Runners where do you run in the winter?



  • Double_Tapp
    I currently live in Texas and it never really gets cold enough not to run. So when its cooler I just add a layer and run. I run on the roads, a track, and trails. I hope to move soon and when I will be moving will be much cooler. I will have to wait until I get there to determine how to dress and where to run. With fall approaching the daylight will be limited so I am going to purchase a light that I can wear and run the trails in the dark if need be.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Yep, I continue to run outside. Only thing I won't do outside once the weather changes is road bike. I still run mountain bike, etc. during the winter.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Point is: Maybe running in winter needs to be the fallback plan for you when you can get to another resource like the gym, pool, etc. Find a gym that lets you sign up on a seasonal basis. Then, as weather permits go for a run.

    That's a great plan, unless your goal is to be the best runner you can be. :smile:

    I was a dam good runner and I ran inside in the winter. Pretty general statement, don't you think?
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Outside... I actually LOVE running in the winter compared to being hot. I'll take 30 over 90 any day of the week!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Outside... I actually LOVE running in the winter compared to being hot. I'll take 30 over 90 any day of the week!

    Well ya, 30...not -30.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Point is: Maybe running in winter needs to be the fallback plan for you when you can get to another resource like the gym, pool, etc. Find a gym that lets you sign up on a seasonal basis. Then, as weather permits go for a run.

    That's a great plan, unless your goal is to be the best runner you can be. :smile:

    I was a dam good runner and I ran inside in the winter. Pretty general statement, don't you think?

    It was in response to the cross training aspect of the post, not running on the treadmill. I know running is running. But to be the best runner, you have to run. If cross training provided the same benefit as running, then runners would cross train instead or running, not in addition to running.

    ETA: Just noticed that I didn't quote that part of the OP's post. My bad.
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    I run inside once the snow flies. The town I live in isn't the greatest about keeping the sidewalks clear and even though drivers are used to snow every year they still drive like idiots. And with my luck with snow and ice and would be on my *kitten* and falling into a passing car! LOL

    It's safer for everyone for me to run inside in the winter. LOL
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I run outside rain or shine, light or dark. But I've never dealt with snow :P

    I am going to have to deal with this, since I work 8-4:30 and am in Virginia, it will be too dark in the morning before I leave for work and too dark when I get home...I know I will catch some flack from my co-workers, telling me it is too dangerous to run in the evening since it will be getting dark early, but a gym is not an option (none close) and I can't afford a treadmill right now
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 427 Member
    I ran outside all last winter. With the right clothing, it's not bad at all. Lots of layers, and wicking fabrics for the inner layer. The coldest weather I ran in was around 20 degrees Fahrenheit. I like the Nike Pro-Combat Hyperwarm Shirts and Pants, they work great.
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    I run in the cold. Its actually my favorite time to run... even during snowstorms when its 5 below. I'm crazy though. Best bet, if you can't pick up a gym membership for the treadmills check into some of the DVDs out there. Any plyometrics workouts would be good to add for variety and endurance. I was amazed when I finished Insanity how much it helped my running.

    Good luck!!
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    im sticking with out side just changing up my times from when i get off work in the morning to when i get up in the afternoon long sleeve shirt tights underneath my jean shorts that i run in (i like the pockets ill be adding thin gloves with touch pads for my phone and my head band if necessary but shouldnt be too often
  • rodrig462
    rodrig462 Posts: 10 Member
    Point is: Maybe running in winter needs to be the fallback plan for you when you can get to another resource like the gym, pool, etc. Find a gym that lets you sign up on a seasonal basis. Then, as weather permits go for a run.

    That's a great plan, unless your goal is to be the best runner you can be. :smile:

    I was a dam good runner and I ran inside in the winter. Pretty general statement, don't you think?

    It was in response to the cross training aspect of the post, not running on the treadmill. I know running is running. But to be the best runner, you have to run. If cross training provided the same benefit as running, then runners would cross train instead or running, not in addition to running.

    ETA: Just noticed that I didn't quote that part of the OP's post. My bad.

    It's hard to offer any solution without some generalization working its way in. In my case, I have been a decent runner, but was a more successful "generalist".

    That is, I never won my age group in a marathon, but I won my age group several times in half and full Ironman races. To your point, it all depends on your goals.

    I have also seen it play out as you describe: if your goal is to be the best runner you can be, it is unlikely that you will start your day by getting on your bike. I didn't detect that objective in the thread, so I kept my thoughts along the lines of "general aerobic fitness."

    These days, I sometimes suffer from gout. That completely shuts down running (for me) for about a month; I can't handle being inactive for that long. At 50 years old, I am just beginning to fight to keep doing SOMETHING. :smile:
  • LDC1969
    LDC1969 Posts: 13 Member
    I live in Iowa and try to run outside year round. If it is to icy or way cold I will hit the treadmill at the gym. Running in the snow is the very peaceful and quiet. Just make sure you layer your clothes and wear some kind of hat. I also generally run over my lunch hour when there is the most light.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I'll be moving inside to the treadmill here in a few weeks. Yes, it's safe to run to -20 (easy for the guy from Georgia to say), but for me, it's not comfortable. I'll play hockey until it gets to around 0 to -5, but that's where I call it. Between wind chill and stuff getting wet then freezing, I'll just go inside.
    It's easy for a guy from Georgia to say but I did run for 4 years during the winter in Alaska. -20 is not that bad if you cover your skin and keep moving. It is kind of cold if you just stand around.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Last year for Christmas I received cold weather running gear, I can't wait to finally use it this year . . . I even bought another pair of cold weather leggings in mid summber because they were only $10 . . . unheard of!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Man, winter is a blessing here for running. It's too hot for me to run outside like half of the year, so when it gets cold, I'm outside non-stop. Then again, it rarely gets down to freezing during the day here, so I don't have to worry so much about it being TOO cold.
  • pithole
    pithole Posts: 75 Member
    Outside. Winter running is some of the best. Just be smart about it. Layer on top and stay away from the ice. I cannot wait until it gets super cold again! Hot weather running is the pits!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I run outside in the winter and I live in one of the coldest spots in the U.S. in Colorado. I've run through blizzards and -20 degree temperatures. When it is really cold, I usually wear a layer or two underneath a Marmot Driclime jacket and running pants with long underwear. I've run in weather cold enough that you have to have your face covered so I wear a neck gaiter or a balaclava. On my hands gloves, or gloves under wool mittens when it is really cold. And a stocking cap, of course. In warmer temperatures, like above 20, you can get warmed up pretty quickly and you don't need as many layers. I run a lot at night and use a headlamp and reflective clothing.

    To me the hardest part is walking out the door. If you dress for how cold it is outside, you will get hot in all your clothing while running. For me the key is to warm up inside, in your running clothes, before you go out. I'll run in place for 5 minutes, do jumping jacks etc. to get warmed up. I do that until I'm a little uncomfortable and that's when I go out. It can be a challenge braving the cold, but it can also be pretty rewarding facing the elements.

    Last year, I didn't really run over the winter and I paid for it this Spring. This is great advice and I've decided to go ahead and try to run through the winter this time utilizing the advice given above.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I run outside 12 months a year. Doesn't matter if its 100 f, or -40. Doesn't matter if its raining, snowing, or you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. I embrace it all.

    I ran a1mile polar bear run( in my skivies) on New Years in -36 celcius this year... Got dressed. Chased it down with a couple of hot toddies and then ran a 5k.

    Yes, I am Canadian!

    You inspire me sir! :wink:
  • jamesja1
    jamesja1 Posts: 15 Member
    good idea to warm up inside first before heading outside! im using that idea this winter!!!