Poll: Overly Nice People



  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Tell me, how does it make you feel?
    I don't know. No ever approaches me. I'm kinda scary.

    You know you are far from scary..well to me at least.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    That's my problem. I'm too nice online. I ooze e-warmth.

    ... you know, I picked up on that right away...
  • meandtwocats
    Heck no be nice don't let these cynical people ruin your additude :D ( hell I think maybe most of them could try to be a bit nicer lol)
    I'm curious as to your thoughts on the other string...
    That was well written but it made me sad. I am a happy person and there are some days that something in my life has made me on top of the world. Now I will try to keep this to myself as people will think I want something from them.

    The answer to your question was B but now maybe I better stick to D.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I don;t think we have OVERLY nice people in the UK unless they're tourist :smile:

    Haha - this. I can't think of any time I've been approached by an overly-nice stranger. Unless they've got something to sell, or want you to donate to a charity - that's the only time people approach complete strangers and start up a cheery conversation. People don't just approach strangers, without any context, purely to be overly-nice to them! It goes against the whole ingrained British reserve.
  • 0MissErin0
    0MissErin0 Posts: 92 Member
    It depends on the situation.
    generally i am over-nice to people, but i do believe it can come across this way as there are so many not-nice people in the world that it exaggerates the nice-ness :P LOL
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    In real life, very cautious. Online, moderately cautious. :) But either way, I will be nice back, just won't be manipulated by nicety. :)
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    It depends on the situation.

    This too. There has to be some kind of context.

    Does 'overly nice' mean approaching a random stranger out of nowhere and starting up a smiling conversation full of compliments and inviting them to your house for tea? That would be weird, because there is no obvious reason - people are naturally wired to try to make sense of their surroundings and look for the reason behind something. People generally have reasons behind their actions, and unless it is a cultural thing to approach random strangers and invite them for tea (in which case the reason would be a cultural norm) this would be looked on with suspicion. Or maybe the person simply lacks awareness of social norms and appropriate behaviour. For instance, someone once approached me in this way, and he had had a severe head injury in the past (he showed me the scars and gave me an in-depth account of all the gory details), so I realised that had caused him to lose natural inhibitions and social awareness. So I didn't suspect him of ulterior motives - but I also didn't go to his house for tea!

    Or does it mean approaching a stranger for a reason - like seeing they are in trouble in some way and offering to help? Once my bike broke as I was cycling home from work, and I was trying to fix it, and some stranger came along and offered to help. This was genuine kindness on his part, in a clear context, and I was grateful. I also try to help people if I see they are in trouble, and if I am able to help in some way. To me this isn't being 'overly nice' - it's just helping out a fellow human in need. But not everyone does it.
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    B: when I'm online. Especially on MFP! :)

    D: in real life. I am originally from a third world country, where you're always at risk of being assaulted by overly nice people AND by people who appear to be in trouble. Now they're using "lost children" to lure good samaritans to deserted alleys where they can be robbed/raped/killed. The result is deep down I'm a jaded and paranoid *kitten* who keeps walking/driving and doesn't stop when approached in the street. I will die alone. u_u
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Nice I like. Overly nice I find annoying and phoney. If you fart rainbows step away or I might puke on your shoes.
    "Farting rainbows" is now my most favorite idiom, of all time.
  • terryjo623
    terryjo623 Posts: 101 Member
    C - I am a waitress and I encounter a hundred new people everyday and yes super nice people are really annoying, not normal nice but the over the top, head will explode if they could be any happier nice!!!!
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    A+C unless im trying to sell you something or your a barman then im nice.. But only then.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    B :-) unless they are overly nice and trying to sell me something lol :-)
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    B :-) unless they are overly nice and trying to sell me something lol :-)
    I hate people like that. I have a product that I can give that will repel people like. It's only $19.95. But wait... if you buy one now...
  • crazy8ts
    Being born and raised in NYC, you tend to keep people at arm's length, especially when they're seemingly "overly nice" for no apparent reason. It's the nature of the beast... there's always someone trying to hustle you... take advantage of you... size you up... so you grow a pretty thick skin. it's most likely why people think New Yorkers are cold, curt, or nasty... If you are bombarded with hustlers and scam artists all day, every day, it might make you a bit cynical... Now, I will answer a question on the street... provide directions... even shake your hand... but rest assured, the moment I see you, I've already determined if YOU'RE sincere... and if I don't get that vibe, then you don't exist.

    The down side to this is, I was in Seattle a bunch of years ago visiting my brother... decided to take a walk and found myself crossing paths with a stranger. He said 'hello'... didn't stop me... didn't approach me in any way... but my first thought was "Do you know me?" I have enough tact not to have said it, but it make me think, 'damn... I'm a cynical sommbich, ain't I?'
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    A always A
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    B but I wouldn't say I am overly nice.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    C, its fun being nice.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    i think im a mix of A and D....I'm not paranoid...they really are trying to get me :laugh:
    Paranoid people are crazy. I'm not ALWAYS watching.

    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me! Ohhh, is that guy still following me??
    Seriously, though, sometimes the person who is overly nice today is just on the high end of their bi-polar cycle. Yesterday, she wouldn't even speak to me, and today I'm her best friend???
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member

    Maybe I've lived in a city for too long haha!
  • Shanzstar
    Well I would be overly nice to you. Who wouldn't be to man twice my size with half a face... ;) Seriously though, I tend to think overly nice people are fake and I hate fake people. I'd rather have what you see is what you get, because that is what you would get from me.