Why do I feel so sick?

Hi Folks,

For the last 46 days I overhauled my life. I am eating well and getting lots of exercise compared to the 5,000 calorie a day coach hog I was before. I'm averaging 1.75 pounds lost a week.

This is a good thing.

Why then do i feel so sick. Migraine have been coming more and more. I find I have no energy by mid morning, random stomach aches and irritable to the point of not wanting to speak to anyone at least twice a week. This has been going on maybe 3 weeks now and peaking today.

I'm under roughly the same amount of stress as always. What the heck is going on with me? I'm miserable :(



  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Have you cut specific foods/food groups out of your diet?

    I know when I started I went through this same process where my body started to basically detox from the foods I had been eating. I went from fast food and pizzas all the time to healthy whole natural foods and water. After about 1-2 weeks I wanted to die and felt like total crap for about 5 days, then mildly crappy for the next week or so...
  • shortnerdy
    I've tried to keep my sodium levels down but nothing insane. Going easy on the soy sauce thats about it. Nothing different than what Ive done since I started.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    caffeine helps with the migraines. Especially if you used to drink a lot and then quit.

    It could be something unrelated. If you are really concerned you should probably go see a doctor. Are you taking any new vitamins or supplements? What exactly have you changed?
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    If you're on a low carb diet you can be really miserable in the beginning. Even if you're not it might be because you've lowered your sugar intake. Sugar is really addictive and can give you bad withdrawals.
  • shortnerdy
    @ Mark, taking my usual multi plus vitamin C. I never drank ALOT of caffeine, maybe an Iced capp from Timmies every now and then. Added decaf green tea about 2 weeks ago. Too much caffeine makes me jittery so I tend to avoid it.

    You are right I may need to go see a Doc :S
  • cdroberts07
    cdroberts07 Posts: 5 Member
    I was getting headaches when I cut soda from my diet. I was miserable. I was always tired, hungry, cranky and I was having massive headaches. Eventually it stopped. Good Luck
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Are you drinking enough? Dehydration can cause irritability and headaches
    Like the previous poster mentioned, did you drink a lot of soda, coffee, tea and then quit cold turkey?
    How many calories did you drop to AND are you eating back your exercise calories? If you dropped to like 1200 and were used to eating 5000, perhaps try to add a few hundred more for a couple days and see if that helps. Your weight loss may slow a tad bit, but I'd rather lose slower and be happy then lose faster and then quit because you are so miserable.
  • shortnerdy
    If you're on a low carb diet you can be really miserable in the beginning. Even if you're not it might be because you've lowered your sugar intake. Sugar is really addictive and can give you bad withdrawals.

    Not on low carb.

    My diary is public so any ideas would be appreciated. Im usually over protein and was never a sugar person. I always wanted buttery and salty food.

    i guess you could describe me as trying to have a balanced diet with alot less junk and more veg and healthier staple items like 100% whole grain bread instead of white.

    Bear in mind these changes happened 46 days ago so I reckon I would have felt the worst in the first 2 weeks?

    Maybe I am getting sick and it's not the healthy changes?

    if I don't feel better in another week I'll book a Doc's appt.
  • shortnerdy
    Are you drinking enough? Dehydration can cause irritability and headaches
    Like the previous poster mentioned, did you drink a lot of soda, coffee, tea and then quit cold turkey?
    How many calories did you drop to AND are you eating back your exercise calories? If you dropped to like 1200 and were used to eating 5000, perhaps try to add a few hundred more for a couple days and see if that helps. Your weight loss may slow a tad bit, but I'd rather lose slower and be happy then lose faster and then quit because you are so miserable.

    I have a bad habit of not recording my water :S I have a HUGE keg mug I drink about 2-3 of during the day so i think I am getting enough water (I'm constantly using the washroom so I dont know if drinking more is possible short of living in the loo)

    5000 was an average for me. I'm usually happy with 1200- 1400 Im eating good sizes of food just not eating crap like I used to. Maybe I will up it to 1600 for a short time and see if it helps.

    Thanks for the suggestions
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You went from 5000 calories to 1200 or less calories net a day.. this is why your tired, out of energy, cranky, stomach aches.. your body doesn't have enough energy.. if I don't eat I get stomach aches as well.. I would suggest running your numbers in one of the many calculators out there and get an idea of what you should be eating for your weight/age/height/activity level.. MFP defaults to 1200 calories when you estimate pretty high for your items.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    @ Mark, taking my usual multi plus vitamin C. I never drank ALOT of caffeine, maybe an Iced capp from Timmies every now and then. Added decaf green tea about 2 weeks ago. Too much caffeine makes me jittery so I tend to avoid it.

    You are right I may need to go see a Doc :S

    I see that you added decaf green tea. Are you feeling sick after you drink tea?
    I don't know why, but anytime I drink green tea, I feel horrible. I get a headache, tired, and want to vomit.
  • shortnerdy

    Nah I've always loved green tea just didnt drink it daily like I do now. I feel comforted and happy after I drink it
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    i was being sick after i ate ice cream milk cream but have lactose free stuff now and feel a bit better also have u been checked for ibs as i have it an the stomach ache sound very familiar x
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    OK, so after taking a closer look at your diary, and reading a few of your responses, here goes:

    Over the last 2 weeks, you have consistently been below your net calorie goal. In fact, you averaged 176.5 calories below your goal. This is on top of your calorie deficit that MFP already has built in. At the end of the day, your "Calories Remaining" should be zero or close to it.

    The last 2 weeks, your net average was 1393 calories per day. Do you know what your BMR is?

    Also, you tend to WAY overeat sodium. I saw 6 days out of 14 that were over 3000 mg and one day that is almost 6000! Considering that you say you know you don't drink enough, this is a problem. If you are going to eat that much sodium, you need to be drinking gallons!

    So, my "diagnosis" is you are dehydrated and probably need to eat a little more. It may be a possibility that your blood pressure might be up a little too. Spend the next few days really concentrating on drinking lots of water and eating more and see if you don't feel better.
  • aryastark8
    aryastark8 Posts: 57 Member
    Could be stress. If you made big changes in your lifestyle over a short period of time, especially increased your exercise by a lot, it can stress your body out. Migraines, stomach issues, being irritable, low energy all fit with stress response. Try to take things easy and make sure you get a lot of rest. Go easy with the exercise at the beginning.
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    Just a thought, but you might want to get your cortisol levels checked when you are at the Doctor. One of the major signs of adrenal problems is crazy salt cravings. If you also crave buttery stuff, you might be in need of more healthy fats, so try to snack on more nuts and seeds and cook with healthy oils such as olive oil and coconut oil. Feel better soon!
  • monicamcisaac
    monicamcisaac Posts: 35 Member
    Hey. Losing weight shouldn't make you feel sick unless you are cutting out one food group which you shouldn't do. Eat plenty, lose weight slowly, eat loads of fruit and veg (you can't eat too much) and drink lots of water. One thing you might like to try, which is what I do, is eating protein and low GI carbs at every meal, including snacks. So a snack would be 6 almonds and an orange or an egg and an apple. I've always struggled with my weight and terrible carb/sugar cravings and eating like this has been like a miracle for me. No cravings, more energy and slow but steady weight lose. I'm no nutrition expert but it's worked for me!
    I've lost 10kg over about 8 months, which is slow but I finally feel like I've got my food and weight issues under control for the first time in my life.
    Otherwise go to the doctor. Could be a hormonal thing...
  • monicamcisaac
    monicamcisaac Posts: 35 Member
    You might find this website useful too: http://www.the-gi-diet.org/lowgifoods/

    Good luck!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Not pregnant are you? :tongue:

    It could be your body getting used to the changes, or it could be that you are not eating enough. Otherwise. I don't know. I had gall bladder issues that caused pain and extreme nausea/vomiting, then I got it removed and everything was fine...