What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    When I went to the doctor for the chest pain I had been having, terrified that it was heart related, and was told that it was acid reflux. I was very relieved, but also knew that at 40 years old and morbidly obese, it was only a matter of time before it was something else. And the fact that I could either make some dietary changes, or take the little purple pill for the rest of my life to stop the burning in my chest. It seemed ridiculous to take medicine for something I could fix myself. Best decision I ever made!
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    This guy told me he liked my personality and I was awesome, but I was too fat to date.

    Breaking point for me. I don't talk to him anymore because I'm better than that, but it ticked me off. I'm proud of myself and who I am.

    To be clear, I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. I just want to be all around fabulous. That's my motivation :)

    ^this is awesome! Good for you and I love that you added that you're doing this for you.
  • LeslieC1970
    I have gained and lost weight many times but my real moment was when I sat down to put on shoes and I was having problems reaching the shoe strings because my stomach was too big. That was followed shortly after by a picture of me that shocked me into seeing that I was obese.
    I went back to the gym last month and hired a personal trainer to hold myself accountable and drop the 70 lbs that is risking my health. The weight is dropping slowly but my stomach and legs are shrinking and I feel more in control of where my weight is goind. Good luck to you!
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    When a drunken coworker told me at the xmas party I was 'fat for a vegetarian' and then looking at photos and realising he was right. I will be at least ten kilos lighter at this years party.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Being 197 pounds and 5'1. I almost hit 200 and for my height that is outrageous. I'm still curvy but at an acceptable weight. It's a struggle I will continue for the rest of my life.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My BG and LDL levels after my last physical.

    I don't know what a BG level is, but for me, it was total cholesterol (202) and LDL too.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    When a drunken coworker told me at the xmas party I was 'fat for a vegetarian' and then looking at photos and realising he was right. I will be at least ten kilos lighter at this years party.

    Honestly, I hate telling people I'm a vegetarian b/c I know they are silently (and sometimes not so silently) thinking what your coworker said.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    My BG and LDL levels after my last physical.

    I don't know what a BG level is, but for me, it was total cholesterol (202) and LDL too.

    I'm guessing Blood Glucose.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I had two of these moments.

    One was my friend posting pictures of me at the woods back in August '11. I looked absolutely massive.

    The second (and the one that really pushed me into action, after a week or so of just being really depressed about it) when I had to go for a job interview and had no formal clothes, so I had to go buy some. I had to try on size 16 (US 12) clothes and even those looked terrible because they were getting so tight, but I refused to even entertain the idea of trying on a size 18/US 14. I almost broke down in the changing rooms. I didn't even go to the interview in the end.
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    When my doctor told me how high my chloesterol was and given me 6 months to get it under control myslef or at my re-visit he will put me on meds. By golly, I will handle on my own. It was an eye opener because heart attacks/heart problems does run in my family. Talk about a wake up call! I have too much life to live for :smile: I love my family & myslef too much to put my life at risk.
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    My moment was in June. My bf and i went to a resort for our 2 year anniversary and they ahve an indoor water park. i made excuses to not even go and swim or go on all the cool slides because i knew i would not look good in a bathing suit. that same weekend my bf took a picture of me standing in the hallway of the condo and once i saw it i about died!! i felt so ashamed that i was literally SO wide!! i oculdnt believe that thats how i truly look from another persons persepective.

    all in all i just decided im sick of having to wear layers of shirts (the lacy kind), im sick of not being able to wear shorts and skirts during the summer, feeling super self-conscoius when we go on my parents boat, and quite frankly i feel incredibly unattractive in the bedroom, if you catch my drift.

    i am doing this to better ME!!!

    think about this: how long do you enjoy that naughty snack? whether it be a candy bar, ice cream, whatever your temptation is. how long would you say it takes to devour it? a whole 30 seconds? 1 minute? think about this now, how many minutes, hours a DAY do you think about how unhappy you are with your overall appearance and unhealthiness? for me, it would easily be all day long. that feeling is a constant in my mind! so is it really WORTH it to induldge in some yummy food for a whole 30 seconds when really all those yummy foods are the reason we feel this way OVERALL?? the answer is NO! Now if only we can all overcome temptation... its not easy in the slightest..

    just food for thought:)

    good luck with the weight loss and happier lifestyle everyone!!
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    My BG and LDL levels after my last physical.

    I don't know what a BG level is, but for me, it was total cholesterol (202) and LDL too.

    I'm guessing Blood Glucose.

    i LOVE your pug picture!! :happy:
  • Kakalina2
    Kakalina2 Posts: 26 Member
    This is so totally embarrassing but it was when I sat down and the toilet seat broke in half. I mean, really! Several years ago I was on a treadmill when the tread broke and threw me off.

    I broke my shoulder, collarbone and dislocated my arm. Long story short, by time I was up and about I had gained almost 60 pounds. Since then I had gained another 30-40 pounds. Being older and retired I just hadn't noticed how big I had gotten.

    That was April and I have endeavored to change my lifestyle habits since then. I have lost 65 pounds. I have 40 more to lose. I will do it!
  • AnnefromMiss
    My "aha" moment was really more of a "holy crap" moment. I'm 43 and getting married for the first time. I never thought I would get married so when I met someone that I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with I thought I would do it up right. My cousin and I went shopping for wedding dresses just to see what was out there. I tried on a couple and was not thrilled. I tried on the third and it was definitely THE ONE. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I took my Mom and MiL to be to see it along with a couple of my bridesmaids. I was so excited because I thought I looked so great in it. One of my girls took a pic of me in it. I was looking at it later and was honestly horrified that that's what I looked like in the dress. I don't know what's worse, that everyone thought I looked great (how bad do I look every other day?) or that I clearly have no clue how big I really am! The delusional filter on my brain has been working serious overtime I guess. So, I have joined up with MFP, I'm on my way to pick up our fancy new exercise bike tonight and I'm done pretending my knee is sore because of the weather. I'm fat, I'm not fit but I refuse to stay that way!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    Enough is Enough when I filled the prescription for high blood pressure medication for 60 some odd dollars :mad: .... I thought this is stupid... I deal with health insurance at work... I know where this is going... I'm going to be paying out the ying yang for this extra weight if I don't get it off.... 17 months later and 139.5 pounds lighter... I still have 40 to go... but I'm a lot closer to it now than I was a year and half ago!!!


    Just get started and KEEP GOING!!!!!

    Thats amazing!

    Congratulations on the huge weight loss and good luck on your continued journey.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I had 3 such moments:

    1. January 2012, the first weigh-in for the Biggest Loser challenge on base. 191.8 lbs. I guess I'd been in freakin' denial! The next 2 weigh-ins, still at 191.8 lbs. *sigh. ...

    2. February 2012, I thought I might be starting to "lose" and went to Buckle to try on some jeans. When size 12 Rock Revivals gave me muffin top, I left nearly in tears. I started working out more from that point. I started seeing a loss on the scale.

    3. Mid-March 2012, 11 lbs down (180.6 lbs). I had a visit with an old friend who I hadn't seen in years. She posted some photos from the visit on FB and tagged me in them. I promptly untagged myself and burst into tears. I looked HUGE! Denial, over! My husband had just started using MyFitnessPal and I joined, too. 43 more lbs are gone now.
  • yvonnemoore003
    I had planned on getting started again back in June but I was dealing with a health issue and had major surgery 7 weeks ago. Now I feel I have a new lease on life and want to be the best me that I can be. So I started tracking on MFP again and walked for 30 minutes on my treadmill last night. I know I can't pust myself too hard on the excercise right now. My incision site is a little sore this morning but I can eat well, drink water, track what I do, and rebuild my strength.
  • mariiyah
    mariiyah Posts: 136 Member
    my friends mom wanted to gift all her daughters friends an outfit for Diwali (indian festival) and she bought me a size 24 when i was actually size 18.
    to my face she was all apologetic and promised to return it and get me a proper sized one and i told her never mind, we actually had a good laugh about it.
    then later i heard her talking to a lady in the living room 'dont know why she wants to keep it, what a waste of money since she wont be able to wear it' and the lady was like: 'oh, she'll grow into it'

    i was so mad to hear that someone could say that. :angry:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Honestly, there was no "one" moment, but rather a series of events. The final event was someone posting this website on Facebook. The rest is history.
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    When I went to go tie my shoes/boots and I had to hold my breath...