What do people do to annoy you while you're working out?



  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    When trying to walk the indoor track, marked by a 4 foot blue line around 4 full size basketball courts, people will stand in blue line, even center, see you coming, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd time around, and never bother to move, making you leave the track to go around. AND this is a military post gym. Not saying it's in the south, anywhere around Ft. Rucker!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I think it's you. Lol.

    They sweat too much? They're working out.
    Stink? Again...they're working out...
    Smell GOOD? What's wrong with that?
  • Sometimes I work out right after work (6am) so I already have makeup on....but it is usually sweated off by the time i'm done :)

    Never thought of that. My bad:smile: I'll take that off my list

    This I understand, I wear makeup to work & go to the gym after work so I will have some makeup still on

    before they work out. Jewelry too, like its a nightclub
    I dont really CARE, I just dont UNDERSTAND
    (ive never seen them do more that the treadmill)
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    My parents have a nice little place in a development down near the New Jersey shore. Every time I was out attempting a light jog or some biking around the roads there I was heckled, mocked even had some joker go so far as to swerve towards me in his truck to scare me. Some of the things said were really cruel and hurtful.

    It's hard enough sometimes just to get outside and mingle when you are a socially shy person - let alone get out there and attempt a serious, hard workout in a public setting.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    When I do lane swimming I hate it when people think its ok to swim right at me or right up next to me, I want to tell them to piss off lol!!
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I love this thread. First off the harder I work the more annoyed I get by people who aren't even trying. IDK why. They have every right to be there I suppose. It just somehow really bothers me.

    I hate people who wear cologne or perfume because I can't breathe when I'm running next to Mr. Drakar Noir.

    I hate people who use it as a pickup joint. I get it. But I still don't like it.

    I don't like people who use it as a social club. You wanna talk that is totally fine but please don't stand in front of my treadmill, facing me, talking to your friend on the treadmill next to me.

    I hate creepers who are just standing around staring at the women.

    Don't ask me if I'm using a machine WHILE I'm using it. Clearly I'm using it.

    What annoys me is that I am allergic to the soap the fitness center uses so I have to bring in my own towls to wipe down the equipment. I broke out from scalp to in between my toes....... It was awful.
  • I'm usually so focused on my workout and how much I'm lifting or keeping my heartrate where it should be that I don't find too many people annoying. Reading other people's gripes is pretty fun though! Thank you for the post!
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I love this thread. First off the harder I work the more annoyed I get by people who aren't even trying. IDK why. They have every right to be there I suppose. It just somehow really bothers me.

    I hate people who wear cologne or perfume because I can't breathe when I'm running next to Mr. Drakar Noir.

    I hate people who use it as a pickup joint. I get it. But I still don't like it.

    I don't like people who use it as a social club. You wanna talk that is totally fine but please don't stand in front of my treadmill, facing me, talking to your friend on the treadmill next to me.

    I hate creepers who are just standing around staring at the women.

    Don't ask me if I'm using a machine WHILE I'm using it. Clearly I'm using it.

    haha, THIS to a T...I want to scream at people, "I know it's none of my business, but well you obviously made an effort to get here so why not make it worth it"

    OH, and not wiping off the equipment, and walking barefoot through the locker room, and walking soaking wet through the locker room soaking the floor making it a death trap for me...

    On a positive note, I love all of the positive energy people that are there for the right reasons bring..I love being motivated and motivating!!!
  • When I'm working out I forget that all other people exist. I'm all about me with my headphones in.

  • ... I don't want read through all of the replies, but in case it hasn't been said: camel toe is a real problem at the gym. get a looser fit or a longer shirt. and we all know it's just one of those things that somehow finds YOUR eyes. Eeeeesh.
  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    I hate people who wear cologne or perfume because I can't breathe when I'm running next to Mr. Drakar Noir.

    THIS!!! Please please please do not wear cologne or perfume to the gym!!! I know there are antiperspirants that smell pretty cologne/perfumy but...that isn't what i am referring to!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I avoid exercising for this reason.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member

    <--- i see what you did there....

    i tend to ignore/avoid interacting with others when i'm at the gym, but once in a while i'll use the novelty of being the only girl in the weight room to ask a boy if he minds curling somewhere outside the squat rack, since i really need it for squatting and am short on time. i've yet to be denied.

    what i don't much care for is unsolicited advice on things like how much weight i should be picking up and form.

    i also really don't like it when people drop huge dumbells on the mats. there's a concrete floor under there. and it can crack. and it did once. and then they closed the gym for a few days to fix it. and that sucks. so maybe if you can't hold the dumbell long enough to place it back on the rack or lower it to the floor, you should try going down a few pounds.

    i'm probably guilty of oogling the eye candy.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I hate hate hate how the guys in the weight room offer unsolicited advice. Since I've been pretty regular for a year now, most of them know me now and make nice comments about how awesome it is to see a girl doing compound lifts with heavy weights... But every once in a while one will do something obnoxious like try to correct my form (when I was doing it right) or the most obnoxious: I log my workouts using the fitocracy app, I was checking to see what weight I should use for something and a guy came and points to my phone and goes "is that thing really helping you?" as in I should be off my phone at the gym. 1) it's my work out and I can do it with any intensity I choose & 2) I am a beast, so it pissed me off that he questioned my dedication & 3) yes, the app is amazing and really does help!
  • raven3lise
    raven3lise Posts: 107 Member
    I don't go to a gym, too expensive.
    When I'm playing my dancing game, the worst thing you can do is just sit there and watch me. It's like seriously? I'm here with my hair all gross and my fat bouncing around and sweating what are you doing here now I have to try to be attractive while working out
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    When I'm working out I forget that all other people exist. I'm all about me with my headphones in.


    I am the same way.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    People doing bicep curls and bench presses and other such things in the squat racks.

    It's fine if you're the only one there or if there are other ones open, but when they are all in use and there are people waiting to use them, go do your friggin bicep curls somewhere else!! Rude.

    my old gym had like 6 benches for doing bench presses, and most of them were available, but this one guy for some reason decided to drag a bench under the bar in the squat rack and do them there. WTF? And he was there doing them for a LONG time. Like 20 minutes he was in there doing that.
  • i cant stand when im in my pace of walking and someone will come out the house or drive by and want me to stop and talk to them!!
  • My kids insist on annoying me in anyway shape or form that they can...
    They fight with each other... when I'm working out on the treadmill or weights... or want to have a conversation with me.

    If I take any of them walking with me they want a conversation too...

    Im really wanting to step things up but with 6 kids at home it makes it very interesting and some what god damn frustrating!!

    (Plus why do kids need school holidays????)...