Quitting the gym... How do I keep working out at home?



  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    Go to http://www.fitnessblender.com/ for loads of free workouts with workouts being added all the time. You might want to play your own music in the backgrounds as they do not play music but they are great and many of them do not require equipment or you can find substitutes for weights e.g filled water bottles.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Kettlebells may help. You can buy one Kettlebell and get a kick-*kitten* workout in less than 20 minutes. I use my kettlebell when I'm short on time. WalMart has them for reasonable prices, or you could try a consignment sporting goods store like Play It Again, Sports for decent prices on kettlebells.

    Then check out the kettlebell workouts on YouTube. My first 15 minute kettlebell workout had me limping for 3 days after! That is some serious exercise!
  • tmbolt
    tmbolt Posts: 14 Member
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. If you can't afford DVDs it's on youtube. Once done with that you can do 30 Day Ripped. Awesome workout in 30 minutes. POP pilates also do some hard core workouts on youtube. Also if you have a normal push bike you can buy devices to sit under the wheels to make it into a stationary bike.

    I had a pulmonary embolism and have 2 large areas of 1 lung damaged due to the lack of blood and oxygen flow. I've been following the Couch to 5km app on iPhone and am back running. Doc is impressed with the recover of my lung. Only way to reverse damage is to start slow and steady. Most people's mistake when taking up running to to go at it like a bull at the gate. Swimming is another good way to get lung capacity up without overdoing it.

    Good luck.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Resistance bands and a yoga mat. You can do almost anything at home with them, with a little imagination. You can walk in place as you watch TV. You can walk as fast as you want. Adding different motions, steps and exercises while you walk, adds to the cardio expenditure. It's easy to figure out a doable walking program.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Spend 20-40 quid on a second hand mountain bike.

    Go out, cycle a bit to warm up and then find a hill and sprint up that mutha..... take it easier on the way back down. Then repeat for 30-60 mins depending on your level of fitness on a variety of hills with different inclines/elevations. I guarantee this will be twice the workout of hitting a stationary bike (hell, maybe three/four/five times the workout).

    You won't be setting fire to your money on a monthly basis (a bike is a one off cost) and you get a mode of transport that can actually get you places and help to up your daily activity level.....
  • coconuthead8
    coconuthead8 Posts: 7 Member
    I use workout apps! and you could also try at home workout videos until you find one you like! But I use the Daniel miller apps (free versions!) and I rotate them different days. I do the cardio app one everyday and then mix in a leg, butt, arm, or abs one!
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Hop on youtube and hunt around for short fitness videos that catch your interest. There are a bazillion on there, so there's bound to be at least 1 that you like!


    Also, get yourself a kettlebell! They don't cost much and are a great way to get cardio and strength in one go, work out your whole body without using loads of different machines and because the workout is more intense and effective, it only takes 20 mins a day (not including warm up of course) I love mine and use it all the time! There are LOADS of videos on Youtube showing you the exercises and proper form (SO important with this type of exercise!)

    Also, i quite like the Wii Fit Plus for mild exercise and a bit of fun...

    X x x
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Yea I sometime utube videos, also workout are on the tv, I record them for later, virtual skipping and jumping jacks really get your heart rate up, i do these through the adverts when i'm watching tv. I would say also schedule time in for your workout at home, i have a reminder that pops up on my phone saying workout time, just like scheduling the gym. Good luck
  • thinjustfabulous
    thinjustfabulous Posts: 30 Member
    i just play my favourite music that can make me jump up and down, put my headphone on and dance!
    better than running ! :)
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Suggest you visit Car Boot Sales/ Garage Sales in your area. You will pick up a discarded Static Bike or Cross Trainer for a few Pounds/ Dollars!
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Find an apartment block with at least 8 floors.
    Walk, run, crawl up and down those stairs for half an hour.


    I did this a few years ago and it worked perfectly. I basically ran up the stairs. Paused until my heartrate was normal / was breathing normal again. Than walked down slowly. Rinse Repeat.

    How about leg raises, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, sit ups, push ups,


    There are so many great exercises that you can do with your body alone. Maybe you add a chair, a broomstick or some form of bar (to do pull ups).
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I've come to love and depend on the bikes at the gym for my cardio as well as all the different machines, but I just can't afford my membership as a student anymore. I do frequent floor exercises, but I just can't believe that they might possibly make up for loosing my cardio. I can't afford to purchase anything and I can't run, I was exposed to second-hand smoke the vast majority of my life and I just... yeah, I can't breathe. What are some other things I can do to keep from having the loss of the gym effect my workout?

    awww im sorry about the second hand smoke thing.. do you need an inhaler?? they say its 8months to heal lungs once not exposted anymore??? maybe you could get an inhaler and it could work wonders??? (idk if you already have one??)
    try power walking outside... I love to do that.. and i do light jogging with it ..and try renting videos (dvd) at library!! free and you can work out at home for cardio/squats and all that jazz... also try looking up in your local area for free or cheap (Like $5 each class for zumba/classes etc..) explore! :flowerforyou:
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    If your a student are there any sports you enjoy, or would you like to take one up? most establishments have these mostly free as well. You could try brisk walks too instead of public transport if you don't already do that. If you've got space then 30 day shred is really good and only £5 on Amazon
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    i just play my favourite music that can make me jump up and down, put my headphone on and dance!
    better than running ! :)

    I agree. Dancing is a great way to get cardio and if you are doing it in the privacy of your own place you don't have to worry if you don't think you are a good dancer.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Do you have anywhere you could keep a bicycle? It would probably become a practical transportation device as well as a good workout.