Weirdest person/situation?

Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
What/who is the weirdest person or situation you have ever encountered?


  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I once met a homeless man on a park bench who told me how the aliens were coming and in fact had already been here. I've met a lot of homeless folks, and he was by far the weirdest.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I've talked to a non-condescending level headed liberal and an open minded conservative at the same time before...
  • fatboymax
    8 years ago Brian Adams came into the bar i worked at and did not pay me for the drinks he ordered. Now when i hear a brian adams song i become enraged.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I've talked to a non-condescending level headed liberal and an open minded conservative at the same time before...

  • BackFlipsIntoSun
    8 years ago Brian Adams came into the bar i worked at and did not pay me for the drinks he ordered. Now when i hear a brian adams song i become enraged.
    everYTHING I DO I DO IT 4 U
  • fatboymax
    i also saw and indian man (south asian indian) and an old chinese man get into a car accident both could only speak a little french so they argued and argued until i had to break up the fight. I could not understand either of them and i could not stop laughing.
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    I've talked to a non-condescending level headed liberal and an open minded conservative at the same time before...

    i call b/s. that's never happened.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I've talked to a non-condescending level headed liberal and an open minded conservative at the same time before...

    i call b/s. that's never happened.

    yeah, I totally made that up...but I have had useful political conservations with myself before...
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    I've talked to a non-condescending level headed liberal and an open minded conservative at the same time before...

    i call b/s. that's never happened.

    yeah, I totally made that up...but I have had useful political conservations with myself before...

    i guess i'll buy that one....
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Oh so many. We have a neighbor who is a little nutty. She is always saying weird and inappropriate things to my BF and I.

    - "Looks like it's gonna rain, good thing the day is almost over" (It was NOON)
    - "Those Mexicans sure love the dead" (A family that lives by us put up a nice halloween display, they happen to be Mexican)
    - "Instead of running for exercise you should walk around with trash bags and pick up random trash around town because bending over is better for you than running" (After I had to pass her house on my home she stopped me while I ran)
    -"You're sweating..." - (Yes because I just ran 3miles)
    -"I go to Burger King to pick up trash, I go to the part that the retards won't go." (WHAT? I almost told her off right there but restrained myself because she's just hopeless and honestly, I don't think she understands anything)

    And just, she's crazy.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I work with the criminally insane ........ I had one guy who was convinced he could break out with the power of his mind....

    I had a guy I used to "play" with who ran his car off the road into a canal at 5 am on a sunday on his way to my house to suprise me. He then walked to my house from the turnpike and had my roomates let him. He sat on the floor in my living room rather than waking me up or having them wake me up. So when I finally did wake up I walk out to this guyshivering in my living room needless to say dropped him off at his house and was glad he lost ,my number when the car sank lol
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    What/who is the weirdest person or situation you have ever encountered?

    Yeah. I ride the subway in a major city every day. This could be anyone lol
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Many years ago when I was stationed in Augsburg, I was flirting with this cute Turkish girl.
    I was approached by some guy who I guess was related to her and he was pissed.
    He kept yelling at me:
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    I started laughing at him so he pushed me.
    I stopped laughing and then he said “F*%k on your car roof!!!
    I had no idea what was going on but, he finally grabbed the girl by the arm and left.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Many years ago when I was stationed in Augsburg, I was flirting with this cute Turkish girl.
    I was approached by some guy who I guess was related to her and he was pissed.
    He kept yelling at me:
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    I started laughing at him so he pushed me.
    I stopped laughing and then he said “F*%k on your car roof!!!
    I had no idea what was going on but, he finally grabbed the girl by the arm and left.
    Small world. I used to live on the base in Augsburg too. I also knew a cute Turkish girl there named Ilkai.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Many years ago when I was stationed in Augsburg, I was flirting with this cute Turkish girl.
    I was approached by some guy who I guess was related to her and he was pissed.
    He kept yelling at me:
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    F*%k you, I’m sorry!!!!
    I started laughing at him so he pushed me.
    I stopped laughing and then he said “F*%k on your car roof!!!
    I had no idea what was going on but, he finally grabbed the girl by the arm and left.
    Small world. I used to live on the base in Augsburg too. I also knew a cute Turkish girl there named Ilkai.
    When were you in Augsburg?
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    I have worked in a jail for 32 years, I have seen it all!!!! Nothing suprises me anymore!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I answer phones all day... the possibilites are ENDLESS. LMAO!~!
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I met my ex boyfriends current girlfriend through a mutual friend for the first time and she said "I know we don't really get along, but let's put it aside for tonight". I was really confused as to why we don't get along seeing as we have never met before. I dated her current boyfriend from age 15-18, that is the only connection we have.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I used to work in retail, so dealing with the public can be quite entertaining!

    Some weird questions I got were:

    -Why did you cut your hair? (What a dumb question. I just started telling people I got gum in my hair and HAD to cut it I got this question so much.)

    -Are you pregnant, because your boobs look really full!

    -Are you ever going to get a REAL job? (I wasn't aware I was working here for free???)
  • PaleoRDH
    GF I could write a book about this. I work with patients who have mental issues, I've heard it all. I'm very good at holding a conversation with these folks too, asking interesting questions to get them to elaborate on how they were a quadruplet but absorbed the other 3 en-utero.............. my co-workers love to listen to me have conversations that are way way WAY off the beaten path. It's a gift. :-) I just talk to them like they are perfectly normal and nothing they can say shocks me. Its actually kind-of fun :glasses: