success by weighing daily or weekly??



  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I weigh myself daily more to put myself in a healthy mindset. I've gotten over the fluctuation frustration that I used to get in the beginning of my weight loss adventure. I do need to be able to wake up and step on the scale and then, regardless of if the number is up or down, I remember that my focus of the day is my health and well-being. My focus is my fitness. My focus is my weight loss. My focus is healthy eating. And then I go about my day. I typically only log my weight weekly except when I get close to big milestones.
  • SickSkilz
    I check it daily, but I only record a new low when I''ve dropped to or below a certain amount for 2-3 days because my weight fluctuates up to 2 pounds even when taking at the same time each day. I also never record a new low on Friday because i virtually always go up a little on the weekend.

    For me that model keeps me motivated. I see a lower weight and i get motivated to work hard to keep it there so i can get to record it in a couple days.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    I read from a nutritionist to try weighing yourself differently then how you normally do. If you weigh daily and are getting frustrated, try weekly. And vice versa.

    Personally I weigh everyday, I can't stand the suspense of a week. Plus I'm recording my daily weight on a calendar above my light switch to go for 10 pounds before halloween, and I've put my goals for each week in advance.
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I weigh almost everyday. I only record once a week. If I don't see a change or if it's under a pound I don't record it. I weigh daily to keep myself motivated. I know that just because I weigh xx on friday when I record it may flucuate and I find I get motivated if I weigh alot. The gains or losses don't bother me as I'm now set on a body fat percentage goal instead of goal weight.
  • cdidaho
    cdidaho Posts: 8 Member
    I weight myself everyday even though I know I shouldn't. Becomes a bit of an obsession. I think once a week is best if I'm going to keep my sanity. I find myself on the scale 3-4 times a day. I find I weight more in the morning than in the afternoon-at least when I'm following my diet plan like I'm supposed to. On mornings when I know I did wrong the day before, I avoid the scale, because I don't want to know how badly I behaved.
  • Tabiiiiiii
    I do it once a week. It keeps me excited and working hard for the weekly weigh-in. When I used to weigh myself daily I would go up and down every day and it made me really upset, so don't do it!
  • andreajp
    andreajp Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a daily weigher but weekly recorder. I weigh daily for the same reason someone above mentioned - that it keeps me accountable and on track. Otherwise my mindset would be "Oh I have four more days until my weigh in - I can eat this <<fill in the blank>>"
  • 0MissErin0
    0MissErin0 Posts: 92 Member
    Weekly would be a better option for a female. Our weight fluctuates too much too weigh daily
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    i use to weigh myself every morning and every night, and I became obsessed. I started to weigh when I got home from work and after supper just to see. Eventually I got discouraged when I didn't see a change and just gave up. This time around I'm torn because when the scale goes down that really encourages me and I do awesome that day and feel great, but if it doesn't move or goes up I will get in a horrible mood and not care. It's sad and I hate being like that so all the input is awesome. I'm going to try to weigh like either once a week or twice a week and see how that does, but I definitely don't want to give up this time around!!
  • tdaviduke
    you look great. love the blue dress.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    The first 2 months I only weighed in once a month to not get discouraged and I wanted to see a larger number.

    Now, I weigh myself every 1st and 15th of the month.

    I take a monthly picture every 1st to see the changes from month to month.

    Your doing a great job! What are you doing to lose weight?
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    I weigh myself every day, though there have been days when I've just looked at the scale, said 'bleh' to myself, and not bothered. XD

    Mostly, though, I'm pretty good about weighing and recording regularly.
  • john44111
    john44111 Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh myself incessantly. I dont agree with the "weigh yourself once a week people."

    I've lost weight 3 times and then put it all back on.. you know why? I didnt get on the scale. I have a pretty good quality scale near the main living area and I jump on it at LEAST daily. it swings 2-3 lbs per day.. The trend is what I am looking for. I see a downward trend. For the past two months after losing my initial 60 lbs I just maintained. I did that by measuring daily and NOT letting myself get more then 10 lbs where my lowest was. I was able to keep it within 5 lbs the whole time by weighing myself daily. That was my secret AND my 2 cents.
  • EgglessKeto
    I try to stick to weekly. Daily weighing affects my mood too much with all the fluctuations.
    Agreed :)
  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member
    Personally, I am fascinated by what the body gains/loses throughout the day, and depending on the day, I will weigh myself multiple times in a day. Obviously, this isn't a true reading of weight loss, but for some reason, I am amazed at how much the body can hold on to throughout a day and then lose by morning. For some people, weighing daily doesn't work because they freak out if they see a gain. I like to see the changes, so daily works. Sometimes it can feel as though it's been a longer amount of time since I last saw a loss, but as long as the overall trend is downward, I'm happy. :O)
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I weigh daily. Because when I was at my largest, I hadn't weighed myself in a year probably....and in my head I had convinced myself I was around 30 lbs lighter than I actully was. Never again. IF (and hopefully never happens) I gain any weight back, I will not allow myself to deny it. It will be there in black and white.
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I started out weighing everyday, but, now, I weigh weekly. Weighing weekly has really made me focus on my routine vesus what the scale says. You do work, then get a paycheck
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I weigh myself every day, first thing in the morning. I like seeing the fluctuations because I've noticed a definite pattern over time. It helps me adjust my eating habits, and it gives me motivation to keep going.
  • puffdaddy
    puffdaddy Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh daily I found it the best way to see how you are really doing. Invest in a good digital scale.
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    I wasn't going to weigh myself this morning since I weighed yesterday, but its the start of the weekend and I'm not logging today bc I will not have access to a computer or phone, so I felt the need to see where I stood. I lost another 1.4 lbs so now mentally I'm stoked and know that even though I'm not logging I will still make healthy choices and hold myself accountable as though I was logging in my food. Maybe I will post tonight what I ate and see how I did.
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