and thin, until death do us part.

    Nobody should make ANYONE feel guilty and as if he will leave because it's something THEY didn't do.

    IF a man leaves over something like this, or finds it elsewhere....point blank, he's a total DOUCHE. When you love someone, you go through the ups and the DOWNS with don't move on to someone else who isn't going through a down at that particular moment.

    ^ this.

    In a relationship, there is a certain compromise, but it has limits. First off; you need to be happy with YOU - forget about what he wants for a while. You need to be happy and comfortable with yourself in order to be happy and comfortable with him.

    Perhaps you can talk with him about how you feel. If he makes insensitive comments about your weight, tell him that it hurts you and is making you feel less sexy and badly about yourself. Then maybe you both can come to an understanding.

    If not, then it's still you that has to be happy with you, not him.

    Also about the ""if you don';t do it he'll go elsewhere" comment:

    Only insecure, desperate *kitten* do that, dear.
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    often sexiness comes from confidence and nothing else! ive seen larger ladies looking way more sexy than smaller ones just because they have the confidence to flaunt! i think he might me trying to tell you in his own funny way that he does think your sexy hes trying to push you to flaunt yourself for him! ok maybe he isnt into bigger ladies but he IS into you otherwise he wouldnt be with you! take confidence from knowing this! the more confident you are the better you will feel and in the long run it will help overall to keep you motivated! why not buy a set of sexy knickers in your size and one in each size right down to your goal! imagine yourself in them and it can be a goal for both of you to congratulate yourself ;)
    maybe try a corset if your really not confident! a suspender belt and some stockings! that way you can cover up sexily ;)
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    He doesn't like the way you look and calls you a hippie? If you guys were only dating, I'd tell you to dump him!! Obviously marriage is a bit more complicated than that, but maybe you should think about your future and if you can really be happy with this guy.

    But anyway, ignoring all that, why don't you just buy something sexy and take pictures of yourself in it, and send him the pictures? It takes a lot less courage to do so. Tell him you're not ready yet to show him in person, he WILL appreciate the effort. The fact that he WANTS you to try on some sexy stuff means he IS attracted to you, even at your current size.