*insert F.U. TOM*

I am not here to whine about needing chocolate...I need chocolate every day who would I be kidding. I am not here to whine about not wanting to exercise during that time...cuz I'll do my walking anyhow...I will swear a lot more doing it..but I will do it. What I am here to bi(cross)ch about is the scale during that time. WHY? Why is it against me? Like surfing the crimson tide isn't enough but then a piece of equipment has to taunt me? Seriously? I was down 3 more lbs and now I'm back up those 3?? WTF? And I move the scale around the floor hoping just one spot will show me compassion. NOPE! I rebel and go get my weights out..put them on that rat b@st@rd scale and oh so the weights still weigh 6 lbs do they? Hop back on in a frenzy hoping for a previous error.! WHAT?

Ok I'm done. I just want to state for the record that I may go to jail for killing my scale. Who can I call for bail money?


  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 313 Member
    I am 100% with ya! How about the scale not moving for weeks and then down 1 and right back up again cuz your TOM is perpetual. TMI...doc gave me the mirena to stop it after 6 months of this bull**** and it's settling but still being persistant. Doc says be patient...yeah...he's male...UGH!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    YES exactly!!!! ARGH P*sses me off big time. I know I ate a piece of cake 2 days in a row...they were little pieces and I did turn 50 ..I deserved and earned every little bite of those pieces of cake...but now I'm all bloated and me and that scale are going to have a go around. I'm glad somebody else knows what I'm feeling.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    LMAO!!! I agree 100%!!! I don't give in to the cravings, I push through the workouts, limit sodium intake and continue to drink my water but month after month the scale is going to go up 3 pounds for me and it will take a week for the scale to go back down. I know that this is going to happen every month and even that doesn't help. You did deserve the cake and for the record I will bail you out, lol:smile:
  • cepowers
    Well, can't really weigh in on this topic. . . (LOL, get it? "weigh in", Ha, I kill me) Anyway, I'll just tell you what I usually just tell my wife, "There, there, it will be OK".
  • SueGlazier
    SueGlazier Posts: 36 Member
    The reason I hate tom so much (although I have the merina I still get a little visit) is because whenever it visits my appetite sky rockets and although I have tried drinking even more water/sqaush to suppress it invariably food is the only thing that stops those hunger pangs and that noisy growling tummy. Obviously this makes it much more difficult to stick to my calories as even planning ahead I never know when the hunger will take me.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    All I can add is YES to all of the above!!!!! I am trying not to get on the scales as much but it is not really working as I want to see if there is a gain, daft isnt it. Rational is not a word to use at this TOM, haha.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    . You did deserve the cake and for the record I will bail you out, lol:smile:

    I KNEW I could count on you !!! :)
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Well, can't really weigh in on this topic. . . (LOL, get it? "weigh in", Ha, I kill me) Anyway, I'll just tell you what I usually just tell my wife, "There, there, it will be OK".

    Ok YOU need to teach a class for the "men" in our lives. :) kuddos on that great answer you give her!!!
  • Rain36
    Rain36 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm feeling your pain, we would all bail you out :wink:
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    All I can add is YES to all of the above!!!!! I am trying not to get on the scales as much but it is not really working as I want to see if there is a gain, daft isnt it. Rational is not a word to use at this TOM, haha.

    LMFAO -- no, rational leaves the house when it's that TOM. Lots of other "r" words take it's place...RAGE, REVENGE, ..etc :)
  • GeekyGoddess
    TOM right now...my heavy flo day and I'm not even going to consider stepping on the scale. Thats like, self flagilation. I'll just wait three more days and THEN WI. but you know... I might do us all a disservice, make us all look irrational and go and eat a cinnabon and blame it on my uterus. Is that okay?
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    I completely agree,although I hate it I have found cutting caffeine completely and increasing my water intake keeps my weight and bloating down ALOT, best of luck to you!
  • maryjay51
    i stepped om my scale every day for a few years ..didnt do it all summer and gained weight ..ouch!!!! ok so now what im doing is just getting back on track and end of september im going to stand on the scale to see whats up. im too obsessed with it . im trying to live my life as normal as possible now and standing on that scale obsessing is not normal.

    ive realized the error of my ways this past summer. ive made those changes so lets see what happens
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    You are heavier when you retain water. Why are you so upset by this? Good grief, if you're that dependent on the damn scale just stay off of it.

    The scale is telling you the FACT of how much you weigh. If you don't like the facts then why are you getting on a device whose only purpose is to give you that fact?
  • susulani
    Wait till you hit menopause....it's worse and the scale is a f***ing rat *kitten* ALL the time.....
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    My appetite is like a raging beast during that time! FU TOM
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    TOM I can handle...it's the Hungry Horrors that I get the week BEFORE! Bad enough to be moody, but add craving alternating salt and sugar and being tired? How is that fair? It's amazing, I can always tell the day TOM is going to start because I finally wake up feeling like i don't need to eat everything not nailed down in my kitchen that morning. :P
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Wait till you hit menopause....it's worse and the scale is a f***ing rat *kitten* ALL the time.....

    WHAT? I was hoping I was near that ...and that this would all get better :frown:
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    You are heavier when you retain water. Why are you so upset by this? Good grief, if you're that dependent on the damn scale just stay off of it.

    The scale is telling you the FACT of how much you weigh. If you don't like the facts then why are you getting on a device whose only purpose is to give you that fact?

    chill...it was a light hearted post ..seems everyone caught onto that but you!
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    You are heavier when you retain water. Why are you so upset by this? Good grief, if you're that dependent on the damn scale just stay off of it.

    The scale is telling you the FACT of how much you weigh. If you don't like the facts then why are you getting on a device whose only purpose is to give you that fact?

    It's just a friendly rant about how it's not fair that we gain water weight simply because of our gender. While she may be serious to an extent...she's also obviously joking. I thought it was worth the read, whether it's a rant or not, and I like all the hilarious replies about it. People are allowed to be frustrated, even over the simple things.