Can't eat over 800 calories a day.



  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I'd guess that you are not logging correctly.


    You'd be surprised how true this is! Its very easy to underestimate. I had a small breakdown earlier thinking i was starving myself and as it turns out i've realised I have been grossly underestimating a lot of my logging. Still brings me under calories by a good bit sometimes but nowhere near what i thought i was. I have a major issue with meeting my calorie goals, just like you.

  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    You shouldn't be weighing yourself daily- if that's how you measure your gains / losses-- that's your problem. Weigh yourself once a week and see if you gradually lose weight

    ^^this, too
    Weighing yourself every day does not cause your weight to stall. The only problem is if YOU can't handle it psychologically.
  • askinnybanana13
    --- 100% agree with this----

    Then most likely you have a thyroid issue, or retain water with the higher caloric intake due to higher glycogen stores.

    I would suggest trying to eat 1400 cals or so for 5-6 weeks, you may gain the first week or 2. If after the 5-6 weeks you are not getting results make adjustments from there.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.
    Height has nothing to do with how much you can eat. I'm 5'2" and eat around 2,000 calories and lose weight.

    To OP: How long did you stay at 1200 cals? You will gain at first because your body is thinking "OMG, I better store all this for when she drops down to 800 again". My advice would be to try eating at 1200 for a few weeks/a month. Once your body learns you aren't depriving it, it will settle down and drop some weight.
    You are able to eat 2,000 calories a day and still lose weight because you weigh over 200 lbs. When I weighed 179, I lost it quickly. I am also a shortie @ 5ft 3 and it takes a lot more work to burn the same amount of calories at 138 than it did when I was heavier. My HRM proves that alone. If I ate 2000 calories a day, even while burning 300-700 per day, I'd weigh over 200 too. Height does make a difference, as does weight.
    ALso, I tried eating more to lose weight for over a month and it didn't work for me so now I'm going to add lifting and eating more protein and 'try' to not worry about what the scale says and focus more on how my clothes fit.
  • I'm having the same exact issue and it is so frustrating. I started watching my calories and exercising three to four days a week for almost an hour on the treadmill at a steady 3.2-3.4 pace. On 8/8, I weighed 262- I'm 5'8" tall, 43 years old with a slower metabolism and I have been down to 244 this month and now I'm stuck at 245-247. I have done well for my total weight loss this month, but the scale just won't budge. It has to be scientific reasons that the body is trying to defend itself to hold the fat because I stopped 99% of the pop, candy, sugar, breads, pastas and tons of carbs I was consuming. I have a sitting job and was doing no exercise. Even if I just modified my diet like I'm doing- I should still lose and then you add the cardio and I just don't get it...I do feel better now and I know weight is just a number, but it's what spurs me on when I lose or makes me wanna say the hell with it- eat everything I want and just give up when I don't see the improvement. It does cross my mind... It feels so good having an empty stomach or "just right" amount in my stomach than it does to be miserably stuffed like I used to do. Anyway, I'm not giving up but I do feel your pain. I am just itching to get to the gym tonight. I was actually really looking forward to it all month and then I had a small health obstacle a week ago and the doc said no working out for a week. Well I'm going tonight. I'm so ready. I have kick *kitten* music on my iphone and it helps so much. The treadmill is boring, but good music makes time go by a little more smoothly. (Nicki Minaj is awesome) I need to incorporate weights in to my workout. I was just trying to do a lot of cardio to start to get the fat moving off my body. I eat usually no more than 1360 calories a day and am still stuck. I have no thyroid problems. Wish I could blame it on something. Well not really, but you know what I mean...It's all me...

    Anyway, good luck to you AND everyone reading this. Hang in there. We are all in this battle together. I am trying to lose another 45 pounds by Christmas. That is my goal. I want to be under 200 pounds and I will do it. I just have to figure out what's going on, what works and what isn't. Feel free to add me if you can give me some pointers, tips or encouragement and I will do the same.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Weighing yourself every day does not cause your weight to stall. The only problem is if YOU can't handle it psychologically.

    Convincing yourself that you can't eat more than 800 calories a day is not being able to handle it psychologically
  • npaverico
    Your body could be in starvation mode. If you are eating 1200 calories a day, it's probably not working for you. I've calculated that I burn little over 1500 calories a day and that if I am laying in bed all day. I am 5'2". Also if you are weighing yourself everyday, that isn't being fair to yourself. If you had gland problems, you'd have more problems than gaining a lbs or losing a pound every other day. It would be significant amount of weight. You'd either blow up in weight or have a metabolism on speed. My dad had Grave's disease and I've seen what happens when glands don't work properly. I've been keeping my carbs at 100g a day (I do not go over) and I just increase the protein like mad. I've been losing weight with little exercise. Yes exercise is good for you, I know. But I am up 5:30 am to 10:00 pm and my days are packed. I have more energy. I even lost a couple more pounds. I haven't logged it yet cause I pick Sundays to be my actual weigh days. But with that being said. When I am eating 100g carbs a day, I have a hard time meeting my caloric goal, I am alway under. Just food for thought.
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member

    I don't estimate, I research if it is not listed on the package. I log everything. I expect water weight, but I don't expect to gain a pound when I have ate under my goal every day. I don't cheat, no purpose in that.

    i'm no expert, but i think you may need to consider the idea that maybe 800 is too few calories. MFP does state a minimum of 1200. i hate to turn out alarmist terms like 'starvation mode', but i think 800 is very low and so it may be worth thinking about. but again, im no expert so maybe you need to ask around and maybe get some advice from someone who really knows their stuff. could save you a lot of time and effort.

    i've lost 33lbs overall, yet somehow this week i have gained 2lbs. i've stuck to my calories and to my knowledge done nothing differently. i'd have to really get something wrong to gain 2lbs, and i know i haven't done anything wrong. i expect it's water weight, and so i'll give it some time before considering any changes.

    EDIT: also, i take my measurements. if my weight stays the same but my waist/thighs etc get smaller, then clearly i'm doing something right!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Don't really know enough about you, but this may be worth a read. It may fit you, it may not.

    Here's a little bit from the article: Not only has her metabolism matched her intake, her body has maximized production of enzymes that are designed to help store any additional calories as fat. Anytime additional, immediately-unnecessary calories are consumed the enzymes are there and waiting to store the additional calories as fat. Her body is starved nutritionally and it has one thing on its mind - survival.

    what an amazing article! gives you hope that you can fix a screwed up metabolism.
  • npaverico
    She is right on the last part. It's probably not fat that you are gaining, but muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. Also as you burn fat, you do replace it with muscle.

    I don't estimate, I research if it is not listed on the package. I log everything. I expect water weight, but I don't expect to gain a pound when I have ate under my goal every day. I don't cheat, no purpose in that.

    i'm no expert, but i think you may need to consider the idea that maybe 800 is too few calories. MFP does state a minimum of 1200. i hate to turn out alarmist terms like 'starvation mode', but i think 800 is very low and so it may be worth thinking about. but again, im no expert so maybe you need to ask around and maybe get some advice from someone who really knows their stuff. could save you a lot of time and effort.

    i've lost 33lbs overall, yet somehow this week i have gained 2lbs. i've stuck to my calories and to my knowledge done nothing differently. i'd have to really get something wrong to gain 2lbs, and i know i haven't done anything wrong. i expect it's water weight, and so i'll give it some time before considering any changes.

    EDIT: also, i take my measurements. if my weight stays the same but my waist/thighs etc get smaller, then clearly i'm doing something right!
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    If you are really, truly eating 1200 calories and GAINING weight, you need to see a right NOW. That's just not normal. At all. :frown:

    Edited to add: There is also NO WAY you're gaining muscle eating that low either. Something ain't right. Either you're measuring/logging wrong, or you have some sort of problem with your metabolism/thyroid/etc.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    What happened to support on this site? Geez people, she is asking for help and answering to rebutal all of your "ideas". OP, I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from, I have a food scale and measure and weigh everything that goes in my mouth and for the first 4 weeks I was on here I ate 1200 cals a day and gained 5 lbs. I stick to around 800 now and exercise and usually end up negative or even with my net at the end of the day. THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME! You may be in the same pool. I eat and I don't skimp when I do. I eat high fiber and low calorie raw fruits and veggies that have less calories in them than it takes for my body to process. Just because I don't eat 1200 calories doesn't mean I am not eating until I am full or that I am starving myself. I am just making smarter decisions about what I am putting in my mouth rather than eating for the calories. If this is what works for your body and you are not having blood sugar lows or not able to exercise due to no energy or you are having health issues develop, then go for it. I have been on this regiment to lose my last 31 lbs for about 4 months and am completely healthy. Feel free to add me, I will support you as much as possible and give advice.

    Most everyone that has responded has given advice, no more than you have. Just because its not the same advice you would give does not mean people are not being supportive. She asked a question, she is getting answers, its up to her to decide what to do with the information. Chill out.
    ^ I agree with this reply. You have no place deciding what is or isn't support, and just because you think you have the correct advice for her doesn't mean it will be the most helpful to her. I think a lot of the other replies are valid and I think it's great that the OP has so much support, so she can think clearly and weigh her options for deciding what to do next.

    I never said I was deciding what was or wasn't support, the posts that I read up until my reply were all to the tune of "you need to go to the doctor, your aren't measuring right, you are doing something wrong, YOU YOU YOU" To me that is not why she posted or what she was searching for as a possible answer. The problem with this website is that people are so quick to judge others and what works for their body. I have been medically supervised since I started my journey and am soooo much more healthy despite what most other think I am doing wrong in my eating. Not to mention the fact that I have had a flood of friend requests and messages since replying to this post from people going through the exact same thing in different levels of thier journey. These people are scared to tell anyone or post because of the backlash they get exactly like me and the OP. What works for my/their body is what works. Not because they aren't doing what you think they should or they have damaged it beyond repair or whatever reason it is today. End of rant
  • Sarah47201
    Sarah47201 Posts: 18 Member
    800 calories a day puts your body into "starvation mode" when it does finally get food (minimum calories per day should be 1200) it is likely to hold onto them. Also you have to consider undigested food still working through your system since the average meal takes 3 days to exit.

    Start eating more and quit trying to starve your body. It will take a while to recover and get used to getting an adequate amount of calories per day.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Weighing yourself every day does not cause your weight to stall. The only problem is if YOU can't handle it psychologically.

    Convincing yourself that you can't eat more than 800 calories a day is not being able to handle it psychologically

    You both finished my sentence. Well weighing everyday and adjust diet/routine based the daily number is big no-no for weight loss. At least that was true to me.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    I was just happy to make it through this entire thread without seeing the words "starvation mode"

    Carry on...

    Spoke too soon? LOL
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Hard too tell...your diary is not open!
  • maggie2731
    Well you did said thet when you had the surgeries they messed up your glands. that is probably the case
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I was always thin until I had my third child (17 years ago). It took years to get within 10 pounds of my pre baby weight. I have managed to maintain the weight until 3 years ago when menopause hit at 50. Now I have ballooned to my all time high. I have always eaten fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy, and fish, with some red meat and lean chicken, and exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes. My blood work is normal. I went to a nutritionist, lost 5 pounds and maintained after that on her program, and she couldn't understand why. She advised just to exercise 5-7 times a week. A co-worker told me About this site so i started keeping track of my food, and doubled my exercise time from 30 to 60 minutes, but still only 3 days a week. I eat between 750- 900 calories a day, and finally am able to loose some weight. I started August 13 and have lost 12 pounds. I am NOT starving, i feel fine, but I truly believe my body just does not need that much food. I am 5' 7" and look my best between 135 a 140. That is my goal. Some of us, especially as we get older, just don't need as much food. And truthfully, if you are not eating junk, sweets, and starches, the fruits and veggies are lower in calories and you can eat plenty to fill up and not feel hungry. It is working for me. If it works for you, stop listening to everyone else. I know 1200 calories is too much food for me. I can't even eat that much in a day unless it is cookies and cake!!

  • mmimmi1
    mmimmi1 Posts: 49 Member
    The OP has not mention anything about exercising you exercise at all? If you do you need to increase you intensity or do something different. I thought 1200 was the minimum you can eat, why have you gone so low in the first place?
  • yaryrosa
    yaryrosa Posts: 65 Member

    I found this article very interesting and educational.

    Summary: Go to the doctor, get checked. I'm gonna do the same. Good luck!