Who's doing Turbo Fire???



  • Did any of you guys feel foolish when you first started? I've not done any of Chalene's workouts before really and I'm doing the best I can but I feel like I'm not always doing the moves right and I feel like I go way to slow!! I really do like it so far though!! I so far have only done the Fire Starter, Low HIIT 20, and Stretch 10 classes. Today is a rest day so I'm going to go for a walk, I can't wait to do tomorrow!

    I felt like an Octopus being hit with a taser gun when I first started!! Seriously my arms and legs were all over the shop! lol!

    I'm in week 7 now and while I am far from perfect I'm a long way from Ms Octopus - lol!
  • I LOVE Turbo Fire!! I'm a month & 1 week away from completing the program! I graduated Insanity in July and Love it as well but Turbo Fire really gets me pumped! Doesnt even feel like Im working out!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Did any of you guys feel foolish when you first started? I've not done any of Chalene's workouts before really and I'm doing the best I can but I feel like I'm not always doing the moves right and I feel like I go way to slow!! I really do like it so far though!! I so far have only done the Fire Starter, Low HIIT 20, and Stretch 10 classes. Today is a rest day so I'm going to go for a walk, I can't wait to do tomorrow!

    I felt like an Octopus being hit with a taser gun when I first started!! Seriously my arms and legs were all over the shop! lol!

    I'm in week 7 now and while I am far from perfect I'm a long way from Ms Octopus - lol!

    :) This is hysterical, thank you for the smile!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    HIIT 15 and 30 Sculpt is up today after work, have any of you guys done these before? It'll be my first time, week 2 is almost finished!
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hey Jenbk2 - ditto on the "fear of turbo fire". I did Turbo Jam about 5 years ago and am starting Chalean Extreme this monday. I have had Turbo Fire for about 5 months now and every time I give it a shot, I give up. I haven't worked out in a long time so I thought that I was just too out of shape to handle it and I had given my Turbo Jam DVD's away (stupid me). My friend, who has lost over 100 pounds, made it through P90X and Insanity and purchased Turbo Fire. She tried it for a couple of days and sent it back saying even Insanity wasn't that insane.

    So instead of continuously being discouraged, I am going to go ahead and do Chalean Extreme, try to build up some muscle and endurance and then conquer Turbo Fire!!!
  • I just ordered Turbo Fire!!! So excited to get started because I have heard some great things about it. I've done P90X and dropped about 30 pounds, but unfortunately gained them back through this past year. I hope since I did ok with P90X that I could keep up with Turbo Fire. We will see!!! Wish me luck!!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I just ordered Turbo Fire!!! So excited to get started because I have heard some great things about it. I've done P90X and dropped about 30 pounds, but unfortunately gained them back through this past year. I hope since I did ok with P90X that I could keep up with Turbo Fire. We will see!!! Wish me luck!!!

    Best of luck to you! That's awesome that you did p90x, I have never tried it!!
  • Hey Jenbk2 - ditto on the "fear of turbo fire". I did Turbo Jam about 5 years ago and am starting Chalean Extreme this monday. I have had Turbo Fire for about 5 months now and every time I give it a shot, I give up. I haven't worked out in a long time so I thought that I was just too out of shape to handle it and I had given my Turbo Jam DVD's away (stupid me). My friend, who has lost over 100 pounds, made it through P90X and Insanity and purchased Turbo Fire. She tried it for a couple of days and sent it back saying even Insanity wasn't that insane.

    So instead of continuously being discouraged, I am going to go ahead and do Chalean Extreme, try to build up some muscle and endurance and then conquer Turbo Fire!!!

    I did Chalean Extreme from April-July. LOVED IT! I lost around 12 pounds without watching what I ate and have some really nice arms now! I started Turbo Fire about 2 weeks ago- to mix it up a bit and try something new (and am going to try watching my food intake now). I am SO NOT a dancer or like dancing stuff, but I have to say- the workouts make me sweat like crazy. They are discouraging, because of how fast they go, but I just laugh at myself. When it doubt, just punch towards the corners ;) I keep telling myself that one day I will get the routine down! It might be at day 90, but I will get it! And...no one else is allowed in the room with me when I do the workouts :-)

    After this, I plan on incorporating the Chalean Extreme Hybrid into my routine. Turbo Fire does have some fun band workouts for toning...really impressed with how I feel the next day!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Hey guys!! Rest day today, which I needed!! I'm finally starting to get the moves down a little better. I'm sooooo grateful because I was starting to get really discouraged and wanted to give up. I just kept telling myself to push through it and now I'm showing a lot of improvement! DONT GIVE UP GUYS!!!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I DO! I just started week 10 today! :flowerforyou:
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    My "go back to" workout always. Love the music, and to me it's fun. I am on my second round. Did my first last year but incorporating other workouts into this round as well. Good luck to you!
  • I am currently doing Turbo Jam...finishing up my first 4-week schedule from BeachBody this weekend. Then i will start another and keep going for a total of 16 weeks. Once I am done those, I am going to try Turbo Fire, probably after the 1st of the year!
  • Week 5 here and love it!
  • I love Turbo, It was odd at first some of the moves she does back word like kick then knee but you start to get a hang of it. I have Chalean Extreme but haven't had a chance to do it yet. Now I'm doing a Turbo Kick class at the gym. Chalean is awesome :)
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I just got TurboFire today and I cheated an did the fire starter class LOL. I was dripping in sweat when I completed the workout and it was amazing because I've down cardio workouts for an hour and sweated the same amount in that short period of a time. And it was fun! I get bored of stuff pretty easily but it had my attention and I'm excited to start this full on, on monday! I already love it!
  • Gagaluvr
    Gagaluvr Posts: 73 Member
    I did Turbofire for 5 weeks until my right knee had a ton of pain. So for the past 2 weeks i've been doing regular cardio (elliptical). But I want to start Turbofire back up or at least incorporate some days into my weekly workout routine. My question is, do any of you know approximately how many calories this program burns? How do you enter it into your MFP? Do you count these exercise calories?
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I did Turbofire for 5 weeks until my right knee had a ton of pain. So for the past 2 weeks i've been doing regular cardio (elliptical). But I want to start Turbofire back up or at least incorporate some days into my weekly workout routine. My question is, do any of you know approximately how many calories this program burns? How do you enter it into your MFP? Do you count these exercise calories?

    I don't have a heart rate monitor so I just log mine under kickboxing, so I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is. My knees get a little sore too, I try to focus really hard on pivoting like she says, but it's difficult with sneakers on carpet. I'm getting better every day though!!

    @Shalla- That's awesome that you cheated :) You're gonna love the class schedule, it feels so good to mark off that it's done for the day!!
  • Doing HIIT 15 and Tone 30 later on today (week 3). First time doing Tone 30, so I am hoping it's a good one. Love the HIIT workouts....anyone elses HIIT 25 DVD have sound issues if you select the Music Fired Up (yes) option?

    Loving the results too - already down 4 lbs, 2 inches from my waist, 1.5 from my hips.

    Anyone else find the songs are playing in their heads during the day? :tongue:
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Hey guys!! I did HIIT 15 and Tone 30 today too! I decided to play with my video camera, so if you want a little chuckle, here is part of my workout :)

  • amwalcott
    amwalcott Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on the 3rd week of Turbo Fire. I love it!!!!!! I did the Turbo Jam videos religiously about 5 or 6 years ago. I started them back up in April and while looking for updated videos I found Turbo Fire. I'm so glad I finally talked myself into buying it. It is an awesome workout! I'm trying to not get discouraged because I have only lost 1 pound the first 2 weeks. My next weigh in is Saturday. I have lost 2 inches off my hips, 1 inch of my waist, and .25 inches off each thigh....so there is progress. I ended up getting a workout mat at Ross for like 10 bucks. It has helped alot with my knees and being able to pivot. Tennis shoes + carpet= a nightmare on the knees trying to pivot!