What do you count as water?



  • tealbubbles
    tealbubbles Posts: 21 Member
    I count my regular water, and my occasional crystal light (and still add the crystal light under my food - the whole 5 calories it adds haha). But other than water, crystal light, and (unfortunately lately) diet pop that is usually all I drink. When I am getting really run down, overworked, overstressed etc I will add a low cal powerade/g2 gatorade, but I had never thought to add it to my water count.

    This is another one of those "everyone has an opinion" topics that you will find no one agrees on haha! You'll get differing opinions from different doctors and nutritionists, and there's studies out there that show one thing, and then a month later show the opposite. For me, I am always trying to increase my fluid intake any way I can, and if I can't stomach the water that day, I will try whatever is more palatable that will get me drinking
  • smtorti
    smtorti Posts: 10 Member
    I only drink plain water or that with Crystal Light - either way I count it as water but I do include the Crystal Light under snacks.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Plain water. I probably could count the tea I drink most nights since it makes me use the restroom just as much, but I'd rather just stick to counting the pure, nothing added to it, water and let my body figure out the hydration difference for itself.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I count water as water (crystal light flavor ok), and that's it.
  • hey mike,I wouldn't consider milk,coffee,or tea as water,although coffee and tea has water in them.But i do suggest water based fruit like watermelon to help you with your daily water intake.You are on top of it when it comes to your Crystal light and water.I do suggest you do keep a large 64 oz. or larger mug of ice water by you,while sitting at home.Then you will drink even when you are not thinking about it.Good luck!!!!!!!!! Stay in touch. Ravishing Ruby.:wink:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    It depends.,some days I just count water, some days I count juice or the 8ounces water I added to my protein powder. I think I am the most in consistant person logging here, some days.....
    It keeps my brain from getting bored, though.

    Oh, and I can log the same beverage as both water intake AND listed in my food log if it was other stuff in it. Why do some people here seem to think it is one or the other?
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I stopped logging water because I am plenty hydrated and drink 64-96 oz water or crystal light a day, plus 2-3 diet coke cans. Our health nurse at work always tells me how well hydrated I am. She also says anything with water, even my diet cokes count towards water intake.....
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    I count water and the water i put with my protein powder
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    Just water.. anything else is a snack or with a meal which really isn't often because other than coffee, I only drink water.

    I thought I'd NEVER make that transition, but it happened and water is all I want.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I count water and unsweetened herbal, green and white teas under "water".
    Everything else gets tracked elsewhere.
  • Jeep429
    Jeep429 Posts: 18 Member
    Just Water...bottled, tap, etc.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    OH MY GOOOOODDDD there have been so many threads on this EXACT TOPIC! please search for them before starting yet another thread on what counts as water. BTW WATER is the only thing that counts as WATER. everything else is not WATER, or it would be called water. But it's not.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Side note: I just went to Starbucks and ordered a venti iced chamomile tea (plain, for the nosy). Since they had to brew it and pour it over ice, I am guessing they had to label a second cup for record-keeping purposes. This is the label on the cup they gave me:

    So, can I still count this as water?? :laugh:
  • mschmalfuss
    mschmalfuss Posts: 28 Member
    Are you sure you aren't just bloated and uncomfortable and perhaps a little touchy due due to being a bit retentive? :tongue:

    There are tens of thousands of posts on here and nobody is groing to sort through them all.... Sory to bother you but you could have simply ignored the thread...

  • TimeFourMe
    TimeFourMe Posts: 104 Member
    just water.... (Which I get from sonic...because their ice is yummy and it makes my brain think I'm having something forbidden LOL)

    Lol. Funny!!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Wait, hold up.


    Diet soda is not "water"

    It's only 95% water, 5% flavoring.

    So, there you go. Only count 11.4oz of your can of soda as water.

    You're welcome.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Anything that contains H20 will hydrate you, with the possible exception of, like, milk of magnesia.

    That means fruit, vegetables, most any food really... Diet soda, coffee, tea, those all hydrate you.

    Overhydrating is as much of a problem as dehydtration.


    If you wont bathe in it, it doesnt count as water.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I count my flavored water that has zero fat, sugar, carbs, protien, or sodium. If what I drink has any of these it only goes into my diary.
  • I only count water. :smile:
  • hhichristina
    hhichristina Posts: 23 Member
    Just water.