Can't eat over 800 calories a day.



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    When you say that if you eat over 800 calories, you gain weight...are you talking day to day? Or have you done this over the long haul? I am having a hard time grasping what you are saying here.

    Also, do you exercise? If you are short, you really need to exercise to lose weight unless you are extremely over weight.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.
    Height has nothing to do with how much you can eat. I'm 5'2" and eat around 2,000 calories and lose weight.

    To OP: How long did you stay at 1200 cals? You will gain at first because your body is thinking "OMG, I better store all this for when she drops down to 800 again". My advice would be to try eating at 1200 for a few weeks/a month. Once your body learns you aren't depriving it, it will settle down and drop some weight.

    Height has nothing to do with it? Interdasting
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    5 feet isn't that short, you're not a little person (is that the PC term to use these days?). I'm only 5'3", so not much taller, and I eat grown up portions of food. At least 1500 calories a day, more depending on the amount of exercise I've done.

    It takes more than 800 calories a day for your body just to function. Your BMR is more than that. Give it more time, measure yourself, and after a month I can almost promise (I say almost because I'm not a doctor or registered dietician) that you'll be better off.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    Visit with a doctor or nutritionist. First make sure there are no medical reasons causing this issue.
  • yaryrosa
    yaryrosa Posts: 65 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    You know? That could be it, I'm 4'11'' and have been eating between 1200 and 1400 for the last month and havent lost a pound. I'm mostly maintaining. So I figure I either work out a lot or cut calories even further to lose weight. I agree, short people cant eat the same as normal adult-sized ones... too bad.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    Please read this

    My guess is that you have been on a low calorie diet for so long that any surplus in energy that your body is receiving it is treating as a feast and storing whatever it can.I had experience with this in the past.Growing up i ate whatever i want,i was a dancer and i typically burned whatever i ate.As i grew older ie from teens to 20s -i became relatively sedentary-still eating the same calories so i gained weight.Now instead of increasing my activity-i just reduced my intake to 800 calories a day-i lost 30 pounds in 3 months-then my body held on to every inch of fat it can.whenever I have had energy surges(ie parties/holidays) my body stored more and more fat though i was very active.It took me almost a year to slowly increase my intake from 800 to 2200.i increase 200 calories for every few weeks until the weight went up and came back down(between 160 and 164).now at 2200 i dont gain anymore,ie the weight has stabilized.making a small cut out of maintenance will have safe fat loss,this is not a quick process.

    You just have to train your body to function at a particular calorie intake.It does need patience and not freaking out looking at the gains on the scale.It only a matter of time until the body gets used to it.Good luck.
    PS:IF you wonder how i arrived at 2200 to calculate energy required you can use this site
  • thinnnnnnner
    Your metabolism may need a boost? Not sure your eating schedule but eating smaller meals every few hours, drinking green tea, having a source of protein in every meal etc. might help.
  • JHawk181
    JHawk181 Posts: 1 Member
    I do competitive bodybuilding, and although our numbers are completely different, I've experienced the same idea. Sometimes when you eat too few calories, your body goes into "starvation mode"-for lack of a better term- and basically begins to hold onto everything it gets and DRASTICALLY decreases your metabolism and influences other hormones so that it's not burning as many calories to maintain. You can correct it, but you need to do it SLOWLY otherwise you're just going to put on weight rather quickly because you've retarded your metabolism. Try SLOWLY walking your calories back up by increasing them 100 cals/day and see where that lands you. Stick with that until your weight holds steady at those calories, then do it again. Repeat this until your weight is steady AND you're eating a healthy amount. There's really no possible way your body is getting the nutrients it needs on 800 cals/day and I'm sure your energy levels must be through the floor. Expect a slight weight increase the first few days just due to water and things like that, but honestly I'd go to 900 cals/day for a couple weeks without even stepping on the scale first. You can be skinny/lightweight and still not be healthy....make sure your body is getting what it needs first.
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.
    Height has nothing to do with how much you can eat. I'm 5'2" and eat around 2,000 calories and lose weight.

    Yes, this reply was quite wrong... First of all, children need tons of calories 3000-4000 while they are growing so it's sort of wrong to say you're eating like a child by eating less than MFP guidelines. Secondly, as many people have pointed out here, continuously eating less than your body needs causes your body to adjust to eating less and storing everything it can....

    So as others have suggested, I think you should eat more, and work out! Not just cardio on the treadmill, be sure you add strength training with heavy weights. Good luck!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Please read this

    My guess is that you have been on a low calorie diet for so long that any surplus in energy that your body is receiving it is treating as a feast and storing whatever it can.I had experience with this in the past.Growing up i ate whatever i want,i was a dancer and i typically burned whatever i ate.As i grew older ie from teens to 20s -i became relatively sedentary-still eating the same calories so i gained weight.Now instead of increasing my activity-i just reduced my intake to 800 calories a day-i lost 30 pounds in 3 months-then my body held on to every inch of fat it can.whenever I have had energy surges(ie parties/holidays) my body stored more and more fat though i was very active.It took me almost a year to slowly increase my intake from 800 to 2200.i increase 200 calories for every few weeks until the weight went up and came back down(between 160 and 164).now at 2200 i dont gain anymore,ie the weight has stabilized.making a small cut out of maintenance will have safe fat loss,this is not a quick process.

    You just have to train your body to function at a particular calorie intake.It does need patience and not freaking out looking at the gains on the scale.It only a matter of time until the body gets used to it.Good luck.
    PS:IF you wonder how i arrived at 2200 to calculate energy required you can use this site

    ^^^^^ THIS!!!^^^^
  • _granola
    This thread makes me want to cry.

    Instead, I'm going to go consume at least 800 calories worth of sushi for lunch.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    What happened to support on this site? Geez people, she is asking for help and answering to rebutal all of your "ideas". OP, I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from, I have a food scale and measure and weigh everything that goes in my mouth and for the first 4 weeks I was on here I ate 1200 cals a day and gained 5 lbs. I stick to around 800 now and exercise and usually end up negative or even with my net at the end of the day. THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME! You may be in the same pool. I eat and I don't skimp when I do. I eat high fiber and low calorie raw fruits and veggies that have less calories in them than it takes for my body to process. Just because I don't eat 1200 calories doesn't mean I am not eating until I am full or that I am starving myself. I am just making smarter decisions about what I am putting in my mouth rather than eating for the calories. If this is what works for your body and you are not having blood sugar lows or not able to exercise due to no energy or you are having health issues develop, then go for it. I have been on this regiment to lose my last 31 lbs for about 4 months and am completely healthy. Feel free to add me, I will support you as much as possible and give advice.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Then most likely you have a thyroid issue, or retain water with the higher caloric intake due to higher glycogen stores.

    I would suggest trying to eat 1400 cals or so for 5-6 weeks, you may gain the first week or 2. If after the 5-6 weeks you are not getting results make adjustments from there.

    I agree with this...have you talked to your doctor? I have thyroid issues as well as insulin resistance and pcos..I do have to eat differently..but then i average about 1500 cals a day..before working out...You may want to get checked out..
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    I agree about upping your calories. But more then that I would see a nutrionist/doctor. They can give you suggestions about foods to help speed up your metabolism.

    I'm going to go back to eating my chocolate cake now :happy:
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    I'm going to say eat more as well. I know different strokes for different folks and all that, but there isn't really many reasons/conditions for someone to have such a low caloric intake.

    Give it time. Don't up your calories for a week, see a gain, freak out and quit - give it ample time. As others have said, you may have been eating too little for too long and your body is all sad and pissed about it.

    And, if you don't buy that reasoning, go see a doctor and have your thyroid and all that other mumbo jumbo tested. Most women want to blame it on that, anyhow. I'm not saying you're blaming it on that but it seems like every woman I know who doesn't see an immediate result is automatically blaming it on her thyroid.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Opening your diary would allow for much more constructive responses.

    I read your profile - it seems that your weight gain, at least in part, has a medical base. My first advice is to chat with your doctor and see if they can guide you in the appropriate direction.

    The other issue is that you may have destroyed your metabolism from dieting the wrong eating far too few cals and now your body is refusing to eat more without gaining. I have this's not fun!

    All of us are different....some of us have far lower caloric needs than's just the way our bodies have become....

    Good luck!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    That's no excuse. My girlfriend is 4'11" and NEEDS to eat WAY more than 800 kcal/day to maintain, more than double that actually. Since she is so active and has a lot of LBM, she has to fuel her body.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    my mustache needs more than 800 cals/day
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    What happened to support on this site? Geez people, she is asking for help and answering to rebutal all of your "ideas". OP, I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from, I have a food scale and measure and weigh everything that goes in my mouth and for the first 4 weeks I was on here I ate 1200 cals a day and gained 5 lbs. I stick to around 800 now and exercise and usually end up negative or even with my net at the end of the day. THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME! You may be in the same pool. I eat and I don't skimp when I do. I eat high fiber and low calorie raw fruits and veggies that have less calories in them than it takes for my body to process. Just because I don't eat 1200 calories doesn't mean I am not eating until I am full or that I am starving myself. I am just making smarter decisions about what I am putting in my mouth rather than eating for the calories. If this is what works for your body and you are not having blood sugar lows or not able to exercise due to no energy or you are having health issues develop, then go for it. I have been on this regiment to lose my last 31 lbs for about 4 months and am completely healthy. Feel free to add me, I will support you as much as possible and give advice.

    Most everyone that has responded has given advice, no more than you have. Just because its not the same advice you would give does not mean people are not being supportive. She asked a question, she is getting answers, its up to her to decide what to do with the information. Chill out.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This short thing is total BS. Please stop talking about it.

    <---- 5 feet tall and eats way more than 800 a day.