Anyone needing to lose over 100 pounds?



  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 175 Member
    I understand what you are saying though I never thought I was pretty until I realized that being pretty comes from the inside....and radiates out. Society will always have their screwed up standards it really starts with you and your thinking's the hardest thing to overcome. So *hugs* on that one my friend.
  • :smile:
    I'm on the same journey with a lot to lose. I'd be glad to do anything I can to help motivate you. I'm very positive and am committed to this journey. However, I think the food demons come out at night and try to get me to eat ice cream, cookies and cake. That is the worst time of day for me. The after dinner but before bed time. Anyway, I'd love to work with you.
  • Hi!..Count me in..I need to lose about 100 to be at the weight I should for my height...It's hard... Been yoyo dieting for years...The most I've lost was 75 pounds...Gained about 20 of it back..Mind you I was in my 20's, but now in my 40's..Does not come off as easy anymore..:cry: ...Support is what we need!:flowerforyou: ...Please add me to your friends list!!!
  • Unfortunately I also have 100+ pounds to lose. :frown: Sometimes I wonder how I let myself get this big.

    The important part is that we are here to change it now! We can do this and the more support the better :)
  • I would love to be in this group, joined in Aug, but did not log as had some personal issues to deal with but back on board and looking forward to losing just over 100 gets really tough through the winter months to stay focused the main goal...would you friend me too...:flowerforyou:
  • Count me in, I need to loose at least 100 pounds. I agree it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I am working on little goals, because looking at the big goal of 100 pounds is too overwhelming for me right now. I am getting to the point where I will be needing to buy new undergarments, so when I reach 250 that will be the time for that, I figure I will have to at that point or risk getting arrested for indecent exposure. lol I also can't believe I have gotten this big, but I do know it didn't happen overnight and I can no longer blame it on my son and childbirth as he will be 20 this year. (That excuse will no longer work)
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    you're welcome to add me!
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    **Raises hand sheepishly** Me too. I probably should lose about 110...but I haven't set my final goal yet. Anyone can add me as a friend--Let's all be in it for the long haul and help each other out!
  • rainlover711
    rainlover711 Posts: 74 Member
    HEY NOW....everyone is beautiful on the outside as well....I took offence to that. Lots of peeps on this site have lost over 100 pounds, myself's a tough tough journey but oh so worth it.
    It's 90 percent emotional work through your *kitten*.....
    Good luck everyone.

  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    Well hello all you beautiful people!!!!

    It is nearly midnight and another day has nearly come and gone....

    How did everyone do today? Did you get your water in? Did you stay in your calorie range? Did you get in a little exercise?

    Hope so!!!

    The thought I have been thinking all day is this: When you struggle it makes you stronger...we are strong and we can do this....Together!

    There is no "I" in this "Team" and it is time to stop sitting on the sidelines letting this happen and pass us by...

    What do you want your goal to be to finish up this week?
    Maybe it is a walk in the park...
    Maybe it is a romantic healthy dinner with your honey...
    Maybe it is a brisk run...
    Maybe it is a candle lit bubble bath and some jazz music just for you...

    Whatever it is...Do it!!!
    Don't be afraid it has to be perfect..just do your best!
    Make every day count and if you mess up it is ok...don't sabatoge the rest of the day...get back up and dust off and start again!

    WE CAN DO IT!!!

    Have a great and glorious Thursday!


  • I need to lose a little under than 100 pounds - but before I started gaining weight I was exactly 100 pounds less. It is so easy to eat and lay down and do nothing about the weight. I am here to try and fix this piss poor attitude! Add me :)
  • Im in , I need to drop 150 pounds !!!
  • Sent a request to the orginal poster but anyone, feel free to add me.
  • Hi, I'm a newbie and also need to lose around 100pounds to be my ideal. Set myself a halfway target of around 50lbs so it seems less daunting!
    Wishing everyone good luck with the losses - we just have to remember to keep loving ourselves in the process :-)

  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    WOW I can't believe it has been a week since I posted this and all the AMAZING people I have met this week...people who really care about one another and not just because they have nothing better to do, but because we are all looking for the same thing...a friendship that is based on truth, honesty and caring...being there to hold one another accountable and to offer that extra little push when things get tough! keep it up people...We CAN do this!!!
  • I need to lose 104lbs to be "happy" with my body. I am 5'9 almost 5'10 275lbs right now.
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    When I started on MFP I needed to lose just over 100lbs...I'm down a bit now, but I would be more than happy to keep anyone here in check that wants to be inspired and inspire me too!! It's a long road, but we can do it!!
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    WOW I can't believe it has been a week since I posted this and all the AMAZING people I have met this week...people who really care about one another and not just because they have nothing better to do, but because we are all looking for the same thing...a friendship that is based on truth, honesty and caring...being there to hold one another accountable and to offer that extra little push when things get tough! keep it up people...We CAN do this!!!

    Amen Sistah!! :)
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    *raises hand* this is me too. I just try to take it one day at a time, do the very best I can that day at making the right choices and know by doing so they will benefit me, I will feel better and as a bonus look better too :) Best of wished to everyone here on their fitness journey. I hope you all get to where you want and need to go.
  • Count me in! I have about 125 to lose give or take a few lbs. I would love to have some friends with similar goals. :)