The Ketosis Diet - Any opinions?



  • leftoverbun
    leftoverbun Posts: 111 Member
    The ketosis diet puts the body in an acidic state. Acidic states not only take the body out of it's natural balance, they have been linked to inflammation and cancer. I would not recommend it as a long term option.
    you could not be further from the truth.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I wouldn't start any diet that sounds like a disease. Just sayin'! :tongue: :laugh: :laugh:
  • The ketosis diet puts the body in an acidic state. Acidic states not only take the body out of it's natural balance, they have been linked to inflammation and cancer. I would not recommend it as a long term option.


    This last focus point is the danger of ketoacidosis. This occurs when the level of ketones in the blood gets out of control, this happens because ketones are acidic only as long as they are floating around waiting to be burned. If the level of ketones in the blood rises out of control it would lower the pH of the blood and this could result in death. BUT, this is not a concern for the non-diabetic whatsoever because for the non-diabetic blood sugar levels are kept low by our bodies and it will only allow so many ketones to be manufactured at one time. In the diabetic person blood sugar can rise as high as 300-2000mg/dl, where as normal being around 80-120. Also when this happens the low insulin to glucagon ratio causes ketogenesis to be stimulated, this is where the person can run into ketoacidosis.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hold protein and cals constant and keto diets show no advantage in fat loss
  • I love the keto diet. I am full, my skin has cleared up and I have more energy than ever. I am not highly overweight, but has a few lbs to lose. I drink a ton more water and eat way healthier, more natural foods than on a 'low-fat' diet. It focuses on natural foods. You NEED fats in your diet, as well as proteins. I get all the carbs (VERY little) I need from veggies. Fruit is a treat. I know it sounds crazy, but it has helped my GERD as well as my allergies. It is hard to get your head around, so read up on it. Try it yourself. It works for me - and I'll continue to live this way. Doc confirms I am healthy. :-)

    EDIT: Also, I zumba 3-4 times a week and lift heavy 3x a week. I have so much more energy and my body loves it!
  • Webona293
    Webona293 Posts: 39 Member
    Once you start eating carbs again all that weight you lost will come back with a vengance! So unless you plan on eating like that for the rest of your life calorie deficit is the only way to go.
  • Webona293
    Webona293 Posts: 39 Member
    not only will you gain weight back when you stop the diet, there have been studies done with people who did atkins and people who lost weight old fashioned way (calorie defecit and exercise) and at the end of a year they all lost the same amount of weight. The atkins just lost it faster but had same end result as the ones who still ate carbs.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Once you start eating carbs again all that weight you lost will come back with a vengance! So unless you plan on eating like that for the rest of your life calorie deficit is the only way to go.

    no it won't if you keep to the same calorie level, you will regain some water weight once you add in carbohydrates again but that's irrelevant. Fat loss =/= weight loss.

    I'm not even a fan of low carb dieting but statements like this are nonsense.
  • dickymint678
    dickymint678 Posts: 38 Member

    Sorry but I have to advise you that Ketosis is a natural body function. It's how the body fuels the Brain and CNS when there are no carbs available to use. We are designed to run this way when needed. When carbs are not available, we use fat to run most of the body's functions and ketones to run the dependent organs.
  • Got to be honest, ketosis is not a great thing. When your body is lacking carbs it eats itself to replace. I was on a no carb diet for a while (bit like atkins) and went to the doctors for an unrelated issue, had a urine test and he commented on the "keytones" in my sample.
    It does have great effects but puts extreme pressure on the kidneys.

    I am a typical yo-yo dieter and unfortunately it comes back to the same old thing - you have to change your life style, quick dfixes never last.
    Hopefully the detail available on this site will highlight visually my transgressins and where I need to show some restraint.

    Anyway good luck whatever you decide.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I've been maintaining a very low carb diet since the beginning of May. I've done this same diet in the past and unfortunately quit. I didn't know till recently that it is called a ketosis diet. My doctor recommended this diet to get my diabetes under control without medication. It works for me. It gives me far more benefits than just weight loss. The weight loss, for me, is a bonus. When my carb intake is very low I have more energy, I sleep better, my gums don't bleed, my bgl are under control, my A1C dropped, my back and joints don't hurt as much, I don't retain excess water, my bowels are more regular, I'm not gassy, heartburn is gone, I don't crave cake and sweets, I could go on and on about how a low carb diet benefits my body.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    Once you start eating carbs again all that weight you lost will come back with a vengance! So unless you plan on eating like that for the rest of your life calorie deficit is the only way to go.

    no it won't if you keep to the same calorie level, you will regain some water weight once you add in carbohydrates again but that's irrelevant. Fat loss =/= weight loss.

    I'm not even a fan of low carb dieting but statements like this are nonsense.

    I was going to say the same thing...That is just a dumb comment. I'm also not into the whole Ketosis thing, but eating carbs again wont make all that weight come back unless you are eating above maintenance.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Got to be honest, ketosis is not a great thing. When your body is lacking carbs it eats itself to replace. I was on a no carb diet for a while (bit like atkins) and went to the doctors for an unrelated issue, had a urine test and he commented on the "keytones" in my sample.
    It does have great effects but puts extreme pressure on the kidneys.

    The body does eat your fat stores, so I don't see how that's a bad thing. Keto is a good way to have a calorie deficit with minimum muscle loss. Also, your kidneys are working a little overtime to flush out the ketones, but the number one rule of ketosis is to drink water. LOTS of water.

    Calories in vs. calories out is how you lose weight. Keto is one way to help with a calorie deficit that won't leave you starving for more food since you're taking in high fats and moderate protein.

    I still follow MFP's calorie guidelines just like everyone else here. I just adjusted my macros to reflect low carb eating.
  • I personally would not do anything to lose weight that you can't do for the rest of your life. Do you really want to give up things like bread, bagels, pizza, tortillas, pasta, and scones for the rest of your life?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Got to be honest, ketosis is not a great thing. When your body is lacking carbs it eats itself to replace. I was on a no carb diet for a while (bit like atkins) and went to the doctors for an unrelated issue, had a urine test and he commented on the "keytones" in my sample.
    It does have great effects but puts extreme pressure on the kidneys.

    Calories in vs. calories out is how you lose weight. Keto is one way to help with a calorie deficit that won't leave you starving for more food since you're taking in high fats and moderate protein.

    Wouldn't you actually be eating less food if you're eating high fats as fats are the most calorie dense of all the macros?
  • im on it now its awesome
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Ketones are produced whenever your body burns fat. If you are on ANY diet and losing body fat then you are producing ketones. Your body uses those ketones for energy. If you produce more ketones than your body needs for energy the excess spills into your urine and is disposed of. That is ketosis. All weight loss diets include an element of carbohydrate deficit. If you eat enough carbs to maintain the energy your body needs then you do not burn fat for energy and you will not lose body fat. If you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs for energy, the excess carbohydrates get stored as fat and you gain weight.
  • I did this when I joined Lindora and lost about 50 lbs in 4 months but gained it back very quickly plus some.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Anything that has some random word, followed by "diet" ([word] diet) is not good for you, and will not give you sustainable, long-term results. Don't do it, and just eat healthy. Track your calories, and exercise, and you'll lose the weight.

    I've personally lost 20 lbs in 2.5 months, and I'm following MFP. When I started, I was eating maintenance, but I cut out all processed foods so I could test for food allergies. I haven't done any "diet" to do this.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Can I eat a lot of raspberries and get their ketones to make me go into ketosis?