Tell me all about your animals



  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    My cat is named momma cat. 'She's my only critter right now.
    I love her to death. She is so precious. :love:
    Her nicknames are Momma pajama,Chicken butt , Kataya, and Tori, short for traitor. (she was my cat and i had her before i met my hubby. She quickly became a daddys girl, hence traitor.
    She is 17 yrs old and is a tuxedo cat with the shiniest black fur you will ever see.Also the softest and pinkest.paws. She has 4 white boots and a white belly and white on her nose. The little girl i got her from called her boots.
    She also has a real pink nose.
    She is really smart. Has a huge vocabulary.'
    She sleeps with my husband and I every night..:heart:
    I hope she lives forever.But at 17 I knwo she may not be here much longer :
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    Currently have 2 dogs - 10 year old VERY ACTIVE black lab/pitbull mix girl named Techno, had her since she was itty bitty, only 12 weeks old, weighed a whopping 4.5lbs, best dog Ive ever had :-) and a little 5 year old chihuahua/terrier mix girl named Lilbit
    AND 4 turtles - 2 big ben sliders named squirt and crush and 2 eastern painted named 3 and 4
  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    I have quite a few cats, Lucy, Jack, Duma, Xena, Wolfie, and Jackie.

    Lucy is my baby, she was my only cat born in my house, she is inbred which was accidental, only happened once. She's completely normal, yet very smart. She's learned how to turn on and off lights and sadly stoves(we have removed the knobs now).

    Jack is the youngest, brought home from my boyfriends house, he is the biggest cuddle monster ever.

    Duma and Xena are my mom's cats.

    Wolfie is my cat from my Dad's house who now lives with us when they wanted to put him down for being old. He's greatly improved in health since coming to my house and leads a healthy and active lifestyle, this cat is nearly as old as me at around 16-17 years old, maybe older.

    Jackie is our special cat, born with three legs to an outdoor cat for a mother, she lost another leg at a very young age to a predator, we brought her in the house as soon as we could, and she's now 8 years old, with her only two legs being on the same side.

    Then there's my two rats, Wolf and Demyx. And my fish, a suckerfish named Pleco(original yeah? Jk) and my myriad of jumping spiders, each have a name, each roam the house freely :)
  • Hi all!
    I grew up with both cats and dogs but currently just have one kitty, and that's just the way she likes it, lol My Bella is a diva, pure and simple. A white 3 year old Persian who might very well be the fluffiest cat I've ever known (her middle name is Fluffmeister, actually). She has got the most hilarious personality (you've got to see her sliding across the floor to get a Greenie) and truly acts like everything is all about her. Which it is, of course. :) One day I hope to add to the family with another kitty as well as a dog but for now that is just a pipe dream...I'll keep you posted :)
  • ocbrenda
    ocbrenda Posts: 19 Member
    I have 2 dogs pit bull her name is Luna, she's 3 years old, chihuahua named Kophi, he's 4, they get along real good, I have a desert turtle, he's pretty big, he's about 4, and a snake, hes a ball python, his name is Demon, he's around 3
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    I have two bunnies. :) Lilac, my little girl, and Clover, my bunny boy. They're house rabbits, but despite my best efforts the only way they get along is when they're nuzzling through the bars of their hutches... put them out together and Lilac can't stand Clover at all! XD

    If I could, I'd love to have a dog. But not only do I have only have a one-bedroom apartment, but my working hours are kind of unpredictable and at best I'm at the office from 9am - 6pm. It wouldn't be fair on the poor pup!
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    We have three barn cats. Their names are Cupcake, Rossi, and Tom.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    At our house:
    Kiyi the Akita (9 years old). He's my oldest brother's dog; he was going to 'get his life together' (4-5 years ago), but the ex-girlfriend convinced him that he was 'allergic'. Now Kiyi sees me as his human (after all, who provides the food and goodies?). Really a sweet-natured dog, but can be fiercely protective (Akitas were originally bred to protect the Japanese Imperial Family and to hunt bear). Has been known to go after cats and squirrels.

    Chico the Chihuahua (also about 9 years old). He came in as a birthday gift for Mom. Don't let the size fool you--he really believes that he's King Kong. Has been known to go after Kiyi (Chico believes he's alpha dog because he got here first).

    Two tiels: Quorum (gray/white) and Harvey (yellow/white). Quorum is a re-homed bird who loves me to bits whose previous family didn't treat him very well. Harvey came to me as a gift from my youngest brother and his family (my sister-in-law believed Quorum needed a girlfriend. However, she had no idea how to tell a male from a female).

    Other animals who have 'adopted' me:
    Popeye (white 7-year-old Sealyham Terrier)--doesn't want any affection, but likes his food, treats,and walks.
    Zoey (black 2-year-old Cockapoo)--Popeye's polar opposite emotionally. She loves me to bits.
    Oreo Cookiedough (9-year-old black/white female cat) and Vincent VanGogh (y-year-old golden male cat).
    Pepper (unknown age red-headed Amazon)--I occasionally call him 'Dr. Pepper'.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I'm momma to an orange Norwegian Forest cat that I adopted as a 5 year old rescue at the SPCA in San Francisco, CA 3 years ago (there is a picture with him in my profile I think). We just had his "adoption birthday" on the 14th of last month actually! His previous owner was elderly and had passed away with no relatives so he was turned over to Animal Control. He had just came into the SPCA cat area the morning of the day I adopted him and I had no plans to actually adopt a cat that day (I was there visiting a friend who worked there) but couldn't resist his adorable sweet face the moment I saw him. He came with the name T-Bone, but he has a very sweet, snuggly disposition so I felt it didn't match and changed his name to Oliver/Ollie.

    Since he's a Norwegion Forest cat, he's on the big side (17lbs, but they get up to 22lbs for the males) and when I hold him stretches from my waist to the top of my head, lol. He's a big guy but doesn't let that get in the way of snuggles when he wants them. When I get home from work and go to my room to drop off my things he'll jump on the bed, stand on his hind legs and climb up to my shoulder so that I hold him like a toddler. He's my big orange baby and I love him, neverending fur everywhere and all :)
  • jstalenhoef
    jstalenhoef Posts: 2 Member
    We have a three year old Jack Russel named Alara. She keeps us on our toes that's for sure. I also have a California Kingsnake, Danko, who is at least five years old (not sure how old he was when I got him). My husband also has a Leopard Gecko, Wally (I think he's four).
  • We have three dogs on our property at the moment - always room for more.

    We have Zac - a working border collie that no longer works - the old man has now retired as he is 14.

    Then there is Cookie Monster. She is a purebred Australian Shepherd. She is a 3 1/2 year old red merle.

    The newest addition to the family is Bundy - he is also a purebred Australian Shepherd. He has just turned1 last week and is a black tri.

    Before that I also had Sasha - a Rotti x German Shepherd that sadly was put down 18 months ago and Misty a Bearded Collie x that now lives with my ex husband in Canada - yes he took my dog 1/2 way around the world!

    Funny I live in Australia and have Australian Shepherds and they aren't even an Australian breed and most Australians have never even heard of them!
  • Ralph is a blue beta and lives at work.

    I have 2 cats.
    Avarice - Avi or Big cat. He was a rescue from a friend and he was 1 when we got him. He's now 3 1/3 and a grumpy moody big fatty. He's a grey tabby. He likes to wee on things, he's desexed, and will do it when you ignore him. He's a bit skitty and is afraid of lots of things like me moving for example. He's my boyfriend's cat (we got him when living together but prefers my boyfriend) and likes to think he's tough by growing when we get visitors but we don't get many and he just hides under the bed anyway. He has a slightly addictive personality and will headbut you all the time and insist that things are done the same every day. Otherwise he gets put out and wees on stuff. He likes to sleep ontop of the blankets between us which means we get no blanket.... He likes to think he's a dog and play fetch but he'll chase whatever it is but not pick it up. He'll stand there like an idiot. He's a good mouser but wont eat them, that's just yucky. He'll roll over and pretend like he wants you to tickle his belly, really he just wants to kick the crap out of you. My boyfriend and he share so many qualities it's hilarious. When he sits on your lap, it's not lap really... he prefers your chest so he can always have his face against yours and drooooooooool.
    He's a greedy bum but doesn't have much interest in human food unless you are eating Pringles.
    Avi has a really quiet pur but is quite talkative. He pines for my boyfriend when he leaves.

    Zepar - Little cat or Little. He got named this as we had Avi for 2 months before getting him. He was a kitten and 4 weeks old. The person we got him off was going to drown him so we took him early. I had to spoon and bottle feed him and help him go to the toilet. He was such a tiiiiiny little fluffer. Black domestc long hair. His fur is like silk though and sits like long hair on his back, it's parts and all! Because Avi hated him so much, he would swipe at us if we'd touched him, he slept on our bed for the first few weeks... well he never stopped that and he's 2 1/2 now lol. He has stopped sleeping on my pillow and trying to be a cat hat, he sleeps beside my pillow now. He's always had always had some issues with Avi being dominate around food so I have to watch his weight and do small things to help him get there. He's a runt so it will always be an issue.
    He is very timid and hasn't met many people. He doesn't much like being picked up and wont sit on your lap long if at all. He's sat on my lap probably 3 times. He's very happy to sit beside you, as long as you don't touch him. Walk into the bedroom though and he races to jump up on the bed and rolls around for you. Strange. Any affection from little is very much appreciated. He isn't found of my boyfriend as he is loud and likes to rough play. Avi loves to be tackled but Little just get scared and runs away. My boyfriend is trying and for the last few weeks he's been coming for pats when his alarm goes off on the floor. If Little isn't already asleep next to me, he will bolt into the bedroom when my alram goes off to make sure I'm awake. The best thing he does though is when I'm sick he will try and lay on the area that's upsetting me, I'm not sure how he knows. He LOVES yogurt and ice cream. He knows where it's kept in the fridge and freezer so when you go there he goes off his bean until you give him the lid to lick. He doesn't meow loud at all so it's HILARIOUS. He has a purr to make up for it though.
  • i am an animal lover too i have 2 boxers and dream of owning more.... they are truly the most lovable dogs alive.
    Donuts is 4 and a half tan and white and is a diva she thinks she is the boss of everyone.
    Bullet is a brindle male who isnt very smart but very loving and loyal.

    i would be lost without these two i went on a holiday over seas and cried because i missed them everyone teases me because i love them so much but i dont care i know the love is returned.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I have two bunnies. :) Lilac, my little girl, and Clover, my bunny boy. They're house rabbits, but despite my best efforts the only way they get along is when they're nuzzling through the bars of their hutches... put them out together and Lilac can't stand Clover at all! XD

    A family friend of ours has 2 house rabbits, They had one and thought it would like a friend... nu uh world war 3! so now one has the upstairs of the house and the other the down stairs, nothing stopping them from getting together but they dont, think they like having their own floors lol.

    i really really want another bunny :( my first pet was a rabbit my uncle turned up with it for my 3rd birthday hadnt mentioned it to my parents at all :noway: she was a cutie died of old age we then also had George and Henry they got Mixi though which is how come im not allowed another bunny even though i keep pointing out they can vaccinate against mixie now! We have loads of wild rabbits round here and you can always tell when they have it so sad, :(
  • I'm momma to an orange Norwegian Forest cat that I adopted as a 5 year old rescue at the SPCA in San Francisco, CA 3 years ago (there is a picture with him in my profile I think). We just had his "adoption birthday" on the 14th of last month actually! His previous owner was elderly and had passed away with no relatives so he was turned over to Animal Control. He had just came into the SPCA cat area the morning of the day I adopted him and I had no plans to actually adopt a cat that day (I was there visiting a friend who worked there) but couldn't resist his adorable sweet face the moment I saw him. He came with the name T-Bone, but he has a very sweet, snuggly disposition so I felt it didn't match and changed his name to Oliver/Ollie.

    Since he's a Norwegion Forest cat, he's on the big side (17lbs, but they get up to 22lbs for the males) and when I hold him stretches from my waist to the top of my head, lol. He's a big guy but doesn't let that get in the way of snuggles when he wants them. When I get home from work and go to my room to drop off my things he'll jump on the bed, stand on his hind legs and climb up to my shoulder so that I hold him like a toddler. He's my big orange baby and I love him, neverending fur everywhere and all :)

    I've always wanted a Norwegian Forest cat. They are the coolest! I thought theybwerenreally rare and that you had to pat a lot of $ for them! How lucky you got to adopt one!
  • I have two fur covered little ones. The oldest is 16 pound orange domestic medium hair. He's got a checkup next week and will probably hear the same thing I have all my life, you need to lose more weight! He's lost two pounds this year so hopefully it won't be too bad.

    My other little guy is 180 pound St. Bernard. Pictures on my profile. He's a really big baby and always has been. Loves to go for rides and shed and drool pretty much every place!

    Our St Bernard Ruby is 140 and she seems huge! 180! Wow, that's big. I always tell people they are gentle giants. We have four young kids and I don't worry at all about her being around them she is like Nana from Peter Pan :)
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    We have Annie a Queensland healer/cattle dog, she loves to work cattle but she is getting to old now to keep up.
    7 Ducks, 4 geese,
    JJ the trail horse, Lucky the roping horse and Buster my cart driving horse.
    Our mini Ranch group
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I have 3 rats. 2 cats. 1 black lab. 1 axolotl. 30 barb fish (75 gallon aquarium, assortment of different barbs). 1 parakeet. I love bigger birds, but this is the first bird I've owned in 8 years since my baby pepe (a green cheeked amazon) died. I hadn't been able to own any birds since his passing. So my parakeet is my warm up. :)

    My cats, my dog, and 2 of my 3 rats are rescues (yes... houston's pound takes in any animal apparently.)'

    Love seeing you alls animals!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I love animals too! And I live in a zoo! lol

    Moe and Molly are my dogs and are both around 7 or 8 years old. They are from the same litter and are mixed breed (american eskimo, collie, lab, etc).

    Murphee and Montgomery are my cats - and are both around 5 years old. They are not from the same littler. Murphee is fluffy and grey while Montgomery is short haired, brown/gold...
  • We have a bouncy black lab mix named Charlie who is my woods-walking companion and laundry holder-downer.

    We've recently adopted a caramel-colored kitten that went without a name for so long that he now answers to "Cat", so I guess that's what he'll be named.

    I have a duck named Goose that I hatched in my office and raised in the living room. She lives outside with the other ducks (2 pekins, 1 indian runner, and 3 cayugas) but still comes to me to be cuddled.

    We also have 8 guinea hens that wander our property to eat bugs and act as watch birds, 12 laying hens, 10 young hens that will lay starting next year, and a very lucky rooster named Carlos.

    It can get kind of noisy around here.