Weekly Weighing??

Ok so question?? Should I weigh every week? or Should I not weigh and keep working and weigh on my "goal date" (Dec 6th)? Since this is a life style change, i don't want to get discouraged by the scale. But I can't stand not weighing... Maybe I'll weigh when i start getting compliments..?? Let me know your thoughts!


  • Personally I like to weekly weigh. If the scale isn't going down, I don't get discouraged it just means I need to work harder or do something different. As well as put things into perspective..is this extra water weight, have I been snacking, etc. It should be used as a motivational tool. Would also measure for inches to gauge success. Muscle is heaver than fat. So if the scale is going back up, you good potentially be gaining muscle. So measure inches and be mindful of how your clothes fit on you. Best of luck!
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I use the scales to keep me on the straight and narrow, I know that if i didn't weigh in and record it I would not have the disapline to stick to my goals
    Everybody is different thou' so Good Luck with whatever you decide
  • jsophiethomas
    jsophiethomas Posts: 7 Member
    I record everything I eat, even on cheating days. Then I add up my calorie balance each day and only weigh myself when I have 7000 calorie deficit (which should be a 2lb weight loss). In fact, it can be 1-3lbs, but it has never been a gain. Doing it this way, I never have to record a weight gain and that's quite encouraging, even if it might take 3 weeks to lose 2 lbs! (I'm post menopausal so I don't have hormonal variations)
  • Ah! Thank you all so very much!
    I guess I don't want to stand on the scale and see i've gained weight or stayed at the same weigh in fear that I might give up. :/ But I am motivated and I have decided I won't stop until my goals are met! And from there on it will be my lifestyle change!
    Thank you for your comments!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Evil Scale is Evil.
  • I do weekly weighing (and monthly measuring) to make sure I'm keeping myself on track....plus it is FANTASTIC to see positive results.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Ok so question?? Should I weigh every week? or Should I not weigh and keep working and weigh on my "goal date" (Dec 6th)? Since this is a life style change, i don't want to get discouraged by the scale. But I can't stand not weighing... Maybe I'll weigh when i start getting compliments..?? Let me know your thoughts!

    I try not to weigh more than once every four to six weeks. Sometimes, though, if I notice I've dropped a size or my current size is getting a little big, I'll "sneak" one in just because my curiosity gets the better of me.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    I weigh daily and keep a moving average. True Weight for iPhone and Libra for Android are apps that will do it for you. I find it very helpful. Here's a site that says more about this method of tracking: http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/signalnoise.html
  • I weigh in only about once a month, because I find doing it weekly discourages me if I don't see scale results. If you can weigh yourself regularly while remembering that losing weight healthily is a slow process, then go for it! Depends on you.
  • skrame
    skrame Posts: 16 Member
    I've only been counting calories and really trying to lose weight for a few weeks. I weigh myself almost daily. I find it motivates me to eat better and to workout, and it keeps me on track when I underestimate meals but think I'm doing OK.
  • Dudarfst
    Dudarfst Posts: 9 Member
    personally, I don't weigh every week. Once a month is good enough to keep you on track. It will only get frustrating when you don't get the results you want, but most people forget that when they start working out they build up muscle mass at the same time, which weighs more than fat! Good luck
  • It might be helpful to! I like to do every 1-2 weeks because it just makes me aware of whether or not I've plateaued and need to change something.
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I weigh daily but I'm sooo weird about routines.
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    I weigh daily and log my weight into my journal. However, I record my weight weekly with MFP. My weekly weigh in is my official number for my little weight tracker below my post.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Some people like to not weight in until a certain date/goal/program end

    I personally like a weekly weigh in, and to take measurments monthly.
  • I guess to each its own.I personally weigh-in once a week,normally on Fridays
  • corlas0105
    corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
    Evil Scale is Evil.

    ^^^^This...I used to weigh myself every week. I did it for about a year and a half. My weight went down 9 pounds, then back up 9 pounds in that time. But I am much more fit at 145 now than I was at 145 a year and a half ago!
  • I allow myself to hit the scale at any time, but I only record my weight at the end of every week. I also only weigh myself in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    I weigh once a week, at the same day/time each week because seeing even the smallest amount of weight difference makes me more and more motivated.

    I will be the skinny sister by Christmas. LOL.
  • Weigh weekly
    It's the only way you know you're on track. However, I would suggest you take measurements rsther than weigh yourself because the measuring tape is a little more reliable than the scale. (=
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