Bored without Alcohol?



  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Drink almost every night, one drink turns into 10 - sounds like there's a problem there that needs addressing...
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have a very strange stomach. I find myself getting violently sick after drinking alcohol. I hate it.

    Alcohol is a toxin, after all. You're probably just more sensitive than most. You'll be healthier in the long run because of it. :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    alcohol prohibits muscle growth too because it dehydrates your muscles...
    This is the exact reason I stopped lol, I work out way too hard to cancel it out with a few drinks. But to each their own, I have no problem with others drinking. But to be honest, if you say your bored without a drink you may need to have a real look at that....

    I am with you on that one bro. I did have one drink last night, but the last three weekend I can count on one hand how many drinks i have had....

    The problem comes in when you sit on the beach and pound bud lights all calories and horrible for any kind of muscle growth...
  • Leeannboswell
    Yah, it's one of the main reasons I did not want to have bariatric surgery, even though I had about 130 Lbs to lose when I started. But, the odd thing is, now that I am on my program and doing well (six months in) liquor in any form is the LAST thing I would put into this "temple". There is no way I want to spike my blood sugar knowingly, for any reason, and I do not need any mood altering.

    I "take the edge off" by walking briskly 3.5 miles and sweating MAO.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I drink light beer once a week. It's my special treat. I fit it into my calories. I don't see a problem with it.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Spin around in circles like a hyper 5 year old.
    Same effect.

    Seriously though. If you need alcohol to get through your life, maybe you should change something.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I am from the Uk and there used to be a big pub culture here. Every social activity seemed to evolve around meeting at the pub and drinking! I used to be part of that and spent many an evening passing the time drinking and socialising. When I very first addressed weight issues I swapped drinking beer to drinking vodka and diet coke, good for the calorie intake but not so good for the head next morning.

    I actually got bored with feeling rough most days and stopped going to the pub so often and got into other things. I found that I was substituting alchohol for doing meangiful things. I got back into sewing and designing, reading, gardening and such stuff. I find now that I do more and drink less. I still love a drink at the weekend but cannot remember the last time I have a 'hangover' or was drunk, I enjoy maybe 3 beers or 3 glasses of wine at the weekend (not every weekend) over a meal but no longer make alcohol the main social aspect in my life....I have to say I feel a whole lot better about it nowadays
  • mandersatx
    I just make the room for the calories. MGD 64 & red wine are my favorites. Mixed drinks (cola & bourbon, usually) are a special rare treat.
  • piinchi
    piinchi Posts: 172 Member
    "I love a martini,
    Two at the most.
    Three I'm under the table,
    Four I'm under the host." - Dorothy Parker

    But seriously I do like red wine. I have matured my drinking as I've matured; I'm much more selective and particular, and I try to drink to enjoy. I struggle with depression though, and alcohol being a depressant means I have been abstaining more and more lately. I spent so much time in California and Italy though, and I have a brother who lives in Paris, so red wine is something I just love to have with family, friends and meals! As long as I keep my imbibing to a minimum and keep the quality of what I do drink high, I find I'm happier mentally and still feeling fit physically.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Yah, it's one of the main reasons I did not want to have bariatric surgery, even though I had about 130 Lbs to lose when I started. But, the odd thing is, now that I am on my program and doing well (six months in) liquor in any form is the LAST thing I would put into this "temple". There is no way I want to spike my blood sugar knowingly, for any reason, and I do not need any mood altering.

    I "take the edge off" by walking briskly 3.5 miles and sweating MAO.

    I've had bariatric surgery and I drink on occasion. ??
  • Dzambhala
    Dzambhala Posts: 149 Member
    I stopped drinking in early august, the same time I decided to lose weight.

    I love Bourbon and Budweiser, my two favorites. Though a glass (bottle...) of White/Red wine does the trick too.

    Had to stop as if I have one, I have to have another and another...

    It was hard for the first few days, as I had gotten into a bad habit of drinking daily. But after the first week it was much easier, drinking Pepsi Max, Water and a selection of Herbal teas in its place.

    Feeling much better too!

    After/while drinking I usually lost myself in a TV show or browsing online pointlessly for hours. I still do, but not as much as I found while sober I need some more intellectual pursuits, reading etc... Still get a 'lil bored now and then though...