How do you squeeze in time to exercise?

I can't figure out how to carve out enough time to really exercise. How do you all do it?

BTW, not much I can give up at the moment to accommodate for exercise. I am tapped out.


  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    If you want to do it, you'll figure out where you can make time. Wake up earlier, go to sleep later, work out during your lunch hour - everyone is busy, but you have to make the time for it.
  • petes287
    petes287 Posts: 11 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:30am
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Between 2 competitive soccer playing kids & running my own business time is a precious commodity for me too. It all comes down to priorities, if exercise is important you'll find the time (it may involve getting up earlier in the morning but.....)
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    If you really and truly have no time (can't skip a half hour of television, etc.) then just try to add more activity where you can throughout the day. Park your car farther away so you have to take more steps. Don't use elevators or escalators and take the stairs instead. Do some pushups and situps when you get out of bed before you hit the shower. Walk on your lunch break if you get one. Do squats while waiting for the microwave. You get the idea. It won't make you an endurance athlete but it will add activity.
  • PhillyTD
    PhillyTD Posts: 375 Member
    Baby steps. Start with a 10 minute walk at lunch. Or take the stairs instead of an elevator. Work your way into a defined workout. Somewhere in your day you CAN give 10-45mins to exercise....if you want to.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I squeeze one out when I get home from work
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    Over the last 2 years or so, I've gone from getting up at 7, to getting up at 5:30. I just walked during lunch. I bought a used treadmill and have it in my garage. I jump on it for 10 or 15 minutes sometimes. I keep hand weights in my desk at work and use them for squats, curls, side bends. I am ridiculously busy, but I squeeze in any few minutes I can. It feeds on itself!! I love working out. It makes me feel like a million bucks.
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    I get up a half hour earlier each work day to do JM 30 Day Shred. It's a 25 minute video and then I'm right back on schedule. On the weekends, my family makes sure to do something active like kayaking, running, hiking, or even just walking around the mall. You have to just make it part of your regular schedule. Believe me, it's worth it!
  • PrettynWitty12
    PrettynWitty12 Posts: 30 Member
    I walk to and sometimes from work. It's a total of 19 blocks one way...if I don't so anything else I do this lol. Good luck :)
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    I walk 3.9 miles during my lunch hour. That's really all I can committ to during the day. I already wake up at 5 am to get everyone out the door and go to bed at 10:00 after getting everyone to sleep.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Like Daff says.....if you want it, you'll find the time. I work full time as an Investigator, I have a social life, family , friends, kids, grandsons a "Killer" cat (thats her pic over there<~~~~~~~~~~~ and I MAKE the time after supper before my shower every single damn night whether I feel like it or not. I try to workout 6 nights a week. On the weekends I try to squeeze in two sets a day, though not always successful at both.

    You'll feel better once you get into it. The rewards are fantastic. Please try.....every day in some way.....even if its just 10 minutes
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    yep - get up earlier.

    Sadly the baby has also decided to get up earlier now, so I have to get up even earlier, and feed him first,then wake hubby up while I go for a run, come home, shower then wake the rest of the kids. Hubby loves that! LOL

    Most people do have some down time in their routine. I've just started going to the gym in the evenings - I used to have a n hour's relax/TV before bed. Now I have an hour in the gym instead:)
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    I make time, get up earlier, go to bed later. I don't find the time, I make it.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    My alarm goes off at 0345 and I'm in spinning class at 0530 mon-thursday..... I walk on my 15min breaks and my 30min lunch break... You have to make time.... oh, I also park far from the stores and walk fast whenever and whereever.... I also have a great support system on here and people do challenges all the time.

    Come on and join in... I've learned to make activity fun otherwise I want do it!!
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Plan ahead basically.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    I can't figure out how to carve out enough time to really exercise. How do you all do it?

    BTW, not much I can give up at the moment to accommodate for exercise. I am tapped out.

    Hate to say it, but you've already given up. I would tell myself the same thing. Now I've made it a habit to hit the gym on the way home from work. And if I know I cant do that, I get my *kitten* up early and go before work. It's very easy to make excuses why you dont have time to go.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I work out for 30-60 mins before bed each night while watching telly. I also squeeze in mini-workouts whenever I can, even if it is just 10 mins on the stationary bike. I also take the stairs whenever I can and try to walk as much as possible. It all adds up :)
  • mlkiel
    I agree with the other post. If you have kids and they play sports, while they are practicing, put on your tennis shoes and walk, make use of that time. I'll be honest getting up early is not easy, but when you weigh out the pros and cons, you will do it:wink:
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    It just has to become a priority.

    Schedule it in like you would anything else. Time will never magically make itself available, you need to allot time for it and commit to that "appointment".

    I'm typically working out at 9 or 10 pm because that's really the only time I have (and I refuse to get up early lol)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I used to work out right after work, and then dinner wasn't on the table til 8 at the earliest, my 5 year old wasn't in bed until 10 at the earliest, and I was exhausted. So when he started school last week, I started getting up at 4:45/5ish to work out before I had to get him up and ready for school. It's still a challenge to get up so early every day, and I'm totally in bed by 9:30 every night, but it's worth it.

    I'm still kinda tired, but I'm just getting used to it. It's so nice to be able to get off work, pick up the kiddo, go home and cook dinner, help with homework (because wtf, they have homework already on the 2nd week of kindergarten!), and have him bathed, and in bed with a story read to him before 9pm.

    30 minutes a day. Even if it's 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there---if that's truly the only way you can do it, it's better than nothing!