What was your moment of "enough is enough"?

I went shopping with my husband for a Labor Day outfit, since we were going on a lunch cruise down the river. We went to "Torrid" and I was trying on clothes and burst into tears seeing that even big women clothes didn't look good on me. I knew at that moment I absolutely needed to make a lifestyle change. I was so disappointed in myself for letting my weight get so out of control and very embarassed to even step outside the dressing room to show my husband. I am happy to say that I feel like I'm finally on the right track and I did find an outfit to wear on Labor Day.

What was your defining moment?


  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    About once a month for 3 years, after I injured my knee.

    The thing that actually kicked it into gear was when I was doing a hypo-allergenic diet and ended up losing 10 lbs in a week with it.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    When nothing in my closet fit anymore and I knew it was either lose weight or go to a bigger size. I was already miserable at the size I was so I definately didn't want to do that. Now everything in my closet is getting to big. I am ok with that though lol
  • When I almost said no to going on a beach holiday simply because I was going to be surrounded by a bunch of skinny girls in bikinis and I would once again feel uncomfortable in my shorts and tshirt routine.

    I ended up going along, not in a bikini but 15 pounds lighter. 15 pounds to go and I will finally be at my goal weight!
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    This guy told me he liked my personality and I was awesome, but I was too fat to date.

    Breaking point for me. I don't talk to him anymore because I'm better than that, but it ticked me off. I'm proud of myself and who I am.

    To be clear, I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. I just want to be all around fabulous. That's my motivation :)
  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    i had been gaining weight slowly over my first year of marriage and had to keep going to goodwill to get bigger and bigger clothes to just "hold me over" till the weight came off. you can see where this one is going... it never just came off. eventually it got to where my fat rolls actually hurt throughout the day because they were just sitting on top of each other. it felt better to lay down and let all that fat just breathe. lol. weird and gross but true. i was sick of being in pain in my one pair of goodwill pants.
  • My BG and LDL levels after my last physical.
  • ACosby1108
    ACosby1108 Posts: 6 Member
    My "enough is enough" moment was when I weighed in at my first watch watchers meeting (yesterday). I nearly cried when I saw the scale because I'm the heaviest that I've ever been, including while I was pregnant with my son. It broke my heart and made me so upset that I let myself get this far off track. I hope that I will get back on track and look forward to the moral support that I can find here! I'm new to the site and already love everything it has to offer!
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    Enough is Enough when I filled the prescription for high blood pressure medication for 60 some odd dollars :mad: .... I thought this is stupid... I deal with health insurance at work... I know where this is going... I'm going to be paying out the ying yang for this extra weight if I don't get it off.... 17 months later and 139.5 pounds lighter... I still have 40 to go... but I'm a lot closer to it now than I was a year and half ago!!!


    Just get started and KEEP GOING!!!!!
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    Enough is Enough when I filled the prescription for high blood pressure medication for 60 some odd dollars :mad: .... I thought this is stupid... I deal with health insurance at work... I know where this is going... I'm going to be paying out the ying yang for this extra weight if I don't get it off.... 17 months later and 139.5 pounds lighter... I still have 40 to go... but I'm a lot closer to it now than I was a year and half ago!!!


    Just get started and KEEP GOING!!!!!

    Thats amazing!
  • Seeing photos of myself on vacation in Mexico (June 2012). Also, seeing other women wearing exactly the same dresses I was wearing from a plus size store & thinking...'Is that what I look like?'. I've lost substantial amounts of weight twice before in my life, so I KNOW I can do it, I KNOW HOW to do it. Getting to a point where depression no longer rules my life and KNOWING I am worth doing this for. I feel committed to this LIFE change & don't view it as a diet or a race. I am changing the way I treat food and my body for the rest of my life. It is not about the finish line or being a specific weight. It is about the journey and creating realistic, healthy goals & choices.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    I was loading pics from my camera in feb. I saw a picture of myself in a pair of jeans that did not fit any longer. The worse part was I was just thinking how fat and unhappy I looked in the picture then I noticed the jeans. I started to workout that same day.
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    My enough is enough moment was when... We did family pictures last Thanksgiving... one look at myself and I knew something had to change. Since then I have lost 30 lbs!! Still need to lose a lot more, but it's a start.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I had countless of those moments.
    I just picked one and went with it!

    I remember that it was a Saturday night. Last April. And decided that Sunday was the day.
    It's been a lot of fun, really.:smile:
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    When Nich gave me our daughter to hold her, I carried her up a flight of stairs to our apartment and got winded so bad that I snapped at him to take her back. I thought I'd drop her. My heart was beating so fast.

    She's so close to walking. By the time she's able to really run and play I want to play with her without having to stop every thirty seconds. We want to have more kids but we've forbidden ourselves from it until we've both lost weight. By the time we've lost the weight in a healthy way, we will be ready and our daughter Scarlett, should be out of diapers.
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    My enough is enough moment is when I got in a big fight with my boyfriend basically because I have jealousy issues. I realized my jealousy has gotten bad since I put on weight and that no matter what happens between he and I, I need to be happy with myself and get my confidence back.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I've had a number of enough is enough moments but this last one was the one that told me if I didn't change my eating habits and start to exercise I was going to die.
    I had been diagnosed with Diabetes and was seeing a doctor that gave me medicine to try keeping my blood sugars down. Going into denial I continue to eat most of the items that I've been eating for years, in my mind I'm thinking I'm taking the pills I'll be OK. Well as the year progressed so did my diabetes, my blood sugars were off the chart, I began having all kinds of trouble all over my body. I finally broke down and saw a better doctor, the one thats taking care of my wife. He told me that the foods I'm eating are killing me, that my blood sugar was to high, my blood pressure was too high and my cholesterol was to high. We changed my diet, we changed my medicine and I began to exercise. I'm doing great and feel fantastic.
  • I was already having trouble sleeping at night cause I felt so heavy and uncomfortable when I tried to lay on my side. (I'm a side sleeper) I was spending a lot of nights sleeping in my recliner. The moment came for me when I realized my 'big' clothes were too small (even though I was wearing my pants unzipped with a long shirt over them to cover up) and I needed a larger size.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    ...when I realized that none of the retail stores, even the big person stores, carried clothing in my size.

    Now I've gone from a 5x (and pushing to grow out of those!) to a solid 2x, and still getting smaller!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    The day my doctor said, "well I guess now you can consider yourself officially diabetic" after looking at my lab results.
  • When my last granddaughter was born. She was an OOPS for my daughter at 43. I looked at the picture much later and did not recognize the Nanna I had been to all my older GRANDS....