Bored without Alcohol?



  • That's the way to go! It's so easy to train your body and brain to miss it, though you can retrain it to not too. Guess people need ot understand why they drink and if it's because it helps to forget tough issues or stress in their lives. Long term drinkers may easily become dependent, eventhough they only have 1 or 2 drinks a night or every other night consistently. But I still drink and don't enjoy it as much as when I was younger.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    AS the wife of an alcoholic, some of you guys need to evaluate why only booze fills that empty spot in you. One of the definitions of an alcoholic is not being able to stop. You keep drinking even when that is not your plan. What fun is in getting so drunk you have no idea what you are doing. The next day you say boy that was fun! but you can't really remember what was fun.
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    ooooh - I like the crystal light idea - and they make an Appletini flavor now. Just add vodka and you are on your way to unwinding.
  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    You shouldn't need alcohol to be entertained. I quit drinking 100% back in March... I still go out to *drink* but I drink lemonades at the bar or bottled water. I get strange looks on occasion though. :wink:

    Well said!!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I don't drink, so no. If you seriously need alcohol to keep yourself from getting bored, you really need to re-evaluate your life.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I still drink. Beer actually. Did this whole thing drinking beer and not drinking beer. Makes not an ounce difference in my weight loss. None. (Lucky girl???LOL) So if I want it, bet your *kitten* Im having it.
    That isnt saying anything about the boredom issue you have, I guess, just the weight loss part.:)
  • I feel like I gained this weight over the years mainly due to drinking. I've lost some weight in the last three weeks but still have kept up the habit. In order to get the results I need I realize i need to give it up and do a lifestyle change. I want to say I want to drink in moderation, but I'm not sure If that is possible for me lol.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I don't get bored without alcohol, I like wine, beer, and liquor and I still drink it on occasion. I have a grain issue so whenever I go out to eat with people or to a party I am pretty much limited to food I bring and/or I haven't stopped drinking altogether.
  • PhillyTD
    PhillyTD Posts: 375 Member
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I only drink when my friends kidnap me and force me into really fun bars and clubs filled with gorgeous women and good music.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    AS the wife of an alcoholic, some of you guys need to evaluate why only booze fills that empty spot in you. One of the definitions of an alcoholic is not being able to stop. You keep drinking even when that is not your plan. What fun is in getting so drunk you have no idea what you are doing. The next day you say boy that was fun! but you can't really remember what was fun.

    I honestly feel like this isn't even a real response. If you're truly close to an alcoholic, you know that an addiction is FAR different than someone who enjoys the TASTE of alcohol. The "WOO GETTING DRUNK" people are JOKING, and even if they ALL aren't joking, once in awhile is much less an issue than constantly.

    I highly, highly doubt you truly have had to care for an alcoholic (I have), not that it matters since it's the internet and you can say whatever the **** you want. So I'm sure you'll have a response. But it sounds like you're passing judgement on others behaviors that may be fine and healthy for them (say, you know, just drinking occasionally or socially). Are you the prude straight edge kid who stands in the corner talking **** because they're insecure? If you don't choose to drink, that's fine. But you don't need to preach to those who do. "Definition of alcoholic is someone who can't stop"... yeah, someone who cannot FUNCTION because of alcohol. DIETING and than wanting a beer or wine at night is HARDLY an alcoholic. By that note, all dieters who want a small candy bar or cookie at the end of the day are binge eaters.

    God, people like you are why we had Prohibition, or why marijuana is still illegal in so many countries. You are judging a wide variety of people off information you don't even fully understand.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    I still drink.

    Me too. I love my wine in the evening!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I try not to drink nowadays because it gives me the munchies.. Then I eat the kitchen.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    Nothing wrong with a glass or two of wine...I did have a margarita last wknd and felt soooo guilty...but it was SO YUMMY! Life is short, I say enjoy it!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    You should have a drink here and there. I refuse to give up wine and Margaritas, and I am still losing weight. You need to enjoy life.
  • kissedbytheocean
    kissedbytheocean Posts: 131 Member
    AS the wife of an alcoholic, some of you guys need to evaluate why only booze fills that empty spot in you. One of the definitions of an alcoholic is not being able to stop. You keep drinking even when that is not your plan. What fun is in getting so drunk you have no idea what you are doing. The next day you say boy that was fun! but you can't really remember what was fun.

    I honestly feel like this isn't even a real response. If you're truly close to an alcoholic, you know that an addiction is FAR different than someone who enjoys the TASTE of alcohol. The "WOO GETTING DRUNK" people are JOKING, and even if they ALL aren't joking, once in awhile is much less an issue than constantly.

    I highly, highly doubt you truly have had to care for an alcoholic (I have), not that it matters since it's the internet and you can say whatever the **** you want. So I'm sure you'll have a response. But it sounds like you're passing judgement on others behaviors that may be fine and healthy for them (say, you know, just drinking occasionally or socially). Are you the prude straight edge kid who stands in the corner talking **** because they're insecure? If you don't choose to drink, that's fine. But you don't need to preach to those who do. "Definition of alcoholic is someone who can't stop"... yeah, someone who cannot FUNCTION because of alcohol. DIETING and than wanting a beer or wine at night is HARDLY an alcoholic. By that note, all dieters who want a small candy bar or cookie at the end of the day are binge eaters.

    God, people like you are why we had Prohibition, or why marijuana is still illegal in so many countries. You are judging a wide variety of people off information you don't even fully understand.

    I don't think she was being judgmental. Her response would fit perfectly with what I said about wanting to drink for days and using up 1,000+ calories on booze instead of healthy food. That IS risky, unhealthy behavior.

    I doubt she meant any harm in what she said and wasn't referring to the people in this thread who talked about enjoying a night out with friends or a glass of wine.

    Maybe you're the one being too judgmental. Why play tit for tat about whose loved one is a "real" alcoholic and whose isn't? You don't know her story at all.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    AS the wife of an alcoholic, some of you guys need to evaluate why only booze fills that empty spot in you. One of the definitions of an alcoholic is not being able to stop. You keep drinking even when that is not your plan. What fun is in getting so drunk you have no idea what you are doing. The next day you say boy that was fun! but you can't really remember what was fun.

    I honestly feel like this isn't even a real response. If you're truly close to an alcoholic, you know that an addiction is FAR different than someone who enjoys the TASTE of alcohol. The "WOO GETTING DRUNK" people are JOKING, and even if they ALL aren't joking, once in awhile is much less an issue than constantly.

    I highly, highly doubt you truly have had to care for an alcoholic (I have), not that it matters since it's the internet and you can say whatever the **** you want. So I'm sure you'll have a response. But it sounds like you're passing judgement on others behaviors that may be fine and healthy for them (say, you know, just drinking occasionally or socially). Are you the prude straight edge kid who stands in the corner talking **** because they're insecure? If you don't choose to drink, that's fine. But you don't need to preach to those who do. "Definition of alcoholic is someone who can't stop"... yeah, someone who cannot FUNCTION because of alcohol. DIETING and than wanting a beer or wine at night is HARDLY an alcoholic. By that note, all dieters who want a small candy bar or cookie at the end of the day are binge eaters.

    God, people like you are why we had Prohibition, or why marijuana is still illegal in so many countries. You are judging a wide variety of people off information you don't even fully understand.

    I don't think she was being judgmental. Her response would fit perfectly with what I said about wanting to drink for days and using up 1,000+ calories on booze instead of healthy food. That IS risky, unhealthy behavior.

    I doubt she meant any harm in what she said and wasn't referring to the people in this thread who talked about enjoying a night out with friends or a glass of wine.

    Maybe you're the one being too judgmental. Why play tit for tat about whose loved one is a "real" alcoholic and whose isn't? You don't know her story at all.

    Lol actually I just read through her posts, and she has quite a few different stories she puts in other topics... and I will definitely judge someone that judges without information. My judgement wasn't on her story as much as her words. Nice try ;)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<~~~~ I'm a VERY "regular drinker" By regular, I mean ..most nights lol It def stalls my weight loss tho :( But, its one thing I'm not willing to give up at this point.
  • It's the booze and the greasy, unhealthy food that sabotage my efforts so I stay away whenever possible. I might have a beer, but that's it.

    Not to mention, I like to do workouts early (6 AM) on Saturday and Sunday and they're either tough, long, hilly bike rides or my long runs for my upcoming marathon. Doing strenuous workouts brutally hungover might be the most unpleasant thing possible...

    From my college days, I remember my constant intake of beer giving me a bloated, unhealthy look in my face-- so I'm all set with that...
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I have a drink or two when I'm out with the bf but that's pretty much it. Most of the time I go shopping or use the internet for entertainment. Although it damages my wallet from time to time.