Seems like I'm allowed TOO many calories??



  • sarahsummers12
    sarahsummers12 Posts: 128 Member
    I went and saw a dietician when I was breastfeeding and wanted to lose weight - and she said don't drop calories below 2000 a day because even though you may still produce the milk, the quality of it lowers. So I would eat what they give you and see how it goes but stay as close to the 2000 as you can if you decide to drop it. You don't want bubba missing out :-)
  • Yes, this is what I've heard too! Thanks :)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Also, 2 pounds a week is a) really difficult to sustain for a length of time and b) too extreme for a nursing mother.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I got through 1600 so fast lol. It sounds right just try to make it 5 small meals a day. That's 320 calories a meal. I'm sure you'd have no problem thinking of it like that.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    My baby is 7 months now and I was bfeeding 'till now. I did strenuous cardio (HIIT) and I thought I wasnt eating too low. I was wrong. MFP had calculated my base to start with lower than my bmr. Plus I wasnt all sure about my calories. I was eating about 2000 calories or more. Most of the time I ate all or atleast most my burned calories back( if you have a deficit already eating the calories back will still give you a deficit, not eating them will increase it and might be too low). Anyway, even by doing this my milk supply decreased and baby's gain wasnt all that good. I lost almost all the weight but at what cost? I'm supplementing now. I stopped exercising because I wasnt sure If my milk will decrease more. None of this was worth it for me, Im dissapointed that I put my weightloss first. I really wanted to bfeed and I dont make much milk now. If you want to continue your weightloss & exercise do yourself and baby a favor find your bmr,tdee and milk calculator to make this accurate. This is a milk calculator link.

    You can find out how many ounces your baby can consume by his weight. Then you can look up on the foods breastmilk by ounces and get -20 calories back for each ounce. Dont try to lose so fast. Dont even take my word for it. Talk to a professional.
  • arcticfox: great way to put it! Thanks.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Enjoy it. I stuffed my face like a growing teenage boy when I was nursing and I dropped a lot of weight.
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    That's one of the reasons I exercise so I can eat more. Love being able to splurge a little. Keeps me from binging.
  • Haha, I'm not complaining! I just thought for sure I should feel more deprived than I do. I've had a ton of food today and still have calories to spare. I was doing it all wrong before.... eating the right things allows for more food, yay!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Cool huh? Funny how people seem to think you need to starve yourself to lose weight. You sure don't. All you need is to burn more than you eat. magic.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Haha, I'm not complaining! I just thought for sure I should feel more deprived than I do. I've had a ton of food today and still have calories to spare. I was doing it all wrong before.... eating the right things allows for more food, yay!

    If you feel satiated then stop. I ate a lot when nursing, but I was really hungry, all the time. Listen to your body.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    The last thing you should feel is deprived. Thats the road that leads straight to a binge and to feeling frustrated all the time. What you should feel is...great! Energized, healthy. And proud of yourself for making positive changes in your life.