Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I was at work at a construction site and it was a Tuesday just like today because we were having our regular weekly meeting. Everyone just sat there and watched it for hours on a tiny little television in the office trailer.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 641 Member
    I was sitting in my office and heard about it on the radio. They said "We are under attack". My husband called me and said "What is going on??" We were due to fly out the following day on a trip to Denver. We thank God that we weren't flying on that day. A horrible, horrible day. I have visited the site.....an emotional experience for sure.
  • HKooner
    I was in Leicester, England working for a car hire company. I remember everyone crowding round the common room to watch the news on TV.
    Just couldn't believe what we were seeing!!!! Words cannot describe the horror of this sad tragedy.
  • sdicken1
    Walking my granddraughter April to kindergarten in Dequinnency, La when a neighbor came running out her front door crying out about the twin towers being bombed everyone in that small community came out on the street and shared their sorrow about the crisis and watched as the terror continued to unfold throughout the day. Out community was united in a way it never had been before over the horror of bereavement of the family and friends of those we could not help our prayers and sorrorws wept for them.
  • Aunt_Kiki
    Aunt_Kiki Posts: 47 Member
    Was living in Denver, working nights, and Tuesday was a day off for me. Woke up when my phone started ringing - friends in Virginia were calling to ask if my parents were ok. They don't live in NYC, but in NY state, and everything was so chaotic in the first few hours, I couldn't get ahold of them because the phone lines were all jammed. I remember spending 90% of my day off glued to the tv, watching all the coverage - the other 10% was spent trying to find a blood bank I could still donate to. So many people came out to donate that all the blood banks started turning people away. I also remember really just being in shock, until later that same night when there was a report of a possible bomb in the Empire State building, and that's when it all really hit me and I lost it. Kept the tv on for months after that, tuned to a news network, any time I was home. Didn't matter if I watched it or not, if it was on, I felt better.

    The emergency responders deserve our thanks constantly, not just one day a year. Please remember to thank a cop, firefighter or EMT whenever you get the chance.
  • elinakalna
    I got my first mobile phone on that day and first text I received was that war has started in America.
  • amm703
    amm703 Posts: 111 Member
    Home. I worked 12-8, just woke up and turned on the TV to see about 5 min of coverage before the 2nd plane hit.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I was lying on the sofa watching Friends as I always did after school (typical lazy teenager!) when my mum came flying in from work and took the remote from me to put the news channel on...I started a big argument as she always took the remote and didnt let me watch the last 5mins of the programme. It was only when I saw what was happening on the news that I stopped fighting and we both went silent and watched.

    Thoughts with the family and friends of anyone involved on that fateful day! xxx
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    lying on our front room rug with my 1 yr old son watching tv in utter disbelief and horror.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I was at the Neurology Office I worked for. We were preparing for the day by pulling charts. We had the TV on in the waiting room. My co-worker and I saw the 2nd plane hit. At that time, we had no idea this was a terrorist act. We just thought a plane had problems and accidently crashed into the tower. I remember feeling so alone that night. I lived away from my family and boyfriend. My boyfriend (now husband) was supposed to come down that weekend to visit me. I was worried the gas prices would get too high and he wouldn't be able too.
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm from iowa, I was at work listening to the radio, after the song finished the announcer said 'breaking news a plane just crashed into the world trade center more after the break', and they went to commercial. We didn't have TV's at work so we had to just listen all day. I went home on my lunch break and recorded a different news channel on each TV (had to do it old school back then with a VCR, lol). Remember it like it was yesterday, can't believe it has been 11 years already! Thinking of the families of those lost today! I hope one day to get to ground zero, would like to take my kids when they are older.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    Was in college and had just left the architecture building after pulling an all-nighter to finish a project. I was asleep no more than 10 minutes when my roommate woke me up to see what was going on.
  • kurting81
    kurting81 Posts: 32 Member
    I was finishing up my Field Training Exercise in Fort Jackson, NC in Basic Training. The Drill Sergeant's rounded us up in the woods and told us what was going on. At first we thought it was just a mock mission they were preparing for us as we just couldn't grasp that it was actually reality right away.
  • walkermom58
    walkermom58 Posts: 86 Member
    As the Middle School librarian, a Book Fair was in progress. My parent volunteer and I were sitting waiting for the next class to come in when another parent came in, told us the first tower had been hit by a plane. We thought at first accident, but then when into shock, sadness, and a little fear when the second tower was hit. We hooked up a tv, with poor reception, and watched somberly as the news came through. Disbelief and questions in our mind as to how someone could purposely do this were on everyone's mind. I remember just wanting to go home and gather all my family safely around me as we didn't know what would get hit next!

    Going to church, sitting and praying much later that evening helped.
  • At work in Horsham, PA (45 minutes outside of Philadelphia). After hearing of the 1st plane hitting the tower we all ran into our engineering room which had a several tv's. We turned it on, a few minutes later we saw the 2nd place hit. Pure horror.

    My office building was about a mile from the Willow Grove Naval Base. The perimeter of the naval base was surrounded by soldiers armed with machine guns. It was unreal. So scary.

    My good friend worked in the one of the Towers. He was running late for work and ended up being stuck in the subway below. Luckily he and everyone else on the subway were unharmed.
  • Capekj51
    Capekj51 Posts: 17 Member
    I was in my apartment, getting ready for college classes and listening to Wisconsin Public Radio when they reported that a plane had run into one of the Towers. I remember thinking that a small student plane must of gone off course or had some sort of problem and crashed into it. Who could have known then...?
  • kclynn7
    I was at work (Metro Detroit). My boss had the tv on in his office and we were all crammed in there watching as the second plane hit. He then moved the tv to the lunchroom and we had most of the office and shop in there watching.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I was at work in the ICU. One of the girls we were working with had a son in the Marines who was on a flight out of Boston that morning (we live about an hour from Logan). They grounded the plane he was on and there were boxcutters found in the seats. They suspected that the group of marines in their uniforms may have deterred another tragedy. But, for several hours she didn't know where he or his plane was, very scary day.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I was living in London at the time, I was at my Uncle's house when the news broke, we heard it on the news that just happened to be on the TV in the kitchen
  • Sitting in my 5th grade Science class not allowed to be let free. The person flying the plane bought the "How to fly" books in my town so we could not move. :(