Any hypothyroid folks here?

Hi Everyone,

My name is Scott I'm a type 1 diabetic with hashimoto's thyroid disease. I used to be a very very skinny guy but when I developed thyroid disease my weight started to increase about 10 pounds per year. I just hit 190 and decided it's time to loose about 20 pounds and reclaim some of the energy I have lost. Ice started doing P90 and cut my calories by quite a bit. In the past, even with diet and exercise I have been unable to loose weight and was curious if other people with thyroid disease had similar issues.



  • txflea
    txflea Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Scott. I I have hypothyroidism also. Before the medication I could walk past a cake and gain 10 pounds, it's still not easy and I usually have no energy but it can be done
  • I'm starting to feel like with working out and diet I'm getting some of the energy back. I've been able to get some sleep finally but no weight change...yet.
  • Hi Scott... I have an underactive thyroid.. and gained weight just like you... and just like you am having trouble getting rid of it... I haven't been on here very long myself... but i am finding it very useful.. counting all the food i eat..
    it is very heartbreaking seeing others lose weight and i don't.. but i have seen others with same prob as us that have lost weight... so i live in hope..
    add me as a friend and maybe we can help each other get rid of this thyriod fat we gained...
  • I have had under active thyroid for almost 12 years now. I use to think thyroid = fat, I was devastated when I learned I had this problem, but I refused to let the disease define my body type, it is a constant battle though. I also have several friends that have the same problem that with attention to diet and exercise look amazing. Your welcome to add me as a friend, and I will cheer you on along the way!
  • I can not relate to this, but can just say best of luck! I am new to this and joined because my weight seems to go up and down like a yo yo. I needed something where I could track and visually see what I was doing. So hope to get a friend or two for support!!!
  • For 20 yrs I whined and complained but no one listened. Finally last year I was fed up and insisted more tests be done. Lo and behold, my thyroid was both hyper and hypo. But more than that, one side was cancerous and the other side not. I had a thyroidectomy and am now on medication. My meds have not been stabilized yet, a year after the surgery. I gained weight after my daughter was born and was also about the time I started my complaining: which was chalked up to postpartum, female, etc etc. I am on 8 different meds. In 2000 I was diagnosed with diabetes and refused to take any meds.

    Now 12 years or 20 years, depends on who's counting, I still have a wonky thyroid with unstabilized meds. And, I AM NO LONGER A DIABETIC. I ate and exercised the big D out of my life.

    Weight loss is possible with thyroid issues, and diabetes can be beat.

    Keep eating healthy and exercising!!
  • Hi, I have been radiated and put on medication and my dosing has been changed so many times and now I am finally on the right dose and taking my meds daily and watching what I eat and exercising more. I am losing weight but very slowly. I feel healthier and I have more energy and for now thats all that matters. You need to have the energy to workout and keep motivated so I know I am on the right track.
    Feel free to add me as a friend

    Best of luck on your weight loss journey and with your health!!!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm hypo, feel free to add =)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hi Scott. I I have hypothyroidism also. Before the medication I could walk past a cake and gain 10 pounds, it's still not easy and I usually have no energy but it can be done

    This made me laugh. I hear you though. It really stinks sometimes. I was undiagnosed with mine for over 4 years. Before I got pregnant with my first daughter, who is now nearly 4 years old, I got blood work done. My levels were off back then. The doctor that ordered the blood work that time never told my primary doctor and apparently she never thought to check my file or anything. SOOOO about 7-8 months ago now, I made an appointment because of the weight gain and actually literally being unable to lose it, no matter what I was doing, counting calories and exercising, busting my butt! I'd just gain, gain, gain. 228 lbs at 5'2. I demanded they find out what's going on, sure enough. They found my levels were off that long ago and were even worse now. Gotta love it.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Hi Scott. I I have hypothyroidism also. Before the medication I could walk past a cake and gain 10 pounds, it's still not easy and I usually have no energy but it can be done

    Me too, and if I smelled cake, I gained another 5.

    I still feel like my energy levels have not corrected themselves after over a year on medication. But I am proof that weight can be lost with hypothyroidism (and I'm insulin resistant too!)
  • i also have hashimotos and yes it is very hard to lose weight for me. i usually have no energy even when on the right does of meds according to my blood work. it also seems to mess with my appetite, i am hungry alot more than i think i should be.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I have hypothyroid. It sucks :angry:
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Me me me

    I have Hypothyroidism and take medication for it daily. I have to get tested every 3 months for the rest of my life and my medication fluctuates all the time. It's very hard to lose weight and it takes a toll on you, but it can be done. So far I've lost 18 lbs in 3 months.

    Good luck and don't give up no matter how frustrating it may seem.
  • Hi Scott,
    There is a group forum for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism that you can join on here if you haven't found it already. There is a lot of good information. It can be very frustrating when no one around you understands what you're going through.
  • I have been taking thyroid or the synthetics since I was in my early twenties. Never really had a weight problem but it certainly effects my mental acuity when I do not have the meds... also there a clear lack of energy at those times.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm hypothyroid because I had a complete throidectomy at 13 (i'm now 23). I always struggled with my metabolism, though I was always thin--it was more related to my eating disorder PLUS a slow metabolism, so imagine strapping a 15 year old girl with that.

    I actually am here because I gained weight over the course of a year because of thyroidtoxicosis--TOO much thyroid, all from my thyroid medication (I had a TSH of 0 and ended up in the hospital with some pretty crazy symptoms). I'm the testament (and many on here are) to thyroid = metabolism issues, regardless of too much or too little. It's hard to find a balance!
  • Bethann680
    Bethann680 Posts: 9 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 15 years ago. I have been on medicine since then. I had gained 122 lbs since my diagnosis, yes a whole person! I also have PCOS which also causes weight gain so I thought I would always be fat. But in Jan. I decided enough was enough and I have lost 91 lbs so far. So it definitely can be done.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I've had a low thyroid for 18 years now.. I 'really' didn't have a problem until menapause I've gained over 60 lbs in the last 10 years. It is rough There's more involved than just the numbers on the lab results.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 15 years ago. I have been on medicine since then. I had gained 122 lbs since my diagnosis, yes a whole person! I also have PCOS which also causes weight gain so I thought I would always be fat. But in Jan. I decided enough was enough and I have lost 91 lbs so far. So it definitely can be done.

    Bethann you are an inspiration!!! Way to go; because we all know how extremely hard you must be trying!!!
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi Scott! Last Oct. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's and had 1/3 of my thyroid removed. Even though my TSH levels were normal I gained over 10lbs. in one month after surgery.I also was ice cold all the time & was sleeping 12 hours a day. After seeing my endochronologist, she determined I was also pre-diabetic & informed me that TSH "normal" levels can be different for everyone. She started me on a low dose of Synthroid for my thyroid and also Metformin for the pre-diabetes. I have improved greatly and have lost the 10 lbs. since being on My Fitness Pal. (it was dr. who suggested this site) Watching my calorie intake and taking my meds is helping me. Feel free to add me as a friend. Talking to others who have this condition helps. Losing weight & getting more active is very important to handling both conditions, just don't get discouraged.