I am at my wits end.

3 months ago I was done with being over weight and out of shape. I quit my job that was harboring stress and hired a personal trainer. I work out with her for an hour a day 3 days a week. After the first month of training I decided I wanted to get into triathlons. So I started using my off days to bike or swim. I also began running and joined a half marathon training program. My husband and I started taking a pilates/yoga class a few times a week for fun. I also found hitting the heavy bag to be a good stress relief.
My diet you ask? Well. We have two children so our meals have always been pretty healthy. Baked chicken steamed vegetables etc. I have always eaten a nice rounded breakfast and a pretty decent and small lunch. Why are you fat you say? Well, I admit the dinners often included mashed potatoes and steak and seconds. Or pasta and seconds. Yep I like to be full and happy in the evening. Not to mention the large large amounts of Whiskey that I would drink every night and delicous large desserts. Last 3 months: no seconds, smaller portions, one alcoholic beverage a week, a small dessert a week.

Wow! that all sounds great! I must have lost some weight right? No. I haven't. I haven't loss a pound. I have gained several. "oh but you lost inches and body fat" Nope gained a few inches and my body fat % is about the same.

Went to doctor and he said eat less. Went back to doctor and he said eat even less. I have tried eating less. I have tried eating more. I eat a ton of vegetables. I eat everything else in moderation. Even some jerk eating mccondald every day would probably lose or at least maintain if they were working out like I am!!! Thanks doc.

I don't know what is wrong. I know that I should have some results. Any results. .4lbs a week would be welcome at this point. I joined this site yesterday morning. I am using it to record what I do so I can take it to a REAL doctor and get some help....but I stepped on the scale today. I have gained 5 lbs since last week. Not "oh 5lbs from eating meals and drinking fluids all day" no...5 lbs more than my previous "end of day weight after eating and drinking fluids all day" yea a legitimate 5 lbs. I cried for awhile. I called the doctor again. No appointments. So depressed.


  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    ....was hoping for some motivation and support. Might I add this:

    This weight gain has been in the last couple of years. Between January and June I gained about 20lbs. I have gained at least 10lbs since June.

    I have never had a weight problem in my life. Even after two kids I was down to my normal size 110-120 depending on the time of year. I am over 170 now. I can't do this. I can't deal with this. Everything I do makes me gain more weight.
  • Alemap25
    if counting calories doesn't work, you should have your thyroid checked :/
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    Yes to the thyroid check, but also try seeing a nutritionist instead of a MD... Md's take VERY few classes on nutrition.....
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    I can sense your frustration. below is a link to a group on here - worth taking a look and reading the information within.

    I'm assuming your doctor ran a battery of tests to determine the unexplained weight gain - to rule anything like thyroid problems?
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    Are you over training? Get that food log going, and don't cheat yourself. Log everything you eat. Check your carbs. I'm sure others can reply to what training for a tri will do for you. I've never done it, and from things I've read, It's not a program for loosing weight.
  • ldholcombe
    ldholcombe Posts: 97 Member
    Hello. I would like to see your diary... Maybe you do not realize what you are eating. For example maybe you have a tiny little snack here or there... Well those add up. (not saying you do this). But some people do not realize they are snacking all the time and adding on calories.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Has your doctor run any tests? If not, I would see about seeing another doctor... but, get a doctor to run some blood tests and such on you! Perhaps you have a thyroid problem and don't even know it!

    Other than that, I would just make sure to really keep track of all the food you eat (which MFP is awesome at helping with!) and also keep track of your exercise... and I would suggest eating at least half, if not most, of your exercise calories back. If you are exercising as much as you say you are, you definitely need to be eating a little more to fuel your body!

    If you are truly being honest with yourself, and still gaining weight, it is definitely time to get a second Dr.'s opinion!

    Hope you can get this figured out soon! I am sure it must be very frustrating!!!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Wow, I'm no doctor but you seem to do things right. Just out of curiousity has the Dr. ever done any thyroid tests or other testing to determine if there is something else going on? Have you gone to a proper nutritionist to ask if there are options? I have no solutions but I also have a friend going through the same frustrations on here and I feel for you both. I really wish you the best of success and if you would like to add me, I'm all about motivation and support! Good luck!

    PS Do you have a food scale?
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    keep logging and measure everything that goes in your mouth and show your doctor & ask for allergy testing and a thyroid test thats what i did low thyroid function and allergies held me up
  • tracy1031
    Try a different doctor. I'm sorry you're struggling, your situation sounds really difficult and frustrating.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Lots of good info here!

    Eat less than your TDEE and more than your BMR. Follow the link to find these numbers so your targets are appropriate.
    Be patient! And stick with it, It will work!

    Be sure you are weighing and measuring your portions so you know your intake is accurate. Watch you sodium intake as it causes water gain. Are you near TOM?

    You have changed your diet and added exercise - it can also cause initial water weight as your muscles adapt to the new routine.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    My log for the last few days hasn't been perfect, but decent. I think I have read every single word there is on nutrition. My trainer majored in health and wellness and she hasn't heard of half of the food I eat. If I were not fat I could say I am a health nut and people would believe me. I am very into organic foods. We got rid of milk months ago in exchange for almond milk. We use grains like quinoa in our cooking and I can't even tell you how much Kale, turnip greens, boc choy etc I eat (I never add anything to my vegies that is gross. haha) I am not much of a snacker so I have to make it a point to eat a small piece of cheese or some raw almonds or a carrot or celery. I only drink water these days unless I am having my green smoothie that I make every morning. Nothing added, just greens a some berries. Well this is a long post. The point is I am very very very good with nutrition.

    The doctor ran some tests after I begged him, but I was told everything is normal. I wasn't told what tests they were or what the results were. I sat there and told him how much I work out and he says "you may be a 1000 calorie girl" Seriously.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    First of all welcome to MFP!
    You may have joined just in time. You can get all kinds of info here while you log your daily intake.
    I was just wondering had you ever had your thyroids tested? Are you weighing yourself upon rising?
    Do you eat a lot of breads or breaded things? Are you preparing your meals all from scratch or use shortcuts (like a rotissire chicken from your local grocer)? How much water do you drink in a day? I'm asking because sometimes it's those hidden sodium in foods that may cause you to retain water you may not be aware of.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    The only "bread" that I eat is about once a week. I have slice of grain bread or rice bread. I often buy the frozen stuff in the organic section because it is rice, gluten free yadda yadda. I don't add salt to anything and we make our food from scratch. I have eaten out the past few days as we have been super busy with getting our house ready to sell. So def some bread and salt there, but not my usual choice in food.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    Oh and I drink a ton of water. Ice water, lemon water. I was drinking tea everydayd but I haven't bothered recently. (herbal tea home brewed, nothing added)
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member

    Lots of good info here!

    Eat less than your TDEE and more than your BMR. Follow the link to find these numbers so your targets are appropriate.
    Be patient! And stick with it, It will work!

    Be sure you are weighing and measuring your portions so you know your intake is accurate. Watch you sodium intake as it causes water gain. Are you near TOM?

    You have changed your diet and added exercise - it can also cause initial water weight as your muscles adapt to the new routine.

    No, not near it. I have been reading about this TDEE stuff. I don't have answers for that yet.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    Are you over training? Get that food log going, and don't cheat yourself. Log everything you eat. Check your carbs. I'm sure others can reply to what training for a tri will do for you. I've never done it, and from things I've read, It's not a program for loosing weight.

    Where did you read that? I did a 90 min bike ride last thursday and murdered 1400 calories. Not to mention my swimming and running. That is strange.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm new to this site however I started my dieting in late march, My doc had put me on the hcg diet and told me 500-800 cals a day alot of docs wouldnt recommend this but mine did. He told me if u only consume that amount of cals that even if u sit and do nothing u will lose and i did but I have a long , long road to get where i need to be. You can google that kind of diet plan.

    I have been tempted to do something insane like that, but it isn't for me.
    First: I don't do well without food. I get irritable FAST. I get headaches HARDCORE. I get tired INSANELY tired. I want to run jump and play too much to be starving.
    Second: The irritable, headache, tired me is a stressed me. Stressed me is not good. I am bipolar=no stress allowed. Also, stress causes weight gain and I wouldn't be able to stick to the plan so the stress would be there and...well more fat me.
    Thanks anyway.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    I did a 90 min bike ride last thursday and murdered 1400 calories. Not to mention my swimming and running.

    Please take the time to look at the roadmap link. I can't see your diary to know if you are eating enough - but with a training schedule like yours you are more than likely under feed. Too big of a calorie deficit will stop/stall weight loss and can actually cause fat retention. With a bodyfat% in the 30's you should not really have a deficit larger than TDEE-20%. You are burning huge amounts of calories with your training and they need to be added back into you daily calorie consumption.

    If you need help with the calculation PM me and I'll run them or double check them for you.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    ok... just to say it...

    I can make healthy choices and still go over my calories for the day... my bmr is about 2400 (depending on the calculator you use)... so if I count.... (and accurately measure everything) and eat more than that (without exercise) I don't loose... it is entirely possible for me to eat 5000 calories eating "healthy" if I don't measure...

    I say to figure out your bmr... and see what you should be eating calorie wise... then log... log logloglogloglog... do not let anything pass your lips without logging it...

    in talking to hundreds of people here and in real life... when people think they "should" be losing weight... they are usually underestimating their intake and over estimating their output (not saying that is necessarily your case... just saying that I have been at this for a while... and I talk to lots of people... and I am a nurse and going back to get my masters... and I try to help people figure out what they are doing wrong when I can....)

    that being said... there are also hormonal issues (thyroid) that can cause you to not have expected results...