What protein powder do you use?

Hello, I want to know what protein powder you use to decide what protein powder to choose. There are so many on the market that I really get confused. One minute I decide on getting one, the next I decide on getting another. I need your reviews about the protein powder you use.


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Are you UK or USA?
  • janelmariedunn
    Or Australia? Or elsewhere?
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    None. Why?
  • jojoballs
    Whey protein is the best one out there
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Well depending on where you live I don't know which brands would be available.

    Look a bit like prague in your avi?
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Nope I just wanted to know the brand. For example I am currently having ON gold standard casein chocolate supreme before bed but I didnt like it much. It helps me sleep better but it doesnt taste nice. It doesnt have a nice chocolate flavor so I'm looking for something else to get. Something to take before bed and after workout. Maybe myofusion or syntrax 5.0 or Dymatize elite? I just cant decide.
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    MyProtein is the company I use for all my supplements.

    Total Milk and Whey for night-time protein.

    Impact Whey for pre/post workout protein.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Nope I just wanted to know the brand. For example I am currently having ON gold standard casein chocolate supreme before bed but I didnt like it much. It helps me sleep better but it doesnt taste nice. It doesnt have a nice chocolate flavor so I'm looking for something else to get. Something to take before bed and after workout. Maybe myofusion or syntax 5.0 or Dymatize elite? I just cant decide.

    Myofusion is being discontinued after somebody tested it and found that it only had 50% of the protein in it that they claimed it did, sooooooooo I would avoid that one.

    On is a good brand, why not just get a different flavour?
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Oh really? They still sell it in the USA, I think. I wouldnt be surprised if they sold a discontinued product in my country but it is still on the market in the USA, I think. Are you sure?
  • Hulk0511
    Hulk0511 Posts: 407 Member
    i use ctyosports muscle milk brand casein and whey it tastes great and mixes well even with water
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Oh really? They still sell it in the USA, I think. I wouldnt be surprised if they sold a discontinued product in my country but it is still on the market in the USA, I think. Are you sure?

    Well im sure supplement shops still have tons of the stuff to get rid off, they aren't going to bin it.


    Optimum nutrition came out top.
  • djcuts
    djcuts Posts: 26 Member
    I use MyProtein.com as well. Impact Whey Protein. They do other supplements and their prices are good. But bear in mind you don't need as much protein as you may think. I think it is 0.36 grams per lb of body weight, and your body cannot use any extra, so consuming copious amounts of protein will result in most of it ending up down the pan.

    I'm 175lbs at the moment so my protein intake per day is 63 grams. So one shake with 2 scoops and some water provides 39.2, over half my daily need, with milk would be even more, but I never mix with milk any more. So with the rest of my food I think I hit my protein needs without going over too much.

    If you have good control of your diet you could easily meat (pun intended) your protein needs for the day without having to supplement.
  • smartyart
    smartyart Posts: 9 Member
    Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% WHEY protien (Mocha Cappuccion is my favorite flavor)
  • texastango
    Everyone here wants to know where you live and that's for good reason - not all brands are available everywhere.

    Having said that - there are other issues - are you looking for whey protein as a meal supplement or as a muscle building item?

    For muscle building reasearch has shown that you need to take in your protein within an hour of resistance training to stimulate ATP production and MPS (muscle protein synthesis). While there is a linear relationship between the amount of protein taken in and the increase in muscle protein synthesis - this only holds up to about 20 grams of protein when the curve rapidly levels out. Bottom line - for big muscled people to lean no muscle people the difference has been estimated to be 20 grams plus/minus 5 grams. (Max 25 grams) needed.

    If you want it for a meal supplement - and your kidney function is normal - you can take in more. Normal protein for the day for people not exercising a lot or lifting weights is 1.0 grams per kilo. It goes up some depending on the type of exercise.

    Other recommendations:
    Low Calorie
    Low Sugar
    Low Saturated Fat
    Low Cholesterol
    Low Sodium
    Carbs - depends on whether you are using this as a meal replacement or muscle building. You'll likely have to add a few carbs in if resistance training to stimulate glycogen synthesis and provide the energy for muscle building.

    There are 3 main types of whey protein supplements - Whey Compounds (least filtered - most contaminated), Whey Isolates (usually free of lactose, fat, and contaminants - some good some bad), and Whey Hydrozylates (fast acting - most filtered).

    Isolates will be a bit more expensive but free of things like cholesterol.

    500 ml of fat free milk (a little over two 8 ounce glasses) provide the additional benefit of CLA which has been linked to decreases in FM (Fat Mass) in women. There is some discussion over which isomer of CLA is the best. In case your wondering a lot of the studies on muscle building were done on ingestion of 500 ml of Fat free milk and it so happens that this amount contains - on average 20 grams of protein. Sometimes experiments and studies have sound reason behind their design. Go figure.
  • jrhslh98
    jrhslh98 Posts: 1 Member
    I use an awesome tasting protein shake called LEAN. Its got a great vanilla flavor and only has 1.3g of carbs, which is all dietary fiber and 10g of pure protein per serving, and only 44 calories. Mix with your choice of milk - cow, almond, soy, etc. - or with water (not my personal fav). We also have LOTS of great mix-in ideas and recipes. Yes, I'm a distributor but I was a customer first and fell in LOVE with the protein shakes! You can find me at www.facebook.com/AmazingLifeXyng.
  • dzilobommo
    dzilobommo Posts: 73 Member
    I've just started using protein shakes, asked for advice on here as well as did a bit of online research. I went for Myprotein Impact Whey protein powders and am so far very happy with them. They're reasonably priced, easily available in the UK through online ordering and there is a large variety of flavours available.

    The samples I've tried so far (chocolate, banoffee, strawberry & cream) are delicious, especially the chocolate one! I still find it kind of hard to believe that they are actually good for me when they taste like 'sinful' milkshakes :tongue:
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    I'm a big fan of the PhD stuff in the UK. Decently priced, and it mixes fantastically even with just water.

    Makes you think you should be punishing yourself for having something that tastes so good, but it's good stuff.

    Currently on the PhD Synergy ISO-7 in Chocolate Mint. Which is like drinking after eights. If you want it to be even more amusing... Add in a shot of coffee and it's nearly a mint-mocha shake that is good for you. Tasty :D
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Another MyProtein fan here. I recommend the Mocha Impact Whey and Banana Creme True Whey powders.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Oh my God! Thank you for the info!
    I am more confused now. How to trust food/drink labels? It's really impossible.
    Oh really? They still sell it in the USA, I think. I wouldnt be surprised if they sold a discontinued product in my country but it is still on the market in the USA, I think. Are you sure?

    Well im sure supplement shops still have tons of the stuff to get rid off, they aren't going to bin it.


    Optimum nutrition came out top.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I got this stuff from fitbodies. I can't even find a website for them or any mention on the internet.

    It tastes a lot like chocolate quick. But I mixed some of the normal unflavoured whey in with it and it didn't alter the taste so I assume it must be.