Is too much protein really an issue?

So I've been tracking all my food on MFP for approx 3 weeks. One thing I have noticed is that although I am often under my calories (1200), carbs & fat, I am always over - usually double what it's telling me I should be having for protein (target according to MFP is 45). I've been eating quite a bit of fish and cottage cheese (not together lol). I'm not complaining about my results - and I'm pretty sure there is probably no issue with this (would be different if I was doubling the fat obvs), just looking for confirmation.



  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    if what you're eating is a problem...I'm almost dead.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Yea, however, MFP recommends far to little protein, in my opinion.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    My protein goal is usually around 130 grams per day (1 gm per pound of body weight). It's not necessarily a bad thing to go over on certain nutrients.

    I'd be more concerned about not eating enough. 1200 is generally considered the absolute minimum anyone should be eating.
  • i JUST posted pretty much the same question on the forum... i agree with you. I'm confused and wondering the same thing!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    You will be absolutely fine. There are studies showing 2.8g per kg have no negative consequences in anyway, in any markers.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    What he said ^^
  • mermer45
    mermer45 Posts: 77 Member
    There is clear studies that show that high protein consumption results in elevated levels of IGF-1, which in turn is correlated to higher cancer risks and accelerated aging.

    Please see my earlier post where I lay out information, notes and sources.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    There is clear studies that show that high protein consumption results in elevated levels of IGF-1, which in turn is correlated to higher cancer risks and accelerated aging.

    Please see my earlier post where I lay out information, notes and sources.

    IGF-1 is only shown to increase cancer growth in people WITH cancer. IGF increases aging in many organisms - are humans reported to be one of these? I've never seen data to suggest this.

    I'm not a mouse, nor a rat and never have and never will be. Whilst data can be suggested, being the digestive and endochrine systems of rodents is somewhat different to your average human being (one being that rats are designed to eat a more seed based life and less protein) whilst we are designed to eat a more meat and fat based existance (based on our teeth which show this).

    I'm not sure what else your post shows? I think you've made several leaps with your conclusions.
  • too much protein is not an issue, but you want to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water because otherwise you could have an elevated cratinine level in your kidneys
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    There is also a major link to high protein diets having negative impact on renal functions. Specifically linked to overuse of protein supplements, not from actual food consumption. Consistently high levels of protein can cause renal failure. If I were on a computer right now, I would find the studies and link it. I was just reading up on this the other day.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    too much protein is not an issue, but you want to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water because otherwise you could have an elevated cratinine level in your kidneys

    There is also a major link to high protein diets having negative impact on renal functions. Specifically linked to overuse of protein supplements, not from actual food consumption. Consistently high levels of protein can cause renal failure. If I were on a computer right now, I would find the studies and link it. I was just reading up on this the other day.

    Source? Protein powder is the same as protein from food. What do you think is different? Its simply protein from milk or cheese.

    There is NO evidence protein powder can cause renal failure. Heck find me ONE study showing PROTEIN full stop has caused renal failure (eg function of less than 20%) in a human? I think you'll struggle.
  • mermer45
    mermer45 Posts: 77 Member
    There is clear studies that show that high protein consumption results in elevated levels of IGF-1, which in turn is correlated to higher cancer risks and accelerated aging.

    Please see my earlier post where I lay out information, notes and sources.

    IGF-1 is only shown to increase cancer growth in people WITH cancer. IGF increases aging in many organisms - are humans reported to be one of these? I've never seen data to suggest this.

    I'm not a mouse, nor a rat and never have and never will be. Whilst data can be suggested, being the digestive and endochrine systems of rodents is somewhat different to your average human being (one being that rats are designed to eat a more seed based life and less protein) whilst we are designed to eat a more meat and fat based existance (based on our teeth which show this).

    I'm not sure what else your post shows? I think you've made several leaps with your conclusions.

    Look up 'cancer cells' on wiki. You'll find that nearly all individuals are producing cancer cells all of the time. It's just that they don't always turn malignant because of the body's defence mechanism.

    So, if you agree that IGF -1 causes more cancer cells then your bodies defences are having to work harder to remove them. As one ages these defences weaken, are more likely to break down and the cancer then becomes malignant.

    No, you are not a mouse or rat, or nematode but scientists have altered the IGF-1 receptor genes of these organisms and created life extension and they know that humans carry homologs of the same genes. It's long been known that calorie restriction also increases the life span of rodents in the belief that it mimics some of the same effects of altering IGF receptors.

    Of course, this is difficult to test in humans because of our life span. However they have looked at humans on calorie restricted diets and noticed that these humans mimic all the metabolic health markers that appear in rodents that are also calorie restricted, apart for one marker - IGF levels. They found that this marker was elevated because humans on calorie restricted diets tended to have low carb...higher protein diets. When protein was reduced so did the IGF levels. We won't know if these humans will live longer for a good many you are right to say that this is not proof. In this field there are so many variables that it's hard to 'prove' anything. However, it's indicative evidence and people should be aware of the possible pros and cons and draw their own conclusions.

    On one hand I see no compelling health reason to have a high protein diet, on the other hand I see evidence, proven or otherwise, that it may cause harm. Therefore, I believe in following current RDA guidelines of 0.8 grams per kilo of body weight. I don't see a need to take any risks, particularly as I'm 51 and cancer is an age related disease. But each to their own.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I eat more protein and less carbs than MFP, and less calories overall. I think its fine. I listen to my body and I feel great, don't get sick and I'm strong in the gym and that is all that matters! :)
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I'm a 150# weight training female, and I have no qualms about getting in 200 grams of protein a day. More protein? Good!
  • The only thing you dont want too much of is Carbs no matter what wisdom and websites tell you , too much of it will keep your weight on.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Too much would probably be in the 400+ gram range. That said, your goal should not to eat under your goal but to be within +/- 50-100 cals of it. Over by 50 is better than under by 200.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    More protein = more steak. How is that possibly a bad thing???

    But to your question... you're fine. Is too much protein bad? Yes, it is. But "too much" is way higher than any normal person will be consuming. I'm at 200g daily and am not even close.

    I say this assuming no health/dietary concerns. IIRC (and someone correct me if I'm wrong), people with kidney problems need to be a bit more careful when getting into really high protein diets, but again, that's REALLY high, and kidney problems. The average person will be fine.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The only thing you dont want too much of is Carbs no matter what wisdom and websites tell you , too much of it will keep your weight on.

    I'm sorry, but that's just a stupid response*. Too much of anything will keep the weight on.

    * before you get all butthurt, I said the answer was stupid, not the person.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    It doesn't matter. I lost the vast majority of the weight I have lost not paying attention to macros at all. Weight loss is a function of calorie restriction. While macros, usually eating a good amount of protein and fat, help with body recomposition, if you are exceeding the number that this site defaults to, you have zero reason to be concerned.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You will be absolutely fine. There are studies showing 2.8g per kg have no negative consequences in anyway, in any markers.

    This statement should have the caveat "for normal healthy people". If you have any type of medical condition, especially if it affects your kidneys, you should check with your doctor before eating outside the standard recommendations.