Obsessing over the scale

Hello again all and thanks for your reply's to my recent post.

Now since I have started this weight journey, or any weight journey at that. I have been obsessing over the scale. Weighing myself everyday, and not seeing it go down since saturday. Now 2 saturdays ago, before I began the journey, I weighed a cool 364. This past saturday after starting this weightloss journey (I started thursday) I weighed myself on the scale and I was a cool 355.8...granted I did take a mini laxative prior that day. Now since then I weighed myself and I went up a pound or 2. Today, a week since I have been on this journey I am 357. So I am like was it water weight I lost (of course), and when will I start seeing true weightloss, or do my body fat loss needs to catch up, so expect to see that for awhile.

I do not want to get discouraged, and since being on this for a week. I do feel good in my body, I have been having energy to workout etc. So I am trying not to base anything off the scale.

If you were me, what would you do. Do the once a month weigh in. twice a week etc. Opinions, suggestions anyone. What is your take on the whole water weight loss vs fat loss.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I would weigh in once per week with very consistent circumstances. For example, in the AM after you use the restroom and with no clothing on. I would do this consistently.

    You will do yourself a favor to limit your weigh-ins based on what you've just posted.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I took a look at your diary. Perhaps more water will help?
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    You're down 7lbs though! That is a great start! Try not to get too discouraged!! Everything takes time!! Hang in there!
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    I am trying to down the water, I actually had 8 cups yesterday, I don't think I recorded it, but I did hear that when you drink more water. less water is retained.
  • LCgymnast
    Well, I don't look at the scale but about once every 3 weeks. Some say that's too little, but I truly think it's a personal preference. I have heard however that weighing yourself on a daily basis does help in weight loss goals. Yet, in your cause if it makes you discouraged maybe give it break for a bit longer. I loved what you said how you feel good in your own body and are seeing results in your energy level. That's fantastic. Be patience all the energy you have and more exercising you do...you'll see the weight melt off soon. Hope this helps out someway. Good Luck!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I will admit to being a daily weigher, but it is actually beneficial in the early stages of losing weight (in my opinion) to weigh once a week like the previous poster indicated. And, if you tend to bloat during TOM, then you may want to skip the scale that week altogether.

    Another good thing to do, which I failed to do, is take "before" pictures. When you've been eating well and exercising for a couple of months, take another shot and see how you've changed. It really can be inspiring, and help you get over the scale moving more slowly than you may like.

    But, the biggest thing you can do is STAY AT IT! Don't give up. A year from now, your body will be healthier if you keep at it. But, if you quit, you know what you'll feel like a year from now!

    Here's to your journey to better health !!
  • thoop01
    thoop01 Posts: 3 Member
    I was doing the same thing you did. It is so discouraging. Do it once a week. GOD luck
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    The number you see on the scale will fluctuate based on a lot of things. If you feel you must weigh daily then track the numbers and look at the weekly trend - as long as that is going down despite the daily up and downs then don't worry.
    Daily weigh ins are effected by things like:

    Different time of day - you way less in the morning after you take your morning dump and before you eat or drink anything.
    Change in position of the scale - floor surface and tilt in floor can change your number - carpets vs tile vs slope in floor.
    Sodium content of food prior to weigh in - causes water retention.
    TOM causes water retention
    Heavy lifting/work out can cause water retention.
    Just eating and drinking increases weight by the weight of the foods you consume but have not eliminated.
    Constipation - will go down when you take a dump.

    Just be consistent with when and how you weigh and don't sweat the day to day.

    Also more importantly track your measurements - the number on the scale can be deceptive -you can lose inches without losing pound. How do your cloths fit? How do you feel?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I would weigh in once per week with very consistent circumstances. For example, in the AM after you use the restroom and with no clothing on. I would do this consistently.

    You will do yourself a favor to limit your weigh-ins based on what you've just posted.

    This is very good advice. You truly can drive yourself crazy if you concentrate on all of the daily scale fluctuations. I have literally 'gained' 8lbs overnight due to water retention. Likewise, I have 'lost' 8lbs overnight after being very dehydrated (too much drink).

    It is not fair to yourself to base your progress on a number that fluctuates so wildly when you are dedicating so much time, energy, planning, and hard work toward reaching your goal. Don't allow yourself to be derailed by some digital numbers. Know what you need to do, check in weekly to make sure you are gradually progressing, and enjoy feeling healthier and happier with yourself. The results will follow.

    Best of luck.
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I want to do the once a week thing, today was my once a week, so I am going to hide my scale and bring it out next thursday :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    measure and weigh your foods using a food scale
    use your own foods nutritional values some of the MFP data is waaaaaaay off
    underestimate your exercise cals burned MFP values are very high
    drink water water and more water
    take measurements (as many as you can) they can tell a different story from the scale
    take photos they can tell a whole other story also

    I also stand on the scale every day but I dont obsess over the number I know it will go up and down day to day and certainly hour to hour

    I have saw my weight one month to the next go up but my measurements go down ...

    Ask yourself this question would you rather be lighter or smaller?

    lost weight is a guide, lost inches make your clothes look better!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    If you prefer to weigh in everyday, you can make it work. Just remember to record the weight (in a spread sheet usually) and compare each day's weigh in to the one the week prior. Day to Day comparisons are all but useless, but week to week comparison can help you see your weightloss as an overall trend.

    I also agree with bringing consistency to your weigh in with regards to time of day, clothing (I always do the same sports bra and panties), post-restroom use.
  • calitravelingal
    I have been on here for the last 90 days or so. I did not get real and consistent results until about midway through the 2nd month. I try and limit my scale use to once a week. I always weight in the am, naked and after using the potty. I also weight a few times, by moving the scale around the floor (I have a pretty cheep scale). I move it to double check the weight. What I have learned up to this point in my journey is that the scale is not the end all expert of how you're doing. Find other means of tracking your progress, because everything is a clue. Take your measurements, find a pair of pants you can use as a guide by seeing how they fit every week or so. If you have a scale that does it (or access to one at a gym) try and track you body fat %. Keep in mind that the ability to go longer on the treadmill this week than last week is victory too. Is it easier to breath, does your heart rate not skyrocket when doing exercise as much as 2 weeks ago? These are all victories in you journey. It's not just about weight, It's about health!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I would weigh in on Fridays...Mondays are usually a bad idea for me...lol I too like to weigh myself everyday. I am obsessed with it...try to figure out what I ate, did I go to the bathroom...was what I ate heavy...ugh...I am obsessed. I would go with one day...Friday mornings.
  • Living4Liz2012
    Any loss is amazing in my eyes....
    As far as the scale goes I use to weigh in everyday, and after awhile it made me angry and was controlling my life.
    I weigh in every week that way I can see where I need to change, improve and get my azz on track
  • discoqueen73

    Definitely just weigh yourself no more than once a week - I think anything more than that leads to stress and obsessing!

    I weigh myself in the noddy, after toilet duties first thing in the morning.

    You are doing great - keep positive! :wink:
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member
    I am a month in an no change in weigh - I have started a big excersise routine and only recently measured myself. It is hard to stay motivated especially when looking in the mirror is not helping - I do feel better and I think the least that the excersise is doing is helping my mood and energy level.
    I know it will all help. I plan to stay on the eliptical longer - 31 minutes to 45 minutes to see if that helps plus add a 10 minute abs class on M W F - I am also doing yoga twice a week.

    So for all of us not seeing it in the numbers let's rely on what we are feeling in our hearts!
    Keep going!!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Personally, I've switched to only weighing myself once per month. I use my tape measure instead. To me, it's a much better indicator of my progress and tells me where I need to be to wear smaller sized clothes.
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips, I have been to the gym like 3 days in a row, and today I am taking a break cause I am honestly soar. But I did not know that when you resistant training that you retain water, I have def been doing strength training and zumba, so that can also be another reason why the scale has not been going down, but what I am going to do is weight myself once a week, up my water intake, even if it kills me :)
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    You have to find what works for you.
    Some people are too obsessed with the scale and should not weigh more than once a week.
    Some people use it as a tool, and not a bible....
    I weigh every day, in morning naked after I pee.
    I record it if it is the same (within 1/2 lb.) two days in a row.. use higher number.
    But I also use fat calipers, and measure bust, waist, hips, forearms, thighs and calves....
    But again, that is what works for me!