9 month Update! Down 133 Pounds! (Pictures)

Some Afternoon Thoughts:

Having been overweight puts the weight-loss process in a different perspective. Its much more than just trying to lose the weight that makes this process so difficult. Having been “obese” myself, the mental aspect of the journey was my hardest obstacle. Always being “the funny guy with the great personality,” was my comfort zone. I would always think that if I could make people laugh, then they would be more approving of me and see past my physical appearance. The Gym, oh how I use to hate going to the gym. I would go for a few days then be MIA for months. Walking into the gym was always tough, negative thoughts crossed my head from the moment I walked in to the moment I left. It was almost like all eyes where on me and everyone thinking, Yup, He definitely needs to be here! I complete understand first hand, the stress that being overweight causes emotionally and mentally. It’s a constant thought that never goes aw...ay. But on a positive note, all of this is something that can be overcome. I now understand that people do like me because I have a great personality and that everyone who goes to the gym goes for the same reason, to exercise and get fit. I can assure you that if I can reach my weight-loss goal, you can too. It takes will power, mind power, and a lot of discipline to achieve, but it can be done! I thank everyone for the motivation and encouragement that was giving to me throughout my process. That little pat on the back and the “good job” meant more than you thought it did. Believe me! Making the impossible, POSSIBLE! And for all those Negative Nancy’s, I thank you too. All you did was make me want to work harder! Yes I lost 100 pounds in 4 months and NO I didn’t have surgery!

You can see my blog at

We just got our new faculty pictures in..... comparison to last years!!


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