Looking for other 5'7" ladies....



  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Age 48
    SW 161 (SW mfp 149)
    CW 134
    GW continue to fit in size 4 jeans!

    Don't care about the scale much anymore!
  • SW: 211
    CW: 175
    GW: 155 (I have a large frame with muscles) :o
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I'd like to play. Does 5'6"ish count? :)

    32 years old
    GW:140 ish
  • Babicam
    Babicam Posts: 21 Member
    I have never posted and just started MFP last week. I am 5'7'' and NEED motivation!

    I was extremely active and exercised a lot for most of my adult life (I was a runner and ran 6 miles a day), but 3 years ago I had a baby. Being a mom has been overwhelming for me and I have gained a lot of weight. I am not a novice to dieting as I have dropped weight before, but have always gained it back.

    I started a new eating lifestyle 2 weeks ago with my mom (I started because she needed someone to diet with, I now have the motivation to keep going myself).

    Highest weight 180
    Starting weight 2 weeks ago 175
    Current weight 167
    Goal # 1 weight 150
    Goal # 2 weight 137
    Final Goal weight 130 *** I have a big frame and this may be too thin, but I am willing to see.

    ****** I have an ultimate fitness goal of running again. Time is a major factor, but want to run a half marathon in October 2013
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    what is everyone doing for a workout today?
  • Yay! 5'7!

    GW: 135 or 125...?

    I'm kinda confused if I want to go that low though because I have a pretty big frame and I'm just not sure if I can weigh that little without starving myself. :/ So I guess we'll see what I look like 13 pounds later?

    ANYWAY. My workout for today is going to be one from this site:

    It is such a great resource full of tons of different exercises and all for free! I've really enjoyed the structure it has offered me!
  • Oh boy me too! 5' 7"

    SW: 207
    CW: 150
    GW: 135

    I have a med frame, body likes its muscle but I REALLY want to get that flat stomach I've drooled over since I was 12!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member

    HW 181
    MPF SW 154
    CW 140
    GW 125-130

    Small frame, pear shaped :o)

    Working on breaking a plateau (started Feb/Mar) with running, people say they're noticing a difference (scale is kind of lying, I lost almost 1" off my thigh since I started to run)

    Feel free to friend me if you like
  • I'm also, 5'7".
    HW: 170
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm in!

    SW 158
    CW 146
    GW 135-140
  • Me too!

    HW: 217
    CW: 195
    GW: 140-160, not too sure. I was 160ish before gaining all this weight and felt like it was almost just the right weight for me, so we'll see.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    28 years old, 5'7" Hourglass
    Borderline large/medium frame 6.5" wrist

    SW: 192
    SW for MFP: 181
    CW: 172
    GW: 135 (subject to change)
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    HW: 240
    SW w/ MFP: 211
    CW: 179.5
    GW: 170
    ultimate goal: I just want to fit in my old clothes, that may be around 165 or so. I'm going to reevaluate as I go.
  • jjj1988
    jjj1988 Posts: 97 Member
    5'7 3'4 (usually just say 5'8), age 24
    SW: 163
    CW: 152
    GW: 120 /15% BF
  • Jeepers133
    Jeepers133 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'7" and 24 years old.
    SW: 244
    CW: 156
    GW: 130

    I'm struggling with the last 26 pounds. I lost my motivation over the summer and I am trying to get back in the swing of working out. I am going to start lifting and running. I also really want to complete the 30 Day Shred, I got to day 20 over the summer and I really liked the results!
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I'm 34 and 5'8" but can I join? Not sure what to pick as "starting weight", I'll go for after my son was born
    SW: 210
    CW: 152
    GW: 137
    For me the last 15 lbs is a struggle, have been stuck here for 3 years
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    I"m 5'7"
    HW: 150 (2007)
    CW: 140ish
    GW: 128
  • 43 Years Old
    5' 6.5" (I count as 5'7" for life insurance.) :)

    CW 147
    GW: 134? Not sure

    I've been stuck at 147 for a few weeks. I work out a LOT. Hoping for a break in the plateau.
  • Hi,

    Age: 47
    CW: 136
    GW: 126

    In need of motivation to get to the gym (body going to jelly!!!). I start at 5:00am to ride my horse, have a full on day at work, not fininshing until around 6:00pm, have to push myself to go to the gym to try and tone up and then still have to look after my horse on the way home before I can even think about mine and the cats dinner (8:00pm) to then get to bed at 9:00pm so that I can get up at 5:00am and do it all again. It would be much easier to tuck the horse up at 6:00pm and go home for a gin and tonic.........and there is my mental battle!!! All help appreciated. Ali x
  • Hi,

    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 47
    CW: 136
    GW: 126

    In need of motivation to get to the gym (body going to jelly!!!). I start at 5:00am to ride my horse, have a full on day at work, not fininshing until around 6:00pm, have to push myself to go to the gym to try and tone up and then still have to look after my horse on the way home before I can even think about mine and the cats dinner (8:00pm) to then get to bed at 9:00pm so that I can get up at 5:00am and do it all again. It would be much easier to tuck the horse up at 6:00pm and go home for a gin and tonic.........and there is my mental battle!!! All help appreciated. Ali x