Does anyone else get made fun of?



  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Keep eating your healthy lunch. My coworkers stared at me for about a month of eating salad and they ALL ended up changing their diets.
  • davery1985
    davery1985 Posts: 142 Member
    I had this too, dont listen to them. Sounds like there jealous that you have alot of will power and you can actually have healthy foods. They obviously cant be bothered to make the effort. I have had people say things to me before about what i was eating, i just tried to ignore them as much as i could. Just told them that i wanted to be healthy and a sald isnt horrble and they should try it one time!! Haha!! Safe to say i got faces pulled at me when i said that :-)
    Well done on staying healthy!! xx
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Nope. Not at all.
  • FatSlowTriathlete
    FatSlowTriathlete Posts: 9 Member
    Happens all the time to me. That's just people ticked off that you have the will power they don't. Most people, especially others that are heavy, out of shape, etc., want to keep you where you are, or were because they cannot handle you being better or different. Tell them to mind their own business, and keep focusing on you and your goals. They'll be dead before they're 60.

    JC Harris
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    That's quite rude of them to stick their nose where it doesn't belong and I would say just that!

    I get made fun of because I have to count calories and I lean towards more fruits, veggies, whole grains and less red meat, less dairy, etc. My eventual goal is CLOSER to Vegan (I love eggs and steak though!). I was lectured today on how we are supposed to eat meat and how a Vegan diet is unhealthy. Mind you that I'm in the military and each of the naysayers are quite near or even over the limit for fat/weight standards.

    One naysayer is actually just starting the Master Cleanse. Like that isn't extreme? Sorry, but I would rather EAT and count calories and exercise EVERYDAY.

    Tell them that if they want to have a say in what you eat then they have to buy it! or else they can STHU!

    Hi other military member! Yeah, it's really frustrating if you want to go vegan. We did have one at my last base and everyone was really cool about it there. Here, they'd probably take some criticism. We were doing a potluck and I checked in with the volunteers for mashed potatoes. They said "Well so-and-so is using bacon, so I have to have bacon in my potatoes too!" When I asked what the vegetarians would eat, they responded "They can bring their own food if they want to be picky!" Not cool.
    You guys aren't in the AF, are you. :-) I've had at least one veggie/vegan in my office at almost every assignment I've ever been to over the past 16+ years.
  • Tina180130
    Tina180130 Posts: 127 Member
    Just do you, forget others that want to constantly stuff themselves with junk. Be your own person, love you and your body - its not a dress rehearsal.
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    I used to hear a lot of comments when I worked with people. Ignore them. I would just tell people I eat foods I like to eat. What is the big deal? I have never told someone....omg how can you eat so much fat or it won't kill you to eat a vegetable. lol. Turn the tables on them and ask why they don't eat fruit or something. That will shut them up. I don't care what other people eat for lunch. I care about what I'm eating and if I enjoy it. It costs to much to eat out everyday anyway. I would rather eat my own food and save money.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I get made fun of all the time, but then they say "wow, that looks really good, you have a way with building salads". I even had a guy offer me $5/salad but I said I wasn't his personal chef.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I never get negative comments at work. LOL Everyone here is all "ooooh! Look how good your salad looks! Where did you get those tomatoes?" Everyone here is very supportive of trying to make healthy choices.

    We have lots of times here where we have "cake" for a big event, and no one is ever judgmental when I say no thank you. We also get breakfast every Wed. morning and there are lots of fruit choices, as well as yogurt and whole grain bread. There are sweets too, but I love that everyone wants the good stuff too.

    I do get negative comments from my family (not my DH and kids but my extended family) if I choose something healthy over something not healthy. Not fun because I get snide comments about weight but then also pushing to eat sweets and other unhealthy choices.
  • weemawhit
    weemawhit Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah.. I get that sometimes. I don't really know how to respond (to the ones that I like--the ones that I don't like, it's easy! ha).. I don't want to shove healthier habits in their face, but I'm not used to receiving **** without giving it back a little, playfully of course. ;) But weight is too sensitive of a subject to throw around like that (usually), so I usually just try to shrug it off.
  • stessierere
    This occasionally happens to me; I have a work friend who is heavy. She has yet to compliment me ONCE on my weight loss. Not ONCE. However, she DOES encourage me to eat things I'm not eating anymore. I think the gentleman above hit the nail on the head when he said that some people enjoy the camaraderie of not being the only heavy person at work - so they will secretly sabotage you if you aren't careful. Others will secretly sabotage you so that they can maintain what they see as some sort of advantage over you (being thinner than you are). I'm not losing weight to get compliments from people or to gain their approval; I am losing weight for me. Don't worry about what people say. Continue to eat responsibly! You can absolutely reach your goal.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    No, but I don't take *kitten* from people.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    get used to it. Lol. it doesn't stop. They are trying to make themselves feel better about not being healthy.

    It doesn't bother me. I think being healthy is something to be proud of.
  • chelsealeigha
    chelsealeigha Posts: 4 Member
    Yes! This is part of my gage that is telling me that I am doing something right. I get that all the time. I work with 4 other women. Two of them were making comments at first. Next thing I know, one of them is going on a diet a month later. :bigsmile:
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Luckily, the office I work in is pretty small, and we're all pretty tight-knit. We have 3 vegetarians, and several people who just generally try to watch what they eat. The most I've gotten was a 'Aww... that looks so good and healthy! I feel bad about the hamburger I had today"

    The people I get it from the most are my boyfriend's brothers and friends. We say "No" more often to invites to get junk food or high-calorie dinners, so they're really starting to dig into us about not hanging out anymore. And when we do go out with them, and I order a low-calorie meal (especially the ones that have some sort of gimicky name like "No-blame veggie tacos"), they poke fun.

    Jokes really on them, though. I'm losing weight, and they've all gained a lot of weight this year. They keep trying to do things like the HRM diets, but as soon as they're done with the program, they balloon right back up.

    I just keep reminding myself of the quote
    "Right now, they'll ask why you're doing it, but when you're done, they'll ask how you did it"
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    they are jealous and rude.
    i usually bring leftovers from whatever we had for dinner the night before, but i keep some quick things like frozen bean and cheese burritos in the freezer for days when we don't have leftovers or we went out or whatever and one day a girl at work told me i'm so skinny cuz i don't eat (as i was microwaving my dinner, chicken, rice and veggies- that's food to me, i eat lunch at work every single day, it just doesnt come out of the vending machine and i don't eat the junk they offer on certain occasions like cookies or cake, i don't like cake and i'm picky about my cookies, if it was something i wanted, i would eat it though)
    same girl who said i don't eat, then had to shut up when she saw my lunch was in the breakroom another day when i had a bean and cheese burrito and a fruit cup and she was like "it makes me so mad that you eat junk and lose weight" a bean burrito is not junk and neither is fruit... what is wrong with this girl??? and she says this as she's sitting there eating a candy bar and drinking a mountain dew... i told her, i don't eat junk, and when i do eat something like candy or ice-cream, i don't eat a lot of it at one time and I WORK OUT!!!
    she also made fun of the fact that my scrub pants are too big and sag in the butt... they did that before i lost any weight, thats just how scrubs are!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    No, but I don't take *kitten* from people.

    This, so so much this. Every time I read these threads (and there have been many ) I wonder two things; do you work with 12 year old girls and do you (generally speaking you) not have any cahones? Someone questions my food choices like that and I tell the to get stuffed. What I eat is my business and no one elses.
  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    No, but I don't take *kitten* from people.

    me either! i can't believe people have to go through this BS!
  • Cassie8877
    Yes. Reminds me of something I saw earlier today:


    I'm a college student and a lot of people can be super judgmental about others who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    On 9-14, our facility is throwing a BBQ for two hours. They sent a list around for people to sign up to bring in a dish to go with the BBQ - but the management team is grilling up hot-dogs and hamburgers.... Im talking the salt-lick-from-hell, box of hotdogs that you could melt the ice off of your car in the middle of winter.... And the burgers are the boxed variety, 12/1 ratio, cook'em up in 3 minutes flat or otherwise you have a sandpapery-hockey puck for a food-like item.

    I wrote on the sign up list that I would not be participating. One of the managers asked me why and I was brutally honest: We work for a large hospital/provider network and you are going to get the bottom-rung junk food items for a company BBQ that everyone is going to contribute nothing but junk-food and garbage food items... Any reason we couldnt cook fresh chicken breasts for those that dont want to eat chemically enhanced boxed product? They were stunned hearing that but, damnit its the truth! I said to them its better that I dont participate because of too many allergies and sensitivities that I am medically dealing with and I would much rather eat healthy, than become a patient that day.

    The last potluck we did last month, I could not participate except for the large vegetable platter I made along with a fresh-made roasted onion garden vegetable dip... it wasnt even a popular item and I work with nothing but women! I brought in 10# of fresh cut vegetables and I took home 9# remaining... just sad.