

  • butchiesmom
    butchiesmom Posts: 5 Member
    I'm so in :)

    5'3"- 178
    GW- 158
    ugw- 145

    Thanks !
  • SKelley1218
    SKelley1218 Posts: 43 Member
    I would like to join!
    CW: 174
    GW for the challenge: 160

    Goals: drink more water and work out at least 4-5 times a week
  • lherz
    lherz Posts: 27
    I would like to join too.

    Current Weight: 150
    Goal weight by 12/15/12: 140

    Goals are: 1. Decrease diet cokes by one a day 2. Drink more water daily 3. Exercise 5-6 times a week in the morning 4. To exercise consistently (I have a habit of taking a week off a month) 5. Stay within calorie limit and log food every day.

    Best wishes to everyone!
  • Mandysc
    Mandysc Posts: 33 Member
    I am in! I need a push of motivation!


    Goals is to drink more water less pop,start working out everyday, and to have more confidence in myself!
  • sundog10
    sundog10 Posts: 1,413 Member
    Count me in too; I need a push

    CW 120
    GW 108

    I am short, not even 5 feet.

    Goals: I have a marathon in October but i tend to slack off running. My goal is to keep up my mileage after i run it. I also need to drink more water, log my food diary, and start being more social. I tend to hang with the dog too much;
  • jabmzmom
    9-15 walked 1 mile today
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    ive been slackin but am starting fresh today, great day for my, ate healthy and got a good workout in, lets do this people
    as of this morning
    CW 149.8
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Weighed in, took measurements. Logged everything I ate or drank. Stayed within my WW points+, drank all my water, did L2D2 of 30 day shred. Good 1st day. Now for the other 89 :)
  • erd2011
    I'm just in time to kick off with everybody else. :)

    Name of my personal challenge: Baby Weight Be Gone
    Goal: Lose 15 of the remaining 25 lbs of my baby weight
    How: Healthy and conscientious eating, daily exercise, diligent MFP tracking

    Today - 14 calories over (whoops), did walk outside for 20 mins, did have a good diet day. I even stopped at one single Oreo, my only "sweet" today.
  • DL21Smith
    DL21Smith Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in!! I'm 5'7 and 254 lbs. My goal is 145.
  • Kimmierj
    Kimmierj Posts: 2 Member
    I'M IN
  • digitalflowa
    Hello, i'm in!

    GW: 150

    After having my son i never had the motivation to lose all the weight I gained. I want to be healthy and be able to fit in my old clothes again.
  • DeeChan634
    I'm In, definitely!

    SW: 155
    GW: 135
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Am I too late to join???
  • jabmzmom
    9-16 walk/run on treadmill for 30 minutes and then worked my biceps and triceps
  • CaseyAllyssa
    CaseyAllyssa Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in. I always want to do these challenges but end up falling short... Not this time =]

    My goals: 1) Get my 5k time to below 30 minutes.
    2) Build enough lean muscle to lower my body fat percentage by at least 2%.
    3) Eliminate one of my usual, unhealthy food choices each day, and replace it with a healthier option.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    where did everyone go, I havent had a computer the past 2 weeks and just got it back, wanted to pop in and see how everyone was doing, and no one is posting. so how is everyone doing?
  • facebones
    Checking in!

    9/15: 285
    10/15: 278.4

    I'm so excited!
  • reneejcam
    reneejcam Posts: 22 Member
    Where do we enter our weight for the 30 days (15 October) is there a different topic ect...
  • mindphluxxx
    I'll check in as well!

    15th September- SW: 159lbs
    2nd November- CW: 154lbs

    GW: 147lbs

    UGW: 140lbs