Anyone using Body by Visalus?



  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    :laugh: very amusing post to read through.

    Seriously though, the problem is that people think that the shakes "work". You would get the same results eating *gasp* REAL FOOD rather than drinking these stupid things. If you're only using them because you're too lazy to cook breakfast in the morning, then sure, go for it.
    If you're using it for weight loss then it's really a huge waste of money. Buy some food, eat and enjoy. These shakes are nothing more than a filler for people who are too lazy to get in the kitchen and cook a meal.

    So the fact that I already get up at 5am for my 75 minute commute to work in the morning, am not normally very hungry first thing and prefer to drink a quick shake for breakfast instead of making "real food", and choose to drink another shake at lunch at my desk because I use my lunch hour to work out instead of socialize and eat crap for lunch like most of the people I work with makes me LAZY?!? Give your head a shake lady. Stop judging people for choosing to do something different than what you do. :angry:

    They're for convenience. Why would you choose to drink a shake rather than eat an actual balanced lunch? You don't have to 'eat crap' or socialize.

    Im sorry, but didnt you just post on another thread that you drink a shake after your workout because youre hungry and too tired to cook? Whats the difference...

    The difference is that I don't replace meals. I eat lunch at work, head to the gym for a few hours (my boyfriend works there so I socialize with him for a bit), drink my shake at the gym when I finish working out and then go home and have dinner. Mine is also a protein shake and that's it's sole function since I don't get enough protein through mass amounts of chicken, fish, etc. Nice try though. :tongue:
  • blakeevan04
    blakeevan04 Posts: 40 Member
    I love how some people are ready to bash and report people and products. When people buy stuff from the store and share how great it worked for them, NO ONE bashes or reports them, we encourage the PERSON on how great it works for them. Think about what you say and do.

    ViSalus, HerbaLife, or Shakeology or any other product, DO work, if you follow it with diet and exercise. Most of us have used protein shakes... it enhances our fat burning. These products help normal everyday people make 5-10% on the purchase instead of some Corporation Xmart making 90% profit. Research and Learn instead of bashing and report.

    Lets respect and encourage each other. <3

    Nice comments!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member


    Seriously, go eat a sandwich if you like and leave me and my shakes alone. I dont have to justify anything to you. I enjoy them, it works for my lifestyle and thats all Ive ever stated. Nuff said.

    Why are you engaging in dialogue about it if you don't want anyone else to comment on your shakes? Everyone would have left you alone if you never posted in this thread about it, but you voluntarily opened this topic, clicked "reply" and posted your opinion about it in a public forum.

    I dont understand why people who have never used what the OP originally inquired about even bothered to open the thread other than to be a negative busybody. All you 2 want to do is bash something youve never tried and have no experience with and be the MFP forum police. I have no problem with someone who knows what they are talking about commenting on what I choose to ingest.

    I have no interest in bashing things I have no experience with. Here's the thing- I DO happen to understand nutrition. There is no magic to Body by Vi, it's an overpriced protein shake. You can get EXACTLY the same benefits by purchasing an inexpensive protein supplement, and then you have zero chance of being roped in to a marketing scheme where you are encouraged to swindle your friends and family, and random strangers on MFP, out of their own money to make up for your losses or get free shakes. I don't need to try the product to know that. Granted, I have no experience with the flavor of it, and as such, I don't comment on the flavor or texture of the product.

    I do however have an interest in protecting unwitting new MFP users from getting swindled. This is out of camaraderie and promoting good health and success of my fellow users of this site. I want everyone to be given a fair shake (pun intended) at success here, and getting bombarded by bogus marketing claims in the interest of self-profiting is not fair. Weight loss is difficult, and the allure of a quick fix can be intoxicating in the face of a long and difficult struggle, but it is not in anyone's best interest to allow these posts to go unchecked. Except, of course, those people who stand to make a profit from shameless self-promotion.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    One of my testicles hangs lower than the other.
    I kinda walk funny like leaning to the left.
    I put one of these shakes in my right hand and BAM!!
    It balances me right out. Miracle I tell you!!!

    Just eat at a deficit and exercise.
    No big trick or miracle needed to lose weight.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Every time I see/hear Visalus, I think Viagra+Cialis. o.O

  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    One of my testicles hangs lower than the other.
    I kinda walk funny like leaning to the left.
    I put one of these shakes in my right hand and BAM!!
    It balances me right out. Miracle I tell you!!!

    Just eat at a deficit and exercise.
    No big trick or miracle needed to lose weight.

  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    All the shakes are really doing is helping people create a calorie deficit. Seems expensive when you can just track your food on MFP and create that same deficit using real food.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    All the shakes are really doing is helping people create a calorie deficit. Seems expensive when you can just track your food on MFP and create that same deficit using real food.

    but who the f can get rich off of that?
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I dont understand why people who have never used what the OP originally inquired about even bothered to open the thread other than to be a negative busybody. All you 2 want to do is bash something youve never tried and have no experience with and be the MFP forum police. I have no problem with someone who knows what they are talking about commenting on what I choose to ingest.

    I don't need to ingest rat poison to know it isn't good for me or to have an opinion about it.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I wouldn't waste my time or money on anything like this. I'll stick with doing it the real way. Counting calories and hard work and sweat =)
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I am and I received rave reviews from my doctor just yesterday.
  • rawollenberg
    rawollenberg Posts: 1 Member
    Body by Vi has mediocre products and are NOT all natural. I know of a MUCH better product line, including a shake that was made with patented ingredients in conjunction with the USDA. NO other company has that. Pretty amazing. Let me know if you are interested.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    I started to use the shakes almost 3 years ago. I signed up to help a friend. With my personality, some people might think I would be pushy. I am not. I got the product and didn'tuse it. I had friends who used different supplements. I got out. This past spring, I found out that other friends were using and pushing the product. I did NOT sign up. I did use the meal replacement for 1 meal a day. Unfortunately, I got right headed and dizzy. I gave it up. It was too much of a shock for my body. I am trying to lose weight the old fashion way because I cannot live on shakes. I am just amazed how much it has taken off.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Body by Vi has mediocre products and are NOT all natural. I know of a MUCH better product line, including a shake that was made with patented ingredients in conjunction with the USDA. NO other company has that. Pretty amazing. Let me know if you are interested.

    Did you just threadjack a BBV thread to pimp a competing shake? And as a first post from a duplicate/disposable account no less.

    I don't know whether to applaud you or suggest that I hope very horrible things happen to you.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    1 cup of almond milk or reg. milk....fruit of your choice and 2 tbsp of cake mix..replace 2 meals a day with this...exercise and eat 2 healthy snacks and a good dinner....lose 2-5 pounds a week for .98 a week!
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    Umm it does work great................ I've been using it and anyone who asks about it, I will give them my personal positive experience with the product and the company as well. I haven't pushed any product on anyone, haven't signed anyone up, and not everyone who uses it pushes it on others........ Just saying.....

    You've probably been hearing a lot about it cause, well, frankly it works..... Been there and doing it. Take opinions from people who have used it and come to your own conclusion.........:bigsmile:

    And Um I DO SWEAT, workout as well........ so there :tongue:
  • mommyhoney2
    mommyhoney2 Posts: 17 Member
    Well said Scott....I didnt feel it was advertising either....just because the original poster wanted feedback, doesnt mean that she is pushing to sell...she just needs support...isnt that what we are all here for???
  • anothersmithm
    Just asking about it. I don't sell it, nor do I plan to. Good grief, can we not just have a discussion?
  • anothersmithm
    That's exactly what we're all here for, I thought. Now I don't want to post anymore threads because there's too much negativity.

    I understand that these types of products are not for everyone. Fine. You don't need to be rude about it. No one is claiming that this is "magic" or an easy fix by any means. I'm a busy single mom, and these shakes work well for my schedule, and my willpower. I happen to like the taste, and find them to be an easy, FILLING way to get my meals in. I still count calories and work out. I do not, by any means think this is an easy fix. There just isn't one. I talked to my doctor and two personal trainers before trying it, as I was skeptical. SKEPTICAL. Not rude.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Body by Vi has mediocre products and are NOT all natural. I know of a MUCH better product line, including a shake that was made with patented ingredients in conjunction with the USDA. NO other company has that. Pretty amazing. Let me know if you are interested.

    Did you just threadjack a BBV thread to pimp a competing shake? And as a first post from a duplicate/disposable account no less.

    I don't know whether to applaud you or suggest that I hope very horrible things happen to you.

    jof, you so smaht! I was just thinking the same thing, but you put it into words so eloquently!