Why am I starving?!!!!



  • resamejia
    I'm currently doing INSANITY as well. My suggestion is to make sure you're eating enough...and the quality of the food you're consuming DOES MATTER. Yesterday was my super hungry day, so I ate a couple hundred calories more than I usually do. Good luck!

    (this is my second go-round with INSANITY)
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Well, I usually drink about a gallon of water per day . . . . I didn't think about the glycemic index thing. But, I ate the huge egg white omelette basically at the same time or right after I finished the protein shake and banana. Still, that with the toast could have been enough to cause a spike I suppose.

    Does other peoples' stomachs growl when they AREN'T hungry? I've never heard of that, and I've certainly never experienced it. :huh:

    That noise ur hearing are waves of muscle contractions churning up food & liquid together & pushing them downward. Moving with those ingredients are gasses and air. As everything gets pushed around, these pockets of gas and air also get squeezed and create the 'growling' ur hearing. It's not always an indicator of hunger, tho it can be. After ab two hours of the stomach emptying itself, that process I just mentioned happens again. The contractions will come & go ab every hour until u eat again.
    Everyone's stomach makes this noise & I'm sure not everyone is hungry when it does, I'm not always. I used to be though, that because people tend to relate that noise with hunger when growing up I think, so it just sticks.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    I had this problem a lot at first and was extremely frustrated by always being so hungry (I'm not a very nice person when I'm hungry.... lol). I realized that I was consistently falling short on the amount of fat I was allowed to eat per day. I was eating everything low fat or non-fat - which makes sense that I was starving because fat is what helps you feel full! I now make a point to eat a bit of good fat at each meal (2 tbsp of peanut butter at breakfast, avacado slices with a salad, or full fat cottage cheese, etc....) After learning how to better balance and maintain my fat intake throughout the day I now easily avoid that constant hunger I was having. Not sure if this is your issue, but may be worth looking into!!

    Okay, this actually makes the most sense to me. I typically eat more fat, but thought I'd ramp up my visible results if I cut back my fat intake a little. Yesterday I had lots of nuts and avocado and felt fine all day. Today, I had only a miniscule amount of fat. That could be the culprit right there.

    As to the rest of you who seem to think I don't know the difference between the gurgling of an upset tummy and the "growling" of a hungry tummy, I'm a grown @ss woman. I know the difference. I am actually, physically hungry. Now, I'm gonna' go eat a handful of walnuts.

    Edit: That includes "digestion noises". I didn't just hear noises and ASSUME I was hungry. I am feeling the actual gnawing hunger pangs that go along with being HUNGRY.
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    Well, I usually drink about a gallon of water per day . . . . I didn't think about the glycemic index thing. But, I ate the huge egg white omelette basically at the same time or right after I finished the protein shake and banana. Still, that with the toast could have been enough to cause a spike I suppose.

    Does other peoples' stomachs growl when they AREN'T hungry? I've never heard of that, and I've certainly never experienced it. :huh:

    That noise ur hearing are waves of muscle contractions churning up food & liquid together & pushing them downward. Moving with those ingredients are gasses and air. As everything gets pushed around, these pockets of gas and air also get squeezed and create the 'growling' ur hearing. It's not always an indicator of hunger, tho it can be. After ab two hours of the stomach emptying itself, that process I just mentioned happens again. The contractions will come & go ab every hour until u eat again.
    Everyone's stomach makes this noise & I'm sure not everyone is hungry when it does, I'm not always. I used to be though, that because people tend to relate that noise with hunger when growing up I think, so it just sticks.

    ^^^ YES!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    So, just to clarify, one more time: The title of this post is "Why am I starving?!!!!" The title is not "Am I starving?" or "Please critique my use of the word "growling." By the way, when I referred to my tummy growling, I used the term in the same way that I have always heard it used, to refer to a hungry, loudly grumbling tummy WITH the accompanying hunger pangs. So, my bad for not realizing that others use it differently or otherwise don't have the same connotations to it. And, I even put a sentence in the original post that basically said this is not one of those psychological things, I am really hungry. I apologize for YOUR confusion, or alternately hope you have enjoyed your entertainment (for those of you who troll the forums as a passtime looking for someone to p*ss off.) Have a nice day.

    For those of you who actually took my post at face value including the presumption that I knew what I was talking about when I said I was hungry, thank you. I appreciate the various suggestions/observations you have given me.
  • bitonech
    Fat is not what makes you feel full.... protein and fiber are (mostly protein), which is why the peanut butter helps with hunger is because it has a lot of protein. Here is a nice little article on it.

  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    I agree with you OP. I know the difference between hunger growling and digestive gurgling!! and there is a pain/dull sensation associated with hunger. I agree that if you have an eating disorder or problems with overeating, this may be different. But it doesn't mean everybody is.......

    Edit: I think it's just that you're doing more, so your body is demanding more. I think you're on the right track, as long as you don't made bad food choices (which it doesnt seem like you will), you can eat some more.
  • bitonech
    Edit: That includes "digestion noises". I didn't just hear noises and ASSUME I was hungry. I am feeling the actual gnawing hunger pangs that go along with being HUNGRY.

    There is also the possibility that it is stomach acid and/or acid re-flux causing the noise and hunger pains.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Wow, again with the focus on the noise and some kind of suggestion that I'm not really hungry . . . really? *sigh* Whatever.

    So, I just had a handful of walnuts and a big glass of water and waited 15 minutes. I do feel a little less hungry. SOME of the replies have made a lot of sense. Maybe I'm NOT eating enough calories to compensate for the increased intensity of my exercise. I did the calculations according to the Insanity nutrition guide, but of course it really isn't a one size fits all type of deal either. I looked at my macros again, too, and I THINK I'm doing okay in regards to protein, fiber, and even fat. So, I'm going to just bump up my calories for the duration of Insanity. And, I'm going to flip flop some of my go-to meals so I'm eating at a more appropriate glycemic index in the mornings. Thanks.
  • misslibbyh
    misslibbyh Posts: 90 Member
    What an insult to your intelligence by people thinking you can't tell if your hungry or not. You know your body better than anyone! Some of these comments are just plain rude. I agree with the posts about protein. Have some beans, egg whites, turkey or chicken or something high protein. Peanut butter doesn't stick with me. =/
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I would try to eat something more substantial for breakfast then a protein shake.
  • sunnykt
    SO! Your stomach is "Growling", if THAT's YOUR indicator that YOU are hungry then You are in trouble. If you are hungry, say so but do not use your stomach as an indicator that it means someone/you are hungry. Also, if you ate that much and are STILL hungry, it can NOT be physical; "WE" need to STOP putting HUNGER and OVEREATING on PHYSICAL NEEDS. MOST hunger Starts Psychological and Emotionally! I say you are hungry because you just finished the first week of a very strenuous program, you've been eating right and you want to "reward" yourself on your day off. That's what your "Gut" is telling you...subconsciously! Next time on your day off and you have done well PLAN a Treat for Yourself and Save the grief...JUST PLAN Ahead!!!
    This person is an idiot.
    Whenever I see comments like this my first thoughts are "what are they selling? They can't actually be this moronic can they?"
    This post was very grammatically difficult to read, and just plain insulting. It was cookie-cutter advice that doesn't apply to the situation or post.
    The only logical reason I can think of for someone to take the time out of their busy day to give such a ridiculous opinion is that they either don't speak English as a first language, or they are some kind of spammer and are using this site to sell something and they just need to get their posts up first.

    "Growling" is really one of the biggest indicators of "psychical hunger" not "emotional hunger" that is used in the English language. Saying that her delineation that this is, in fact, physical hunger must mean she is "in trouble" and that it must, thus, be emotional is illogical and annoying and shows a complete failure to understand the concept of "growling" and how it is used contextually.


    I can't actually help you with why you might be starving after you've eaten so much, maybe the food hasn't kicked in, or your body has been starving all week but your brain has overridden it because you've been busy and it is now just "kicking in". But I have no scientific proof that this even happens. Of course there is the minimal chance that it is diabetes (but that would probably be combined with feeling woozy and low on energy and unable to effectively think properly and a strong desire to just eat and eat and eat) or worms. But it's probably just because you haven't been feeding your body enough and now it's telling you it expects a big meal to make up all the calories it needs. You may even have low blood sugar without the diabetes, "normal people" low blood sugar, because your stores have been used up so quickly.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I am in my 4th week of Insanity and for the first 2 weeks I was absolutely ravenous too. It made me nervous because my burns are not excessively high (300 - 450 cals / workout). I did increase my cals by around 200 a day. A lot of people told me to eat more whilst doing Insanity. I'm not entirely convinced though. I was definitely hungrier though.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    I have no idea what causes it, but some days I'm just hungrier than others.
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    I have no idea what causes it, but some days I'm just hungrier than others.

    Sometimes I can see that I ate at a deficit for a few days (you did this a little over the week) and so maybe the body is just asking for the extra cals you used over the week from your workouts but didn't get.
    But I'm also hungrier on rest days and have found if I exercise a lot I'm less hungry and struggle to eat all my calories. Does exercise suppress appetite maybe? If so, then perhaps today your body is just trying to make up the nutrients/cals it needs to recover from the more active days.
    I'd always eat if you are hungry, but eat well, proteins etc to feed your body.
    Here in UK your tummy 'rumbles' when hungry :)
  • Aimlin
    greens are low in calories, rich in fibers, and fibers make you feel full. So when you are hungry, and you have already used your "allowed" calorie intake and don't want to go over it, go for greens... the ones you prefer. I go for green beans cooked with parsley and garlic, or carots and spices, or whatever I have handy.

    Chew. It helps with feeling satiety.

    Most of all, if you are actually hungry and it's not a craving, your body needs fuel. Listen to it.
  • athensguy
    I commiserate with you. Can't offer many suggestions, though I've considered that sometimes exercise makes you hungrier for more calories than you actually burned.
  • zoeluiisa
    I've no idea why people are giving you such a hard time over whether you're actually feeling hungry or not, when it seems pretty clear that you are. I know when I am really really hungry - my stomach growls and gnaws. It is very different from the normal gurgling that goes on all the time from digestion etc, and very different from the emotional "I want to eat". Doesn't happen often, but when it does I know about it.

    I wonder if the people who don't get what you're on about have always eaten so much they've never experienced it...

    As to WHY... can't help there. I'd just say that when you feel real hunger, you should eat.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Hunger is hunger. Are people really telling other people that hunger doesn't exist? Because it most certainly does! I feel hunger most days. Seriously, stomach pain, dizzy, feel cold HUNGER.

    Not at the moment because I am running a lot and have loads of calories (too many) to use up, but normally.

    I am always a bit surprised by people claiming hunger is just boredom or whatever. I think perhaps those people have just never experienced it.
  • msswinter
    Well, I usually drink about a gallon of water per day . . . . I didn't think about the glycemic index thing. But, I ate the huge egg white omelette basically at the same time or right after I finished the protein shake and banana. Still, that with the toast could have been enough to cause a spike I suppose.

    Does other peoples' stomachs growl when they AREN'T hungry? I've never heard of that, and I've certainly never experienced it. :huh:

    That noise ur hearing are waves of muscle contractions churning up food & liquid together & pushing them downward. Moving with those ingredients are gasses and air. As everything gets pushed around, these pockets of gas and air also get squeezed and create the 'growling' ur hearing. It's not always an indicator of hunger, tho it can be. After ab two hours of the stomach emptying itself, that process I just mentioned happens again. The contractions will come & go ab every hour until u eat again.
    Everyone's stomach makes this noise & I'm sure not everyone is hungry when it does, I'm not always. I used to be though, that because people tend to relate that noise with hunger when growing up I think, so it just sticks.

    Just to make this piece of information complete, I found the rest of the article you can find it here: http://health.howstuffworks.com/human-body/systems/digestive/stomach-growling1.htm

    So everyone can read for themselves about growling and all its uses...