If you don't eat your exercise calories?

Are you not starving? ESP the day after you have exercised?


  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I wouldn't know... I always eat my exercise calories because anything more than a 1000 calorie deficit can be really unhealthy.
  • Just_Pam
    Just_Pam Posts: 23 Member
    I usually eat some of them during the week at some point. I go by a weekly allowance rather than daily because some days I am hungrier than others - like the day after a lot of exercise!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I just eat till I'm not hungry anymore. Most of the time I eat around 50-80% of what I burn.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Nope. But I try to eat with my work outs in mind............meaning I make sure to have protein right after work outs and I chose foods that will be filling for long term.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    99 % of the time, I do NOT eat my Exercise cals back. Never hungry.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I see no reason not to eat them back at some point during the week.. the deficit is already there before you exercise.
  • flajocar
    Ditto! Drink tons of water all day and never really hungry.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I never eat them back. Not even after a 1300cal burn. I'm not hungrier the day after than I was the day before :-)
    What I am is : I have more thirst. So I guess I'm not hydrated enough the days that I work out...
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I don't usually eat them back. I make good choices and even with a 1200 calorie goal, I'm still not hungry. It's all about making good choices. That being said, I'll eat them back on days I can't seem to get full.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I am sometimes! But, I also found that if I exercise over 500 cal, I have a hard time eating them all back. I try to keep my exercises to around 300 calories. I am more likely to be able to eat most of them back if I stay around that number.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Only if I have a big cardio burn which is rare. I do eat more on heavy work out days (lifting)but don't log those exersises so I do eat back some.
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    never have hopefully never will I dont even hit my goal daily I'm usually at least 100-200 calories below then minus calories burned usually 400-500 less my goal is 1850
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    the deficit is already there before you exercise.

    This is how I feel. However, if I do feel ravenous and want a snack, as long as it's a healthy one, I don't stress over calories if I go over that day. I almost never feel hungry, though.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Not any more hungry than normal. So no.

    I rarely to never eat back my exercise calories I don't see the point.
    If im being particularly greedy I'll use them, a big dinner at a restaurant or something. However, i don't eat out as much any longer so again: rarely to never on the eating back.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Running suppresses my appetite in the short term and revs it up on the day after. That's why I eat at least half, if not more, of the calories I earn on run days on the non-run days that follow.
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks for the input. My main exercise is swimming, more often than not in the sea or a loch so I think the processes are somewhat different to say strength training and the estimating of the calories is very much an estimate! So I will drink more and make sure I eat up to my 1500 calorie target and see how it goes!
  • Surecutie
    Surecutie Posts: 28 Member
    Only a portion. On most cardio days I burn 400-700 calories. There's no way Im eating back all those calories with healthy food... I feel like I eat all Day as it is!!
  • Tori1205
    Tori1205 Posts: 16 Member
    In the beginning I used to eat some of them but now I don't. I figure it will just help me lose weight a little faster.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I rarely eat any back. I will eat some if I am unusually hungry, maybe half. I plan my food pretty well each day and if I get enough protein I am not hungry.
  • Blunderguff
    Hardly ever eat them back and if I do maybe only 5%-10% if I fill hungry. 98% of the time I don't tho