coffee enema for eliminating toxins?

I knew for some time that coffee can be used to detoxify the body, but found only recently (today, actually...) that is part of a so-called Gerson therapy, that forms a bigger picture.
I was wondering if anyone knows more about the coffee enemas? Tried it... Heard about it... Swear by it.... Whatever you can tell.

So... coffee..? anyone...?


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I've heard of it. I just kinda balk at the idea of squiring coffee up my butt. Or anything.

    It's supposed to be great stuff though and can even help cure cancer. I can't see how it could be harmful and it would probably give you quite a jolt..... in more ways than one.

    If you try it. Let us know ok?
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Quack! Quack! Quack!

    If your liver and kidneys are working fine then you don't need to spend money on "detox"! If they are not ok you need to be dealing with you Doc not some so called therapy!
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    I made a similar response to this the other day but...

    Your body NEEDS the bacteria that is in your gut/bowels to work properly.

    Enemas flush that out, upsetting your bodys natural balance - which will make things WORSE.

    Better to drink plenty of water, eat healthily and let your body do its own thing. Evolution can't have got it that wrong if we're still around, and this was a long time before we thought we knew better than how our body has evolved to work.

    Just a thought :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Pardon the pun, it's an unscientific load of crap.

    I'll take my coffee at the other end of my digestive tract........
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    :noway: Me? I like my coffee in a cup LOL.

    However, I've just started to actually pay attention to my water intake on a daily basis and after 5 days of taking on board the full 8 glasses of tap water a day what a difference. My skin is clearer, I'm "moving" in the right direction on a very regular basis and I feel really upbeat. I'm convinced that this is worth the effort of having to carry my water container with me when I'm out and about.

    So for me, no flushing from the wrong end. Water is doing just fine, top end first.

  • Coffee...? Enema...? :/
    My most favourite and least favourite things in the same sentence!
    I will be interested to read others peoples experiences with it though, so will keep an eye on this thread.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Coffee...? Enema...? :/
    My most favourite and least favourite things in the same sentence!

    Why do you hate coffee?
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Why don't you just drink it? I find that drinking a cup of coffe in the morning pretty quickly flushes me out.
  • Yea, I'll stick to coffee from a cup - or from an IV tube...
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Don't get the mug stuck.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    What a waste of good coffee...waste, get it? :tongue:
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    I use my liver and kidneys to detoxify my is the elixir of the gods
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A friend of my ex's told us we should try champagne enemas. He seemed to think it was a pretty sexy thing to do. Maybe you could try that instead?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I don't know about detoxing, but I can imagine some kinkier ideas for doing it.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Don't get the mug stuck.

    First laugh of the day.

    Robin Quivers did this for a while. She lost a bunch of weight before gaining it all back again.

    And now she is having some (little reported) lower body illness that is keeping her from her work. So I think I will be skipping coffee up the pooper.
  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    This thread gives a whole new meaning to the slogan "Fill it to the rim with Brim".
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Seems legit.
  • Try eating the GOMBS diet by Dr. Furman. It will naturally keep your liver clean of toxins for life. I've been eating the GOMBS diet plus protein for about 5 months. In the 10 months time I've been on myfitnesspal, I went from 198 to 119. I eat two large GOMBS salids a day with Chicken Breasts or Fish. I add yogart dressing. I don't starve myself and I am in the maintenance stage.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Bucharest? Haven't been back there is 7-8 years...

    More or less anything promoted as "eliminating toxins" is very dubious, at best. Save your money and continue to eat right and exercise.

  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Try eating the GOMBS diet by Dr. Furman. It will naturally keep your liver clean of toxins for life. I've been eating the GOMBS diet plus protein for about 5 months. In the 10 months time I've been on myfitnesspal, I went from 198 to 119. I eat two large GOMBS salids a day with Chicken Breasts or Fish. I add yogart dressing. I don't starve myself and I am in the maintenance stage.

    What the hells a gomb?