What do people do to annoy you while you're working out?



  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Also hate when women wear tennis skirts to the gym...I know its stupid and petty but I just don't think they look cute and they annoy the crap out of me.

    As a girl that wears tennis skirts to the gym, I don't care if you like it or not. I like it. I'm not offended by you not liking it. After all, to each his own. Besides, I wear it because it was on sale for $10 and the shorts I wanted were $40. Whatever gets me there the cheapest works for me. :wink:

    Now, things that DO annoy the crap out of me? Gym gossip.

    "Oh my gosh, why is she even here?! She is already so skinny!'

    "Oh my gosh, he's so hot."

    "Oh my gosh, he's so ugly."

    "Oh my gosh, she's so sweaty."

    "Oh my gosh, I'm so fat."


    You sound like a petty moron when you say things like that. Hike up your big girl/boy underwear and get over it. If you're talking, you should be walking.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    My major gym peeve is when someone sits on a machine, not using it, and just chats with somebody. I was on the elliptical the other day for 15 minutes and the entire time I was on it there was a girl casually sitting on an ab machine right in front of me (the only one like it, so if someone wanted to use it they had no other option) talking with somebody. She was no using the machine at all, granted she probably was before the conversation started but come on, get off of it! This drives me nuts, it's so inconsiderate.

    omg yes!!! the same thing happened to me the other day. another thing is the ladies that go to the gym made up with make up and their hair perfectly done, and when they get on a machine they either dont use it but talk or go the slowest rate possible so they dont sweat. ugh. so annoying.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    For a while we had a woman who would come in and workout and pop her gum!! First, why the hell are you chewing gum when you should be working so hard that you risk swallowing it and second why do you feel the need to pop it! So bloody annoying! I could hear it over my MP3!!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Okay...so I may be guilty of wearing a tennis skirt to the gym every ONCE in a while due to the fact that I play tennis and may be warming up at the gym before a match...god forbid. On another note, I go to the gym with headphones on as soon as I walk in the door and they come off when I get into my car. I'm not there to chit chat or make friends or FIND A BOYFRIEND like some girls do. I'm there to sweat, firm up and lose some damn weight, lol. I was actually NEXT to my best friend on the elliptical and we didn't know it until she got off of it! Yes, I will glance around...I'm not blind...but I'm also not there to ogle. Get in, get it done and then get out. :D
  • chanson104
    Yesterday I was on the treadmill and a man got on the one next to me and sprayed it with cologne -- or something smelly. I was already having a hard enough time breathing and now I had that irritating my throat. I was so ticked!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    If I'm annoyed by other people at the gym then I'm not working hard enough.

    I'm hearing impaired so I can't hear anything anyway :tongue:
  • salgalruns
    salgalruns Posts: 83 Member
    I am generally pretty impressed with the folks that I see. I figure if people are dumb enough to pay $$$ each month to just stand around, that's their own problem, and I don't let it get to me too much. I have found that if I ask about a machine, they either get moving on it, or step aside easily enough.

    That said, there are a couple things that drive me a little nuts:
    1. I am a runner, so am on the treadmill every time. I wear my headphones, but it drives me nuts when the person next to me decides to talk to someone who stops by their treadmill and it just gets louder. I bump up the headphones, but often there isn't another treadmill to go to and so I'm stuck. It can be distracting.

    2. Slamming weights while lifting. This has more to do with not understanding how to use them. I've seen trainers approach people who do this to make suggestions, but it still happens and the CLANG CLANG just bugs me.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    THIS is exactly why I do my workouts at home where I wont be judged because ____________>insert any comment made on this thread<

    The remark someone made early in this thread about an overweight woman on a bike peddling slow---I dont know but the remark itself is beyond judgmental. You're the reason overweight people everywhere FEAR THE JUDGEMENT OF others.....fear working out where anyone else can see them. Dont you realize the person you're judging sense it, or sees it or even feels it? Here (s)he is, trying to get active and trying to lose weight and there YOU are in all your reigning self righteous pompous arrogance belittling them. Even if you dont SAY it out loud....it's in your eyes or your demeanor and possibly your actions.

    Damn....I cant imagine knowingly making someone else feel bad, or self conscious like that.
  • michellesburden
    I get irritated when 2 or more people talk like they are the only ones in the gym and everyone wants to hear their babble.
    I go to gym to relieve stress from my world, not to hear about someone else's stress.
  • cynthiam80
    cynthiam80 Posts: 47 Member
    Yes I am the same! I completelyfocus on my workout!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
  • mmimmi1
    mmimmi1 Posts: 49 Member
    I usually tune everyone out, but this one guy at the gym makes these awful noises that I don't know if he will have a heart attack or he is having an orgasm and he always takes the elliptical next to me ... or the weight training guys they lift heavy and they make noises surely they have to be popping some veins or arteries ... just annoying ... I try really hard to remember my ear buds cuz I usually read on the elliptical.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    The other day, I was finishing up my jog on the treadmill and a guy (who was circling the pull up machine while I was on it the day before) jumped up on the treadmill next to me, introduced himself, and asked me for my name. I lost focused and caught my foot on the side of the machine, almost tripping over.

    I'm not at the gym to flirt or get a date. Leave me alone!
  • jessicataylor2
    At the gym I go to, there's countless girls that walk around in tiny(mostly spandex) shorts so short that their *kitten* cheeks hang out. I'm also afraid that if they make one move I'm going to see their lady parts. I'm sorry but I'd rather not have to see that while I'm already working out so hard that I feel nauseous. Seeing you practically naked may push me over the edge into puking. Even if you have a nice body, the gym is not for you to parade around hoping to catch a man.
  • samiam321123
    samiam321123 Posts: 38 Member
    When I'm out walking/jogging with my dog and someone whistles. Are you whistling at me or the dog? Either way it's weird. Or when a 14 year old sees me jogging by and asks to pet my dog, dude I'm jogging, this is kind of a non-stopping workout.

    The biggest annoyance are people who let their dogs chill in the front yard off leash and then they rush at my dog as we pass snarling and barking like they want to attack him. What the heck people, if you dog isn't friendly and is going to rush mine you should probably hook it up to something.
  • Music4Hym777
    Music4Hym777 Posts: 71 Member
    When I see a lady come with a full face of make up to workout!

    Sometimes I work out right after work (6am) so I already have makeup on....but it is usually sweated off by the time i'm done :)

    I am the same way...I use to train with a trainer and we would go very heavy. Even if it was 6a I would still have make-up on because when not doing a lot of cardio it stays and then the shower after I am careful with. Its the only way I can fit it all in. Or if I am coming straight from court or somewhere that I have to be dressed very nicely, when you see me come in you see me in the heals and three piece suit, but as soon as I change all you see is the made up face...I'm not gonna wash it prior and after!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I workout at home but for me it's when people try to talk to me. My husband does this all the time and then wonders why I snap. Sorry, but when I'm trying to keep my form perfect and keep up with whatever I'm doing, it's not a great time to ask me if I've decided what to make for dinner or if I've done laundry yet.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I get annoyed by people who are easily irritated and judge everyone else at the gym.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I've found that when I'm working hard, if I'm having a hard time, I get annoyed by little things a whole bunch easier.
  • Rickswife2010
    It seems that most people that I run into while I am exercising were put on this earth to annoy me. I checked everyone's MFP profile and found out that NONE of you are people that I run into.

    As Rosana Rosana Dana would say, "if it's not one thing it's another."

    It could be that they don't clean the equipment, they sweat too much, talk too much, stink, smell good, don't sweat, hog machines, don't really workout, workout too hard.... Is is them or is it me?

    What is the most annoying thing you encounter while exercising?
    with all due respect lol I'm going to have to say, if ALL those things are annoying you while you are working out, chances are it's probably you. Maybe it would be better if you used the great outdoors as your gym. Just a suggestion :)