Amazing Amazons - Round 1



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Awesome JStar~

    I am on # 5!
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I love that there's a tall girls' club now!! I've never taken part in the challenges on these boards before, and I don't really have a set weight loss goal (other than to Just Keep Going!), but I'm here and I want to cheer you all on and be held accountable for my workouts and healthful choices.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    According to MFP when I finish my diary I can lose 14lbs in 5 weeks at the rate I'm going, but I think 10lbs is more realistic. Anything more will be a bonus. :)
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Rhiannon, I was sooo excited to see you started a thread... But I'm a shorty :sad: :sad: Such discrimination! LOL
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Rhiannon, I was sooo excited to see you started a thread... But I'm a shorty :sad: :sad: Such discrimination! LOL

    lol Robin... Well, sorry!! hahaha

    Congrats to everyone who got their water in! I'm just about there.
  • FormerJerseygirl
    FormerJerseygirl Posts: 42 Member
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    I would love to join in! Weekends have been a HUGE challenge for me, eating wise!

    Rica03-10 lbs
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hey everyone, so just remember when you add yourself to the roll call, please copy and paste the entire list of names and add yours so that we can keep a running tally of who's here. And remember, this is a group for us tall ladies (I think someone said over 5'8" or 5'9" or something??)

    Yes, weekends are rough for everyone. It's holiday mentality!! I'm fighting my way back from falling off the wagon in a LARGE way for the past year and weekends are my current project!
  • FormerJerseygirl
    FormerJerseygirl Posts: 42 Member
    PedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
  • mrsbojangles
    PedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
    mbrownks77 - 20 lbs
    Rica03-10 lbs
    MrsBojangles - 10 lbs.

    I'm gonna die with the Monday weigh-in! I usually weigh in on Fridays. Maybe I'll just "save" the Friday result and post it Monday! :tongue: I think I cleaned up the straggling posts.
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Lol, I am not quite tall enough to be in the thread! So you can take me off the roll call! Thanks though!
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Does it HAVE to be water, water for it to count? lol..

    PedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
    mbrownks77 - 20 lbs
    Rica03-10 lbs
    MrsBojangles - 10 lbs.
    mlove1307 - 7 lbs!!

    Yayyyy TALL GIRLS ROCK! :] I think I'm the tallest here and I am SO excited! I wish there were a way to bookmark this thread..
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well I weighed in and 1lb off, so I'm happy after the food I ate at the weekend!!!

    I have started a 2 day cleanse today and reallllllly need all the good luck I can get!!!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Morning ladies! :noway: It literally took everything I had not to get on the scale this morning (I'm a daily weigher - I know, thats bad lol) but I didn't, so yay! :laugh:
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Good Morning Amazing ladies!!! How is everyone doing today? :flowerforyou:
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    PedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
    mbrownks77 - 20 lbs
    Rica03-10 lbs
    MrsBojangles - 10 lbs.
    mlove1307 - 7 lbs!!
    Derm94- 12 lbs.

    I am so glad you started this thread. I am one of the shorties here at a bit over 5'8" but I still always hear, you are so tall, big boned, etc. I actually have kind of a small frame with big hips and big boobs. (I have birthed 7 babies so these hips will never be a size 6 again!) I've set my goal pretty high for the 5 weeks at 12 lbs but I am moving back to the US on March 4 after living in Italy for 3 years. I left America thin and I am determined to go back thin. And thanks for the water challenge. I am so bad at drinking 8 cups a day. Yuck.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Think I am on glass 5!

    Do any of you ladies work out? I really need to get back in gear but it's always that first time I can't do?!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Glass 5, wtg Sparkle! I'm still on coffee. :laugh:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Maybe I should have said that I am in the UK so it's 4pm here!! Hehe!
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Glass 5, wtg Sparkle! I'm still on coffee. :laugh:

    Lol I'm still on coffee too! But with my workout tonight I will get more than 10 glasses in before I go to bed :drinker: