

  • gramanita53
    gramanita53 Posts: 4 Member
    You are losing this for yourself. You are doing awesome. A remark like that was innocent and yes it would hurt BUT think about where you have come from. You just keep up doing what you are doing. I have had people say that they don't notice that I have lost but I am the one that matters, not other people. Keep up the GREAT work.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    awwwww hun dont take it personally!!! guys are stupid when it comes to girls clothing; they just dont know anything about it! youve done great and you're boyfriend obviously thinks youre a hot mama anyways ;D i would kill for an *kitten*. just saying!

  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    Maybe view it as a compliment, he odviously does not see you as that size. Congrats on the loss so far

    Definitely this!!! Men are often clueless about ladies sizes - that is a simple fact of life and you can't feel bad about it- beside you had sushi and any day with sushi can't be all bad :happy:
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    First, if you feel that your boyfriend is attracted to you and is mostly supportive (no offense to the men on here, but men are not ALWAYS supportive in the most appropriate ways, its just how they are wired, sometimes they forget they aren't talking to one of their buddies, and this is our fault too, because we are wired to be a little sensitive sometimes), then don't worry too much about it. Sometimes people we care about do not realize the power of the things they say. Remember, also, that when people hurt us, they are able to hurt us because we gave them the power to do so- meaning because we place value in the things they say and do, they are able to hurt us. If they continue to hurt us, then maybe that is when we have to re-evaluate to determine if they are worthy of that power.

    Second, size varies greatly. Don't let a tag or a number on the scale control you. If you are unhappy with where you are, then keep up your good work towards your goal. If you are happy then don't let it bother you. Rejoice in your daily accomplishments towards your goal and the positives about you. Try not to focus on the negatives. When someone says things that are detrimental to your self image or goal, your emotions are immediately going to sting and hurt. However, force your brain to talk you through letting it go, or you will continue to hear that negative thought for weeks or months. Focusing on this will only make you unhappy and be detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

    Don't forget- clothes sizes are very variable. When I was at my smallest size I wore typically a size 6 to 8- however, I had everything in pants from a size 4 to a size 13 in my closet that fit. Clothing size is rather irrelevant. At this point I'm typically a size 10 but have one pair of size 14 dress pants because the way my shape is. I also have a dress size 3/4 that currently fits. The tag is not relevant but to our egos. Wear what looks good on you and makes you feel good. Tell your boyfriend it just means you have more junk in the trunk, which gives him more to kiss if he wants to act up :wink:
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    It's funny how well we guys can speak with our feet in our mouth. I'm surprised anyone can understand a word we say...
  • PapaDunx
    Size 20 in the US is size 24 in the UK.
    Not that that is relevant.

    But I have no idea how women's clothes sizes work.
    I know what a typical UK size 8/1012/14 is, as I have had experience of this. My ex-g/f tried to get me to buy her underwear, so she showed me how to measure her chest .. well, it didnt quite work out immediately, but after a while, I saw (and measured ... and then measured again ... and once more to be sure - hey! I like to be sure).
    Ok, i still didnt buy her u/w but then I knew what it was all about.

    The guy was insensitive and probably didnt realise what he was saying.

    Teach him, then he will understand what you ladies have to do to find clothes. After, of course, you explain to him, how much of an inadvertent d1ck he was.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Can't believe people are tearing up your bf on this. 20 IS a big size, it's an unhealthy size--that's why many of us our on here. I see it very much as not that your bf is dumb, but he doesn't SEE you as that size. I'm seeing a guy who sees his girlfriend as beautiful, and probably notices her weight loss more than herself, so that he's commenting on 20 because, well, guys don't generally know girl sizes, and that is a big size once they know.

    It might have hurt, but hell, your boyfriend sounds like a sweet guy since he felt so bad once you talked to him, and like I said, it definitely sounds like he doesn't view you as "big."

    This, it is a big size, it's a size 24 here which you wouldn't even find in normal stores. But it's not his fault, he doesn't see you as that big so that's a bonus, the only way is down!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Men have no concept of women's sizing at all.

    Maybe if women's sizing had any relevance to waist size, inseam, hip measurements, height, or any other actual mathematics, we'd have a better chance of understanding!!!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm sure he didn't mean it as an insult. Maybe he was legit surprised they went up that high? He obviously doesn't have an issue with your size if he's with you, so what's the big deal honestly?
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm not the type to get embarassed either. One day I was standing in line at the grocery store. I thought I was lookin cute that day with my frilly tanktop and capris. The lady behind me started lifting my laundry soap onto the counter for me while she said "You shouldn't be lifting heavy things. Let me help you." I thanked her and immediately realized she thought I was PREGNANT! I didn't say need for us both to be embarassed. I cried all the way home.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Men aren't "dumb", and men aren't "idiots". I imagine, however, that they are baffled by women's sizing, as anyone should be. They are rather inconsistent, and with vanity sizing, not a true indication of one's measurements.

    I'm so sorry you felt humiliated. I imagine it was a thoughtlessly thrown comment, and if he felt bad for it, not meant with any malice or intent to be hurtful.

    Be proud of the fact that those numbers are going down. You're headed in the right direction. And I'm sure in future, he'll be more sensitive about what he says, and where he says it.

  • SelfSabotage
    SelfSabotage Posts: 11 Member
    Don't feel humiliated, try and learn to laugh about that. I am sure he really did not even think about it. to a man who truly loves you and respects you for who you are. They don't see size.... Try to find the positive you worked your butt off so at least he didn't yell 22. Were women and we get to hung up on size's not what we have overcome. YOU GO GIRL
  • KeriW626
    Stupid words fall out of the most loving and intelligent people. Just ignore it and go on. Realize he sure has been enjoying you at any and all sizes you've visited. That is what is important. You are a wonderful WOMAN. Welcome to the teens!!!.
  • rt79w
    Men have no idea how women's sizes work and frankly they are kind of stupid. Why not just make them like mens, you know the actual inches around? I am sure it has something to do with appearing to be a smaller size than you really are, bullocks. If you have a S/O and they havent left because your fat, be happy because he probably likes your "big *kitten*."
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Maybe view it as a compliment, he odviously does not see you as that size. Congrats on the loss so far

    This. People don't often think before they talk. I would have cried and he would have some explainin' to dooooo.
  • MSimm62385
    I can't even begin to comprehend how women's sizes work. Men's measurements always seemed much more straightforward. Waist x Length...

    That said, I doubt that he meant to hurt your feelings about this, and I hope he's doing everything he can to make you feel better after putting his foot in his mouth.
  • shinjite
    Don't feel embarrassed. He definitely did not mean anything personal nor insulting based on what you said. I remember asking my brother to borrow a dress shirt and telling him I wore an 8 ( this was a while back lol) and him telling me he would have to take me to the kiddies aisle at a store because a size 8 was for children. That was when I found out men dress shirts went my the size around the neck. Who knew?
    Please don't let the comment get to you. You have worked hard and he obviously has no clue what size you wore now nor in the past. That means he did not see you as a 20. In his eyes you are much smaller. Accept that he has a very positive concept of your appearance. Take it that way and be positive.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings. He just exclaimed his surprise, thought he should have kept it to himself.

    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and use that moment as a motivational tool. You'll be okay. Just don't let such a wound cause you to give up. <<<huggs>>>
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Maybe view it as a compliment, he odviously does not see you as that size. Congrats on the loss so far
    I second it.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    The implication he made by remarking on size 20 jeans is actually the exact opposite of how you took it. You see, in men's jean sizes, a 20 is considerably smaller than a women's size 0 (size 0 women can wear anywhere from 22-26 in men's jeans). I would be shocked to see a size 20 as well if I were a man and thought women had the same sizing. You'd have to be a kid to fit into them!

    This is a good point.

    I'm going to bet that your dude had no idea he hurt your feelings and would probably be mortified to know that he made you cry because of some probably-meaningless comment. I'm voting "unintentional."