Tell me all about your animals



  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    We are dog-people, who never really understood all the fuss about cats. Now we count ourselves as loyal subjects to two regal felines.

    First is Link. We think he's a Russian Blue. My daughter found him living under a ramp to the garage. He was starving, covered with ticks, and naturally a little suspicious of our motives in bringing him inside. That's four years ago, and he has totally won our hearts as a darling lap cat who I swear thinks he's Horton the Who.

    Second is Navi. Again, she was an outdoor stray of uncertain origins. She's a tortoiseshell, we think. It took my daughter a full three months to be able to get close enough to grab her. This happened well into November, when we worried the weather would make her outdoor existence dangerous for her. She's been an indoor cat for two years now, and just this month has decided we are deserving of some TLC. She will stand on our laps for a few minutes at a time now. Navi has played hard to get with us for so long that even small signs of affection are really gratifying.

    I like how they are named after Zelda characters ! so cute !
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    We are dog-people, who never really understood all the fuss about cats. Now we count ourselves as loyal subjects to two regal felines.

    First is Link. We think he's a Russian Blue. My daughter found him living under a ramp to the garage. He was starving, covered with ticks, and naturally a little suspicious of our motives in bringing him inside. That's four years ago, and he has totally won our hearts as a darling lap cat who I swear thinks he's Horton the Who.

    Second is Navi. Again, she was an outdoor stray of uncertain origins. She's a tortoiseshell, we think. It took my daughter a full three months to be able to get close enough to grab her. This happened well into November, when we worried the weather would make her outdoor existence dangerous for her. She's been an indoor cat for two years now, and just this month has decided we are deserving of some TLC. She will stand on our laps for a few minutes at a time now. Navi has played hard to get with us for so long that even small signs of affection are really gratifying.

    I like how they are named after Zelda characters ! so cute !

    My kids are real Zelda fans. My vet's office has a lot of older people working there who don't get the references at all. They just think we are really strange.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    One is a German short haired pointer hes about 2 now. We saved him, German Short haired pointers are hunting dogs, my sister just wanted one because she likes them, the owners were going to kill him because something was wrong with his hips and it looked funny. My sister bought him, and found out when she took him in to the vets that they were starving him. His name is Roscoe. Hes hyper, and loves attention, hes also a really good looking dog.The other One is a american springier spaniel. Her name is Haylie, shes so shy and gets scared around tall people, but she is super friendly when she gets to know you ! She is adorable ! The last one is my dog, her name is Hunny. We don't know what kind of dog she is, but im pretty sure she is part collie/ black lab. She was brought into the vet clinic with a broken leg, and was kept there for 2 months, no one wanted her.... i kept begging my mom to get her, and she finally gave in, when we fostered her. She is so adorable ! Shes protective, and likes to chew everything.

    3 cats, Maggie(a little *****, when she doesn't get what she wants she will bite your butt, she is super cute and likes to cuddle though and looks like Garfield!), Taylor(tiny, cuddle bug and super cute), Nelly( friendly, attacks when you walk by, shes super playful and cute)

    2 guinea pigs, Ruby( she has one eye, and is so friendly and cuddly) and Howard( likes food, and is always eating, doesn't always like to be held but when he does hes cuddly.)

    Yeah, i have alot but i also have a huge family !

    Rescue stories, like the one you tell about Roscoe, really put a smile on my face. And, I like that so many animals make a home with you. You sound so kind and loving. All animals should have people in their lives like you!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Hmm Here it goes:

    Jub Jub is our Green Iguana, he is a good 5 1/2 ft long and lives in a big bird cage, we are hoping to build him a larger home soon. He enjoys being pet, and will sit in your lap like a dog.

    Geico is our Fat Tail Gecko, hes quite boring, he sleeps all day, and does nothing of real merit at night, however when you feed him (live crickets) he springs into action and his little fat tail raises up into the air and wiggles like a rattlesnake tail.

    Remi is our Fancy Rat, He's my baby, we had another named Rizzo but he died almost a year ago due to what I assume to be an unknown heart condition (we noticed he was lethargic one evening, were planning on calling the vet the next morning but he was already gone :( ) Remi lives in a nice big cake and enjoys reaching out and grabbing your shirt to get your attention, he also gives awesome ratty kisses,and you've never known love till you've been kissed by a rat.

    Ellie is our newest addition, she is a lab chow mix and is only about 5 months old, we got her on fathers day as a gift to my hubby from the shelter who told us her and her sister were found in a dumpster, she is a nut and loves running around the apartment like a crazy dog,especially at night. She likes to mooch food off people and is always ready to clean up the baby's mess while hes eating.Somehow shes gotten the nick name of Ella Bella or Ellie Bellie, but her name 'Ellie" is from the movie UP. She never fails to make me smile.
  • bob99
    bob99 Posts: 32 Member
    I have 3 dogs :)
    Thyme my eldest pooch is a 9 year old springer, ive had her since she was 8 weeks old she's like a part of me.
    Rosie is actually officially my other halfs 6 yr old collie but I've looked after her all her life ( we live together) she's loving but a little unhinged!
    Jake is my other springer, he's 5 and came from a rescue about 6 months ago. He is the most loyal loving hound ever and although he is totally nuts I couldn't be without him!

    Yes we have his n hers dogs, I guess because I was never willing to share thyme, and I kinda informed my other half minutes before i adopted jake ( I knew he wouldn't mind and I took all the financial responsibilitys of him). Rosie was his dog from the beginning and has only ever answered to him!
    Luigi is 3. He's been blind since there was an accident at the vet when he was a kitten. He spent about a week in the ICU in an oxygen chamber, and then came home to me for some serious rehab (spoon feeding, drinking with a syringe..etc). But he's a very happy chubby kitty now.
    Deedee is 4,she's technically my boyfriends cat..but we're getting married so she's mine too! She's like the little queen of the house-sweet and aloof. She always sits in the window looking adorable when we come home.
    Roxanne and Elizabeth are kittens we adopted recently. They are the cuddliest cats we've ever had. Elizabeth follows Luigi around all day, and Roxanne lays on my chest at least 3-4 hours a day. Some days I can't get her to leave me alone...she's actually on me now. haha

    Dog: Sophie is 7. We adopted her this year from a family that was moving across the country. She's half rottweiler. She is THE best behaved dog I have ever met. Very protective, very lovey, VERY adorable.

    Hedgies: We have 2 hedgehogs who love to cuddle with each other (Isis and Aphia). If you know anything about hedgehogs you know how unusual it is for them to cuddle. Isis doesn't even hiss very much when you poke at her..and she likes to sleep in my hair.

    We want to get a turtle, some fish, and another dog...but that'll be when we move out of an apartment into a house..soon :)
    Obviously we love animals :)

    I can't believe you have hedgehogs! Lucky!
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    A poodle/Terrier mix named Bungee that is getting old, but still spunky and thinks she's the same size as our Great Pyrenees. She gives him what for when he steps or lays on her and stands between his feet and helps him eat.

    A black lab, also getting old. I've forgotten their ages, because I'm getting old too! This is Jessie. She's too fat, but cutting back on her food has resulted in some very naughty behavior as she tries to keep from starving to death. She can open the freezer in the garage, so we have to keep a heavy tool box in front of the door. We found out when she stole and ate an entire pecan pie from there. She will also snag anything left on the counter and sneak out the doggie door to her naughty spot. I found a tube of toothpaste out there once that went missing while I was unloading groceries.

    My most recent acquisition, a Great Pyrenees we named Jethro. He is supposed to be my protector because we had a gang element move into our neighborhood and its gotten a bit spooky. He has a big deep bark. And he uses it to bark at steam coming from pots cooking on the stove, my daughter's purse when she comes to visit, because it wasn't there before, balloons that float near the ceiling because that's just scary, basically anything out of the ordinary. He couldn't eat breakfast the other day because my backpack was sitting on a bench at the dining room table. He was in the kitchen a few feet away, but he couldn't eat because it might jump down and attack him. Good call on the choice of protector.

    A black cat named Cleo who ran into my house as a young cat 12 years ago and refused to leave. Wouldn't let us touch her either. Just moved in and said, "Hi, I'm your new cat, don't touch me." Eventually she let us pet her. We've moved several times since and she's been an indoor/out door cat...her idea, not ours...the entire time. Somehow she has managed to survive to a ripe old age and is the meanest cat on the planet. I've seen her jump of the roof of the house onto unsuspecting stray cats that had the misfortune to wander into our yard and beat the tar out of them. She has a notch in her ear from one fight. All three of our dogs are afraid of her. Although the terrier uses the pyrenees to terrorize her a little bit. Because he doesn't know her well enough yet. Bungee will start barking and go running toward the cat and Jethro will take off behind her. Bungee stops and lets Jethro get smacked when he gets too close. He's learned now to stay a few feet back, so he's not much of a threat to her. They all kind of keep her distance.

    And finally a yellow parakeet named Mater. He's just funny. I love to watch him get all his toys swinging at once in his cage. And when the dogs start barking or the grandkids get real loud, Mater joins in, shrieking at the top of his little birdie lungs.
    Remi lives in a nice big cake and enjoys reaching out and grabbing your shirt to get your attention, he also gives awesome ratty kisses,and you've never known love till you've been kissed by a rat.

  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    We have three longhair chihuahuas.

    We got Dutchess from a friend of mine who couldn't take care of her anymore. She's mostly black with a white spot under her tail and her paws are light brown. She is very sweet and loving. She is very close with my three year old, because they "grew up" together. My friend got Dutchess when he was about 4 months old, and she was about 3 months old. She came to live with us when she was just over 1 year old.

    After we got Dutchess, my husband got "jealous" because she seemed to like me and kiddo best, so he wanted his own. After looking and looking for the perfect one, he found our Duke. Duke is a golden brown color. He is definately my husbands dog, but is still sweet to to all of us. He's not very fond of strangers, and takes a while to warm up to new people. After he "accepts" you, he is yoru best friend. His favorite thing to do is to sit on the top of our couch and lick our heads from above. At night when he wants to go outside, he'll wake me up by licking my eyelids until I open my eyes. Then it's like, "Hi Mommy! I gotta pee!" LOL He's lucky he's so cute.

    Duke and Dutchess had puppies last March. She had 4 puppies, 2 boys and 2 girls. Three of them went to friends and family, but our little blondie is going to stay. We named her Pamela. (After Pamela Anderson...Because she's Pam is still learning her manners but is shaping up to be a good sweet girl.

    We love our pups. We're done "collecting" for now. Everyone is fixed and no more puppies at least. :)
  • PiggySweet
    PiggySweet Posts: 60 Member
    I have two beautiful baby rat princesses, Savra and Kaalia. Their mamma Drana just died :c The two girls love to run on their wheel together (when one gets tired, she'll hang on tight while the other keeps going and just spin upside down, it's adorable). They also really like chewing on my nails when they get over excited about grooming my fingers...
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I have a fat cat called Yuan, he was very overweight when we took him in but he is on a diet now and has lost the weight. We are losing weight together lol!

    We also have fish and a ant colony but that doesn't really count lol.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I have two puggles (Wednesday and Eric) and two cats (Sorcha and Domino). That I have Wednesday is a true miracle. A few years ago in January I let her out into the back yard. She got out of the yard through a gap in the fence and got lost. Every day I would look for her, put posters up and leave posts on craigslist. Weeks turned into months, but I couldn't stop looking for her. I had crazy people contact me and tell me they used her to train their fighting pit bulls, or that she was hit by a plow and her body was in a snowbank. I had one person call me in the middle of the night and tell me they had her, and if I come NOW with the reward money I could have her. I went to the address and it was an empty house, my bf wouldn't let me get out of the car.

    As spring came and the snow melted people started telling me to forget Wednesday, but I couldn't. One day in March I got a call from my neighbor, her daughter saw Wednesday running through the woods across the river from my house with a squirrel in her mouth! Through luck and kindness of co-workers I was able to leave work and I took to the woods and I found her! I could count every bone in her body and half her face was paralyzed, but I had my baby back in my arms. :love:

    It's been two years since I found Wednesday again and she is happy and healthy and loves to go on hikes with me and her little brother Eric.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I have on black and white male cat called Thor, and we used to have a female tortoise shell cat called Lady Peckinpaw.
    I have two puggles (Wednesday and Eric) and two cats (Sorcha and Domino). That I have Wednesday is a true miracle. A few years ago in January I let her out into the back yard. She got out of the yard through a gap in the fence and got lost. Every day I would look for her, put posters up and leave posts on craigslist. Weeks turned into months, but I couldn't stop looking for her. I had crazy people contact me and tell me they used her to train their fighting pit bulls, or that she was hit by a plow and her body was in a snowbank. I had one person call me in the middle of the night and tell me they had her, and if I come NOW with the reward money I could have her. I went to the address and it was an empty house, my bf wouldn't let me get out of the car.

    As spring came and the snow melted people started telling me to forget Wednesday, but I couldn't. One day in March I got a call from my neighbor, her daughter saw Wednesday running through the woods across the river from my house with a squirrel in her mouth! Through luck and kindness of co-workers I was able to leave work and I took to the woods and I found her! I could count every bone in her body and half her face was paralyzed, but I had my baby back in my arms. :love:

    It's been two years since I found Wednesday again and she is happy and healthy and loves to go on hikes with me and her little brother Eric.

    Wow! What a miracle. I'm so glad you have Wednesday back!!!!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I, too, have a Jub Jub. He is a Bearded Dragon, though, not an iguana like THE Jub Jub;-) He loves taking baths and running around the house, though his vision is pretty much peripheral, so he runs into things.

    My beagle, Sundae, is almost 14 years old. She's the first dog I ever had and is mischevious as ever.
    Lab/Chow mix is Zeus. He is the loviest dog EVER and is a bit dopey.
    I also have a Desert Tortoise, Duet, but she lives with my parents in AZ. It is too mild here for her. I got her when I was 10, so she turned 24 years old on the same day my daughter turned 7:-)
  • darclewis
    I have a 9 year old Chihuahua named Nicky, who I love with my whole heart :) We also have 2 tabby cats Max (9) and Jake (3) and a hamster named Hammie (my step-daughter named him)
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    We have a bright blue Beta fish that is about 3 years old at this point. I know a lot of people think fish don't have personalityies but ours does! His brandy snifter is located next to my seat on the couch. When I go sit there he blows me a nest of bubbles and rearranges the rocks. He is a cool fish!

    Other than that I have 4 kids and a husband; I don't need anything else to take care of. :wink:
  • fitpilatesqueen
    I have one cat. She is a three colour , almost 4 yrs old, adopted 3 months old from a home, she is not a pure breed. She is very curious but causious, has a small heart and gets easily scared. She even gets scared if I put on a different sweater. She is very loving and loves to sleep in bed with my daughters and when the go visit their dad every other weekend she cries because they are not around to taka a nap with. It is nice to have someone here at home when I´m alone :)
  • jenjen0214
    Five dogs in our household. Two are chihuahua / daschund angels - have had them for nearly 12 years. Two Basset Hounds, one red/white and the other black/white. They howl at anything....a lot. Then I have one....God only knows what all she has in her. All together, they made my husband and I extremely happy. Spoiled beyond belief, loved on every day.

    An animal is a life-long decision, we would not give for any of our babies!
  • jmalone71
    jmalone71 Posts: 34 Member
    We have a 5 yr old Chocolate lab named Mocha ( we adopted her at 1 , we didn`t name her , lol ) ...... We also have a 7 yr old beagle named Angel ( Our kids named her ) ...... We have 2 cats, Carmine, a short haired black and white selkirk rex , and a feral short hair black female that we named Lilly. We have gotten her spayed after she had kittens. She comes in the house now , but not very friendly. She will let you pat her occasionally but she will shred you with claws if you try and pick her up.... She is an awesome mouse catcher !! : )