What's your scariest movie?



  • JediMaster_intraining
    Paranormal Activity

    This was the first scary movie I saw. It scared the crap outta me since I believe in those type of things...I am a baby when it comes to anything scary. You can laugh all you want!

    I will NEVER see it again or the other ones because that movie made me scared to sleep for like a month. I think anything dealing with stuff that I believe can happen in real life freaks me out.

    The Strangers was a good creepy movie but since I don't live in the middle of the country side...I could sleep :smile:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The Ring freaked me out the first time I watched it. It didn't help, that as soon as the movie was done my phone started to ring. I refused to answer it and my friends made fun of me for days. :noway:

    Texas Chainsaw massacre - that one freaks me out everytime I watch it.

    The hills have eyes - My daughter and I watched that the night before a road trip. She now says that I am not allowed to pick out movies before a road trip.
    I also always put in the Blair witch project the night before camping trips. I love freaking out my daughter.

    I :heart: you!
  • joywo
    joywo Posts: 39 Member
    That movie really disturbed me too. I felt depressed after also and couldn't keep the images out of my mind. I actually turned it off when I saw what the guy was going to do to the prostitute. Saw the end another time.

    That is a truly disturbing movie.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    It's a toss up between Jaws and Hostel.

    I'm still afraid to swim in the ocean!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    The Omen. Any kid named Damien after watching that I kept a close eye on :laugh:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Paranormal Activity

    This was the first scary movie I saw. It scared the crap outta me since I believe in those type of things...I am a baby when it comes to anything scary. You can laugh all you want!

    I will NEVER see it again or the other ones because that movie made me scared to sleep for like a month. I think anything dealing with stuff that I believe can happen in real life freaks me out.

    The Strangers was a good creepy movie but since I don't live in the middle of the country side...I could sleep :smile:

    Watch the 2nd and 3rd PA's... it'll ruin whatever you found scary about the 1st one. :tongue:
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    The Strangers - anything with the possibility of being reality is sick. I hate answering my front door because of this movie.
    The Exorcist
    Children of the Corn
  • LadyBuell
    Not scary really but gross ... the hills have eyes. Ick. Too much mutant rape for my taste.

    The human centipede was sooooo wrong. I will never forgive the co worker who lent it to me. He's getting the sequel for christmas muwhaha.

    The Hills Have Eyes for me too but the original 1977 version. I was sad to see the scene I remember most wasn't in the remake. It is where the leader of the hill people was sitting around the fire with the dad (in the fire) from the camper.

    Human Centipede just doesn't look like anything I'd be interested in watching. Can you say ick?
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    As a child, Phantasm!! This movie scared the bejeevus outta me!! :sad:
    Though, Halloween and Jaws are high up on that list too. To this day I'm nervous when I go in the water (you should've seen my reaction when a manatee grazed up against me) Oh and The Shining!!
    Yeah, I saw a lot of scary movies as a small child (Alien is on that list too). Apparently my parents couldn't afford a babysitter. :grumble:

    (And as an adult, The Ring! I went over to my boyfriends house afterwards as I didn't want to be alone!) :laugh:
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    Evil Dead - my dad bought it on VHS and we put it on in the afternoon. When the part of the mother under basement comes flying out we all screamed and ran outside to the backyard and left the door open. nobody wanted to go back in the house to turn it off!

    the exorcist - always scares me

    paranormal activity 1 - I couldnt sleep for 3 straight nights just wondering if "something" was going to grab my feet and drag me off the bed!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    The Changeling - the older one, with George C. Scott. It's my favorite.

    The Ring freaked me out, and then after watching it, I took the dog out and there was a fly crawling on the patio door. It was chilly out, so it looked completely out of place, and it freaked me out even more.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    The Changeling- not the angelia jolie lol the old one about the boy killed in his bathtub- ffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreaaaaaaaaaaked me out- even to this day! Hate bathtubs...love showers lol
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Pet Sematary

    I was the first horror movie I watched. I was in 8th grade. My BFF and I watched it in her basement. I still can't watch it to this day.

    Watched that movie one night a long long time ago, and the next day at college, someone brought their kid to the student lounge and that kid looked IDENTICAL to Gage. He kept saying he wanted to play with mommy...kinda freaked me out.

    When I was a kid, the movie Prophecy (1979 version) scared me to death...but so did Wizard of Oz when the witch was on. My mom used to say we would hide behind the couch whenever the witch showed up.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    It's a toss up between Jaws and Hostel.

    I'm still afraid to swim in the ocean!

    Ocean?? I still get spooked from Jaws at the lake!!
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    It's a toss up between Jaws and Hostel.

    I'm still afraid to swim in the ocean!

    Ocean?? I still get spooked from Jaws at the lake!!

    I was terrified to take a BATH for weeks after watching it! Of course my mom let me watch it when I was like 8 so... you know, no accounting for psychological trauma. This is probably why I didn't learn to swim until I was 18. :laugh:
  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    hubby loves clockwork orange too. his is the shining. i saw it as an adult. i didnt get it. the twins are creepy but nothing else. he saw it at 7, so that i could see. his is the blood out of the walls.

    The Shining, the movie, wasn't really scary compared to the book. When I read the book, it took me a month before I would get on an elevator and I worked on the 12th floor! Then it took another month before I could ride the elevator alone! I was like hanging around the lobby waiting for someone else to get on. They must have thought I was a pervert.

    Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte with Bette Davis. I saw maybe ten minutes of it, had to turn it off, and still get chills from the mention of it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    It's a toss up between Jaws and Hostel.

    I'm still afraid to swim in the ocean!

    My son, who can't stomach grossness, loved Hostel, and I thought it was the most violent movie I'd ever seen. I asked him why he could watch that and not Saw. He said "One word. Boobies." Ugh. :laugh:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    It's a toss up between Jaws and Hostel.

    I'm still afraid to swim in the ocean!

    My son, who can't stomach grossness, loved Hostel, and I thought it was the most violent movie I'd ever seen. I asked him why he could watch that and not Saw. He said "One word. Boobies." Ugh. :laugh:

    Well, that and once you've seen one Saw movie, you've seen them all.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I never really watched too many scary movies growing up... my parents wouldn't allow it... but I remember one time though, we had watched He-man the movie (yes, there is one of those) and I had nightmares afterwards... I don't know if it's a scary movie or what but I did... Now though, I cannot watch the Final Destination movies or any conspiracy theory movies because they freak the hell out of me.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Very few horror movies creep me out but one will always stick out in my head and maybe it's just because it was completely gross. The Human Centipede. I don't know how they could make a sequel but I won't be putting that on my playlist. I didn't eat for two days after. Now that's a good diet motivator.

    Oh lord! That is one I will NEVER watch just by the name alone... I hate centipedes anyway... they give me the creeps.