Maybe This Site Isn't For Me??



  • butterflyfairy2
    butterflyfairy2 Posts: 96 Member
    My diary has been made public so any tips are greatly appreciated.

    I just want to say that the scale and I are not friends at the moment so Im not even going by that. I don't expect to lose a lot of weight or inches in just 2 weeks. Yes, I would have liked to see the scale move even if it was only 1 pound but like I said, we aren't on speaking terms at the moment.
  • Iceman1800
    Way too many carbs and way too little protein in your diet
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member

    Try this site for more info!

    Focus on the fat/inches, not the pounds. You are doing awesome. Build the muscles, the weight will follow. 2 weeks is way too early. I've lost 28# and am down 2 sizes and feel friggin awesome, more because of the inches than the the pounds and it's been 3 months. It didn't go on overnight it won't come off overnight. Adjusting our way of thinking and wanting immediate gratification is the hardest hurdle to overcome here. I wouldn't have made it past my first plateau, if it weren't for this site. Stay here, make friends/cheerleaders. That's the beauty of MFP.

    Add me if you need any help. :o)

    You're doing great! Keep up the great work!
  • SigningMomma
    I actually just posted something similar on my 'wall' the other day. I'm here 3 weeks and have only lost 4 lbs and 1" on my waist. I was so frustrated by my body not willing to give it up. But then my husband asked me how I felt by doing what I was doing, and I had to honestly say that I feel better. So... while I'll still put myself on the scale every morning (more to keep myself honest than anything else), I am doing this to get healthy and get fit. It may not happen fast, but I am growing stronger with each day that I do my 2 mile Leslie Sansone walk and I'm healthier for each piece of fruit I eat instead of something chocolate. Keep going and don't give up!!! One day at a time, and sometimes if you have to, one meal at a time! :)
  • Tranquil_Miche
    1" is really good progress. It takes time to lose what has been gained over years.

    I think the focus is on the wrong thing. Yes, the goal is to lose weight and inches, but it's all about attitude. Instead of focusing on getting results now, I suggest you focus on finding yummy healthy foods that you would love for a life time. It takes time for the fat to come off, so meanwhile explore new recipes that will help you maintain the weight loss once you do get there. It makes meal times more of an excitement than a drag. You're doing great!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    2 weeks, 1 inch.....what was the problem again?
  • loretta5ue
    loretta5ue Posts: 16 Member
    No matter what program/website you follow you will have to track what you eat. Either by eating only what they give you or by weighing, measuring and recording the foods you choose to eat.

    Consuming more calories than you burn in a day (call it XXX calories) is really easy and is how I have seen myself and others gain weight quickly. Not consuming this same amount (negative XXX calories/day) is dangerous because your body doesn't get the energy/nutrients it needs. My point is that it's easy to gain 5 lbs in a week from overeating and being inactive and that it's unreasonable to take it off at the same rate.

    If you are looking to see more immediate progress in something that may improve your weight loss goal I would suggest an activity you enjoy. Practice something you can improve on by doing more of it like walking/running a farther/fast distance/time.
  • tenaheff
    I would say stop obsessing over what the "right way" is. There are far too many opinions for that. Why not go with what the program recommends and give it a chance to work. If you have already lost an inch on your waist I don't see how you can say this isn't working! Obviously it is!

    After you follow the program for a month or two, if you feel like you aren't making good enough progress (meaning you are losing less than a pound a week) then think about tweeking it.

    You can do this. Two weeks and one inch is awesome! I bet you didn't gain that inch in just two weeks.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    In the first few weeks of me starting MFP, I hated it. I hated logging. I hated not seeing changes on the scale. I hated everything about weightloss and the 'journey' I had started. And then it became routine. And I learned to love it.

    As with anything, it takes time to see results. You'll get there!
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I had my husband measure me again today and I have been at this now for 2 weeks and have only lost 1 inch in my waist.

    ONLY one inch in two weeks?! ONLY!? :noway:

    I think you need to reset your expectations. Set some goals that have nothing to do with the scale or measurements. For me, that was training to be able to run a 5k. Each week, whether there was any changes in my body, I was able to run further than the week before. I knew I was getting healthier and stronger and doing good things for my body.

    Taking photos can be great motivation, too, but don't expect to see noticeable changes in just two weeks. Maybe after a month or two, but expecting changes that quickly is like expecting to be able to see the grass growing in the yard. It doesn't happen that way. It'll look the same, look the same, look the same, look the same, then as soon as you're a little distracted... BOOM. It's time to mow the lawn.
  • chubbybiggirl
    Keep it up. Learn the calories in food, continue to write your food down. Knowledge is power. More people keep weight off if they write down what they eat. It is good to be aware. Hang in there, stick with it . It will pay off. Stay determined.
  • smills8152
    I think everyone is different and you just experiment to find out what works for you. I know I have gone as many as three weeks + before I've lost and then all the sudden you hit a groove and the weight starts coming off. Hang in there.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Im really struggling today. I want to see results of my hard work, I NEED to know that what I am doing is working rather than just frustrating me beyond belief.
    Im trying really hard to do it all the right way and do it slowly and all that jazz but it's upsetting to not see it pay off and Im wondering if being here is making it worse because in my eyes, Im sticking within my calories and doing my exercising and all I get out of it is Nothing.
    I had my husband measure me again today and I have been at this now for 2 weeks and have only lost 1 inch in my waist. I don't know if this is normal or abnormal or what. I just know im having one of "those days" I guess.
    I just keep reading and reading and obsessing over this site that I think I have become so confused by how many calories, eat them all or don't and so on.
    I really wanted this change to be a positive one but it feels like it's only bringing me down.
    HELP, I need some words of encouragement!!

    and what is the alternative if you leave here?


    not get in shape?

    something brought you here for a reason. i've heard a lot of advice on here good and bad, but i would say stick to 1200-1400 calories a day, make absolutely sure you are getting all of your protein, vitamins, water, iron and calcium etc. and exercise your little butt off every chance you get.

    in my humble unprofessional opinion, the harder you push yourself with exercise the better results you'll get and faster. i wouldn't worry about the calorie counting as much, don't leave yourself starving. the one thing i would stay is move yourself to a whole foods based diet and don't eat low calorie junk food, choose salad and chicken. and just do lots of cardio and sweat!
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you guys so much and you are so right, 1 inch is pretty awesome. I guess I just needed the reassurance that 1 inch is good.
    Im not giving up, yes I am struggling but I know I am worth so much more than I am giving myself credit for.
    I did change my settings from losing 2 pounds a week to losing 1 a week so I am going to see how that changes things.
    Trust me, I know this is a long journey. I just needed to know that I am on the right path.
    Thank you all so much for helping me to realize that. Im going to accept all the requests and respond to messages, change my diary settings and then off to workout. posted that you were disappointed that you'd only lost an inch, then had 100 people tell you that actually, that's pretty good, and reset your expectations....OK.

    Then, once you've kind of accepted that 1" is good, you restate that you are impatient, and just still seem to want to see weight fall off you, but then changed your settings here so that your target is now half the loss it was to start with.

    Am I missing something here? Surely if you really, REALLY want it gone, and you are really, REALLY that impatient, then you'd change your settings to lose more than 2lb or leave as they are, not reduce it?

    How important is this to you?
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    OH! And ONLY weigh yourself a minimum of once a day. I weigh in the morning, after I use the toilet and before my shower. Same time everyday. If I forget, I wait until the next day. NEVER weigh in the afternoon, evening or before bed. It's too destructive. You weigh the most at those times. You'll do fine!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Im really struggling today. I want to see results of my hard work, I NEED to know that what I am doing is working rather than just frustrating me beyond belief.
    Im trying really hard to do it all the right way and do it slowly and all that jazz but it's upsetting to not see it pay off and Im wondering if being here is making it worse because in my eyes, Im sticking within my calories and doing my exercising and all I get out of it is Nothing.
    I had my husband measure me again today and I have been at this now for 2 weeks and have only lost 1 inch in my waist. I don't know if this is normal or abnormal or what. I just know im having one of "those days" I guess.
    I just keep reading and reading and obsessing over this site that I think I have become so confused by how many calories, eat them all or don't and so on.
    I really wanted this change to be a positive one but it feels like it's only bringing me down.
    HELP, I need some words of encouragement!!
    An inch is significant for 2 weeks. Patience.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Your body loses weight in chunks, not linear. I have found that you can do everything right and your weight loss seems to plateau but you are patient and keep exercising and eating at a deficit (however slight) you will lose it, it will suddenly "whoosh". There are so many variables for the scale though: water retention, digestion, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations

    Patience patience patience and keep your focus on two things: Eat Less and Move More. Nothing else matters.

    This is entirely right. An inch is good success. Keep going the weight didn't get put on in two weeks and isn't going to come off in two weeks. I would suggest a heart rate monitor for recording your calories on the circuit training and treadmill to give you a more accurate picture of what do eat back.

    Focus your eating on whole foods, lean meats, and fruits and veggies. To to stick to your macro targets in MFP and the weight will come off. You need 1 month to judge your program and 90 days for people to start seeing something. People at work started noticing after 90 days.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    Did you wake up one morning miraculously fat? I bet you he answer to that question is no....This stuff takes time and will not happen overnight. An inch off your waste in 2 weeks is awesome! The scale hasn't moved for me in 4 weeks, but I have lost inches every Friday when I measure. Stick with it, it took time to get the way you are and it will take time to get back where you want to be.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Your body loses weight in chunks, not linear. I have found that you can do everything right and your weight loss seems to plateau but you are patient and keep exercising and eating at a deficit (however slight) you will lose it, it will suddenly "whoosh". There are so many variables for the scale though: water retention, digestion, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations

    Patience patience patience and keep your focus on two things: Eat Less and Move More. Nothing else matters.

    Yes!! i learned this when i lost nothing for days, got depressed and then woke up this morning and BAM! two pounds gone yipeee!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I joined here for the 2nd time sometime in July. Roughly 50 days ago. I havent "measured" anything yet.....but I sure can feel it. Seriously...I dont feel as "tight" "stuffed" bloated as I did prior to July. My clothes fit way different, my jeans glide right on and some I can no longer wear because they're too baggy.

    This is an incredible journey we're all on. Incredibly hard and Incredibly rewarding and Incredibly time consuming. Its not gonna happen overnight. You cant reverse years of damage over night.

    IF you give up now.......after two weeks what are the alternatives?? MORE WEIGHT?? More frustration? More health issues??
