newbe here and getting depressed...



  • I know how you feel. I have been on here about that long and if you see my little scale thing.... I haven't lost a pound yet. I only gained a couple! I'm drinking more water which is good cause it's cutting back my dr. pepper which I drink WAY too much of. But it just seems like I ALWAYS go over my calorie limits every day which is making me nuts! I don't get to exercise too much cause of my schedule but I at least try to fit it in! I am heading toward diabetes according to my doctor so losing is a MUST for me. Don't be too down it takes ALOT of will power and motivation to diet and exercise and it is SO hard to do it alone. Feel more than free to friend me here and we can try to boost and motivate each other. Make a competition out of it lol sorta anyway.... see who can lose their first pound lol. Chin up!! You'll get there and so will I. We just have to buckle down and eat healthy rather than not eating at all.
  • I would recommend taking your measurements instead as that tends to be a more accurate way of tracking progress. Often times, we are losing body fat and developing more lean muscle tissue, so the number on the scale does not make any sense.

    Don't beat yourself up - just eat clean, stay away from junk and stay active. You can do this!!
  • Thanks everyone..I feel better now and I am going to move forward, I can do this I have a goal of 180 by Dec. 31st and I am going to stick with it...I can do this I know I can...Thanks everyone thanks...:smile:
  • amh1974
    amh1974 Posts: 79 Member
    Don't let it control you. Stand up and grab hold of your life and when it slips, cause it will, just let it go and reposition your mind. Remeber it's a battle for all of us here. 200 pounds or 20 we still feel the same as we try to fight through it. You're here and interacting with all of us will make a difference. So grab on, be in charge!
  • For a zero calorie treat, I have a Virgil's rootbeer made with stevia; it has zero calories; zero sugar; zero everything and tastes pretty good. They also make a zero calorie cream soda that I have yet to try . . . Whole Foods carries it.